
Chapter 123 Countdown

In the blink of an eye, there are only three days remaining before the official start of the LSPL trials.

Online registration has closed.

The major e-sports media announced the rankings of each competition area, and finally updated the final version.

As expected, within the subsequent registration time limit, many strong dark horse teams emerged from each major competition area, severely impacting the original ranking of the combat power list, which can be said to be completely disrupted.

Many melon-eating netizens on the Internet couldn’t help but sigh after reading the list:

If this LSPL trial hadn't been so grand and grand, they would never have imagined that there were so many top players in the national server.

this time……

A swarm of bees rushed into the trial.

It’s clear that we are aiming for those 6 LSPL spots.

Of course, although there are endless dark horse teams in each major competition area, teams with sufficient strength and foundation are still firmly at the forefront of their respective competition area rankings.

In the Magic City subdivision, the top three teams are still Jiutian, Meilan and TO.

Let its ranking at the back of the list fluctuate.

These three traditional domestic giants have always been in the top three and are unbeatable.

For example, the ranking of the decisive team that Lin Feng signed up for in the Magic City Division was also affected to a certain extent, falling to 46th.

However, this kind of thing is nothing at all.

"Rankings are all fictitious, real strength is the last word."

Huangxue Yege curled his lips after looking at the combat power list of the Magic City Division, and made such a comment rather disapprovingly.

In his opinion, this kind of ranking does not make much sense at all. If he is responsible for the sorting, he will not care about anything else. First, let Lin Feng's decisive team lock the number one spot on the list - or even Not only the first place in the Magic City Division, but also the first place in the national strength rankings of the entire LSPL selection.

Of course, Lin Feng and the others on the decisive team did not take such trivial matters to heart.

Let the rankings go.

Regardless of external assessments, their daily preparation training will continue as usual.

So what if it is really ranked first on the list?

Aren't you still being taught a disgraceful and submissive manner by Senior No. 1 in the God Club training room?

Therefore, during this period of time, there was a turmoil on the Internet. The only task of Lin Feng and others every day was to deal with the various training plans arranged by Senior No. 1, racking their brains and trying their best to find ways to make them capable on Senior's side. Barely satisfied.

Lin Feng's decisive team was not the only one who was also extremely busy.

Amelia Su is really busy during this period.

She can't even make up for the live broadcast time. The closer the LPSL trials are, as the on-site commentator for the Magic City subdivision, and this is the first time she has taken on the main commentator position, the amount of preparation work she has to do can only be described as terrifying. .

Even if she just goes to preview the basic information of the top 30 and 50 teams in the competition area, it is enough to give her a headache.

However, Su Da’s commentator is also a Virgo character who strives for perfection, and his requirements for himself are much higher and stricter than other commentators. Therefore, when Lin Feng occasionally went home to live during this period, he was ready to turn off the lights and go to sleep. , you can also hear Sister Xue’s voice gnashing her teeth while memorizing a thick pile of information from the bedroom next door...

It’s not just Amelia Su either.

Everyone is actually busy.

As the trials draw closer, staff from various electrical associations branches have also officially begun to prepare and operate various aspects of work including venues, schedules, and business sponsorships for their respective competition areas.

This can even be regarded as an unprecedented attempt at a super-standard selection event.

The order was conveyed from the Electric Power Association headquarters.

Descending layers.

Tightly linked.

There are people supervising and responsible for every link, with enough manpower to go all out.

Because it is not only the professional players in the national server LPL division, but also all the staff in the entire national server e-sports circle. They are all holding their breath because of the defeat in this year's finals. In addition, next year's S League finals The host location is in China, and they have made a promise to all players in the entire Chinese server to "leave the Summoner's Trophy in the Bird's Nest."

And this is not an empty promise.

What it means is that from now on, everything should have a completely new look.

The LSPL trials three days later will be the beginning of this new atmosphere.

This head...

It must be opened!

On the second to last day of the countdown to the start of the competition, Tang Bingyao still followed her master Bullet in the Internet cafe. After finishing the teaching training that night, Bullet expressed his intention to leave his beloved apprentice.

The girl was a little surprised when she heard this. She opened her eyes wide and looked at the man in front of her who she already regarded as her close elder:

"Master... want to go back?"

"Why don't you stay and watch the game? The trials are about to start."

For a girl, she can truly feel her progress and growth during this period, which is absolutely inseparable from her master's teachings, and it is not easy to be able to test the results and submit her own results. When it was time to answer the question, the other party wanted to say goodbye and leave.

Bullet looked at his beloved disciple in front of him with a faint smile on his face:


"Been here too long."

"There are some things that need to be dealt with back home."

"Not just you, I also have some responsibilities that I have to shoulder."

Without explaining this to the girl, the top legend of the previous generation in North America reached out and lovingly touched the head of his disciple in front of him:


"It's just a small scene like this. It doesn't make much difference whether I'm here or not."

"Use what you have learned during this period of time into full play in this competition..."

"No one can stop your offensive rhythm."

The last day of the countdown to kickoff.

Countless teams from all major competition areas that have signed up for the competition have entered the final intense and busy stage. Even if there is only a little time left in the last day, they all want to use it as much as possible to train and prepare for the competition, and further improve their status to meet the competition. The competition and challenge are coming tomorrow.

But equally, there are some people who seem to have a calm and leisurely attitude.

Magic City.

Jing'an District.

Soothing music is playing in a cocktail bar with a quiet atmosphere.

There were several people sitting at the wine table.

If Lin Feng were present, he would not be able to help but open his eyes and realize that Senior No. 1 is among them.

You know, for No. 1, except for gatherings with a few other companions and old friends, he rarely appears in other so-called social and entertainment venues. To be able to invite him to the scene, the only thing is God Big face.

Or, it was a past relationship that was deep enough.

Leaning leisurely on the comfortable sofa chair, playing with the tall cocktail glass in his hand, as if looking at the psychedelic and beautiful wine in the glass, No. 1 raised his head, glanced at the other three people at the table, and smiled:

"There are quite a few people here."

Even more, the next chapter seems to be around 10 o'clock, so go away and continue typing.

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