
Chapter 105 Being driven back

So the whole afternoon was still spent in training.

For Lin Feng, he immediately threw himself into such high-intensity training after returning from Xiacheng, but he had no complaints.

After all, no matter what the reason is, it is true that he has been a little slack and "wasted" in the past few days. Improving personal strength is one thing, but running in with several partners and teammates of the new team cannot be delayed.

Their goal was never just the regional trials in more than a month.

It was also a serious challenge on the motion document given to him by Senior No. 1.

The strength level of their new team now makes it difficult to even compete against the mixed teams of Hayami, KG and God, let alone the top teams from other major competitions in the world in the future.


Also hurry up.

Also try to get stronger as quickly as possible.

The players and members of the other three LPL teams in the training room also trained extremely hard.

Lin Feng has not been here in the past few days, but No. 3, as the training director, has further increased the intensity of the training for KG, Hayami and God.

Compared with the intensity during the previous preparations for the finals, it seems to be slightly more intense.

The three team members also had no complaints.

After all, they were not the winners in this year's finals and were not qualified to ask for any rest or vacation.

in addition……

Compared with the finals that just ended this year, next year's events are even more important for their Chinese LPL team.

They issued a military order online to all the players and fans of the entire national server.

Next year, the Summoner's trophy for the championship will be kept in the Bird's Nest.

So if they want to achieve this goal and fulfill this promise, their current strength is not enough.

You still have to become stronger!

So for a whole afternoon,

The training room was filled with No. 3's merciless scoldings. The three LPL players and Lin Feng were all being scolded while gritting their teeth and continuing to engage in training and fighting.

The atmosphere seemed to be in full swing.

It seemed as if everyone was holding a deep breath in their hearts.


The day when I can completely let out my catharsis.

Among all the people who were criticized and disciplined, Chen Ting was undoubtedly the one who was criticized the most harshly by No. 3.

Even though his strength level and battle experience have improved rapidly during this period of time through constant competition with members of the three LPL teams, it still seems that he is still far from being satisfied with No. 3.

"That's it?"

"I asked you to play Kennen in the top lane, and you ended up playing like this in the lane?"

"Do you really want to wait for the mid-term team battle?"

"Where's the online suppression? Where did you throw it?"

"I want you to be stable, not to make you timid. If the Shen on the other side is comfortable, let him grow to level 6. Later, he will have teleportation and big moves. How do you want your teammates to play?"

"You have learned a little bit of the stability that a professional player should have, but it doesn't make you a seasoned player and throw away all the things you are good at. In this version, the top laner does not seek to have merit but to have no faults. That is making a mistake. , or do you just want to be a bastard?"

Such a scene makes people unable to help but think of the relationship between Sun Zheng and Mu Qiu in Xiacheng.

But if you make a comparison, you will find that in terms of personal ability, Sun Zheng is undoubtedly more than a little bit behind Chen Ting. However, although he is obviously stronger and performs better, the latter has received more criticism and lessons. Even worse than the former.

No. 3's words really didn't save anyone any face.

The other three LPL players in the training room couldn't help but feel their eyelids twitching when they heard this, and felt sympathy for Chen Ting.

Chen Ting also blushed upon hearing this, but in the end he didn't say a word to refute. He gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement, and then continued to devote himself to training even more fiercely.

"Senior No. 3 scolded me hard, but the effect was really good."

During the break, Zeng Rui said to Lin Feng:

"Lao Chen is also a good material that can withstand criticism."

"Most people would have lost their mentality long ago after being trained like this."

"But he can listen to every word of his seniors, and then correct his shortcomings, and every game will be better than the last one."

"To be honest, after a while, when the trials start, I think he might become the second leg of our team."

Lin Feng also nodded.

Looking at Chen Ting, everyone was resting at the moment, but the former continued to sit alone in the corner, frowning and meditating, as if he was introspecting and recalling the gains and losses of the training battle just now.

Others' feelings may not be intuitive and real enough.

But Lin Feng had been away for the past few days and had just come back. When he looked at Chen Ting again after a few days, he could clearly detect the changes and progress in the other party.

Following this trend...

Not to mention how high it can be improved by the time of the LSPL trials.

Given more time, perhaps the new top laner he found on the spur of the moment a while ago would really have the qualifications and strength to compete head-on with the world's top professional top laner of Tian Tian's level.

Lin Feng withdrew his gaze, turned to Zeng Rui, and smiled:

"You have made great progress."

After an afternoon of training matches, Lin Feng was gratified and surprised not only by the progress of the new top laner Chen Ting, but also by the progress of Li Shiyi, Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao. .

Not only in terms of tacit cooperation, but also in terms of personal abilities.

The former is to get in touch when everyone trains together.

the latter……

It's just that you have to work harder to see the results.

Zeng Rui waved his hand:


"You have to work harder, otherwise it will hold you back."

Indeed, after these training matches this afternoon, the new team lost and won, and most of the victories they won were due to Lin Feng's ca in the mid lane position.

y credit, others... more just following someone else's rhythm.

"We are teammates."

"I always have to at least help you share some of the pressure."

Finally, Zeng Rui concluded like this.

Lin Feng smiled and patted Zeng Rui on the shoulder: "Well, let's work together."

At this point, the gossip seems to be enough.

But Zeng Rui hesitated for a moment, looked at someone who looked relaxed as usual, and finally said carefully after considering:

"You are going to Xiacheng this time..."

"How about it?"

When Zeng Rui asked this question, Tang Bingyao on the side quietly came closer at some point.

Li Shiyi and Tian Tian couldn't help but prick up their ears.

Lin Feng was silent for a moment.

Then smiled:

"That's it."

"Probably... he was driven back."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around ten o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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