
Chapter 111 The level of the coach

Six or seven days have passed since Zhang Xin and a few friends decided to form a team to sign up for the LSPL trials.

Six or seven days is not a long time.

But not short either.

It's enough for such a new team to gradually start to adapt and develop a little bit of tacit understanding.

Likewise, it is enough to make some of the original doubts and prejudices swept away by the facts.

Lin Ziyang is one of the representatives.

A few days ago, in a convenience store, when Zhang Xin announced Zhou Mo's identity as coach to the team members, Lin Ziyang was the first person who couldn't help but raise questions and objections. He felt that his My cousin, who is a senior in high school, is more suitable for this position.

But now, a few days later...

If he were asked to make his choice again, this team's ADC member would definitely give his answer without even thinking:

"It must be Brother Mo!"

"Huh? My cousin? How can that guy compare with Mo Ge? Don't be kidding!"

Now Lin Ziyang has surpassed Zhang Xin and become Zhou Mo's number one loyal supporter.

There is no other reason.

Just because during these six or seven days, he was the one in the team who most directly and truly benefited from Zhou Mo's teachings.

At the very beginning of the team training, several junior high school boys were actually not very convinced of Zhou Mo's identity as a coach. Zhou Mo himself had never been a coach, so everyone was relatively unfamiliar and clumsy when it came to getting along.

Sometimes even if Zhou Mo kindly gave some suggestions and opinions to the children in the team based on his own experience, the boys would just listen to them and not really take them to heart.

Especially Lin Ziyang, as the ADC member of the team, he heard the most suggestions and suggestions from Zhou Mo. Precisely because of this, he also felt the strongest dissatisfaction, thinking that this so-called coach was deliberately picking on himself:

"What? What's wrong with me fighting like this?"

"The opponent just got lucky and escaped with only enough health."

"I'm just one step away from killing him.


"What's so prudent and unsound? You put it so nicely, but you're just a coward. How can you kill someone if you're a coward?"

Lin Ziyang became impatient at the end of Zhou Mo's persuasive suggestions and simply said:

"I have my own way of playing!"

"Why should you be a coach if you have the ability? Just replace me and you can play ADC!"

This attitude also exists in several other members of the team.

So this brought Zhou Mo's coaching work to an unsustainable stagnation.

Fortunately, Zhang Xin came forward in the end and showed the majestic posture of the captain, severely criticizing several friends led by Lin Ziyang, which made several team members restrain themselves a little.

For example, although Lin Ziyang is still full of resistance to Zhou Mo as a coach, after all he was trained by Zhang Xin, he is no longer so opposed to it.

He had other ideas.

Don’t you have many suggestions?

Okay, then I will do exactly what you said.

You want me to be more steady? Then I'll be more steady.

If you point east, I will go east, if you point west, I will go west. Anyway, it all depends on you. When the time comes, the typing will be even more messy. Even A Xin will have nothing to say after reading it. This further proves that you, the coach, are just a parallel import!

Then Lin Ziyang started doing this.

What I didn't expect was...

After he worked hard to follow all Zhou Mo's suggestions and guidance unconditionally, and in the following five row training games, he miraculously gained a significant advantage in the bottom lane and the lane.

There were several waves of roaming by the opponent's jungler and even the mid laner.

k, all because he failed to comply with Zhou Mo's request.

The opposing ADC and support were inexplicably suppressed by his side.

Then the advantage was established and the snowball started to grow.

He still didn't get many kills, but in the mid-term, his ADC's equipment and development economy were a bit ahead of the opposing ADC. When it came to the team battle stage, he still listened to Zhou Mo's instructions and found it. He entered the scene from several angles that he had not actually figured out——

Finally, it was harvested!

Three kills!

Even four kills!

If it's just one or two games like this, it can be chalked up to luck.

But after several days in a row, as Lin Ziyang became more familiar and adapted to Zhou Mo's teachings and suggestions, and became more and more proficient in this new playing style and operational details, he was even more surprised to realize that he was playing in the bottom lane. Compared with the past, it is more than a little smoother!

Several other friends in the team were also surprised and delighted by his progress.

And Lin Ziyang himself is not stupid.

After thinking about it, I quickly came to the conclusion——

all of these……

It seemed that it was really the credit of this convenience store owner "coach" who he had originally despised.

So he began to really change his opinion of Zhou Mo.

Then, become more cooperative.

Progress is getting faster and faster.

Today, in the comeback game just now, his ADC Rat Baron team fight changed the situation with a wave of four kills, which shocked several friends, and he himself was incredibly ecstatic. At the same time, I deeply realized that my growth and progress... are all due to Zhou Mo as the coach.

Compared to Lin Ziyang, who is making rapid progress, Zhang Xin, the captain of the team, is also beaming with joy:

"I told you earlier!"

"You're right to choose Brother Mo as our coach!"

"Every one of you was opposed before, but now you know how wise I am, right?"


Not only Lin Ziyang has made the most progress, but other members of the top laner, auxiliary jungler and several positions have also received more or less careful guidance from Zhou Mo, and they can clearly feel their respective progress.

So when they heard Zhang Xin's words, several friends nodded repeatedly, turned around and gave Zhou Mo various sincere compliments.

Zhou Mo, on the other hand, waved his hands modestly after hearing this:

"I didn't do anything."

"It's the result of your own hard work."

Zhang Xin put his hands together and looked excited:

"Let's continue with this momentum!"

"One month later... during the selection of the Xiacheng Division, our goal is to reach the top eight! Oh no, the top four!"

Several other friends responded with excited shouts.

Everyone is confident.

Zhou Mo couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene:


It is indeed not a bad thing to agree to become a coach.

This evening.

They still had dinner at the God Club base, and then Lin Feng prepared to leave with Tang Bingyao to find senior Bullet for the second round of training.

But this time, before the two of them were ready to get up, they heard the sound of the door opening outside the base.

Then I heard the surprised and delighted voice of the club staff at the front desk:

"One, Your Excellency No. 1! Your Excellency No. 5!?"

In the living room, the three LPL team members, including Lin Feng, Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao and others, also heard this call, and they all looked shocked and surprised:

"Senior and Sister Xiaowu...are back?"

Number 3 on the side twitched the corner of his mouth:


"I'm back."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 10 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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