
Chapter 92 Peeping

One second, he was marveling and cheering for the robot's crisp Q operation. The next second, Zhu Ming couldn't help but be stunned when he recognized the figure sitting in front of the computer.

Next to them, Sun Zheng and Wu Tian wanted to blame their companions. Such an attitude was a bit reckless and impolite.

But then they saw someone sitting in front of the computer and were equally surprised.


Isn't he the one who almost had a "conflict" with their coach Mu Ge at the supper stall yesterday?

They had just finished a team battle and won easily. At this time, someone sitting in front of the computer screen seemed to notice that there were a few more spectators around him. He took off his headphones, turned his head and smiled politely at them:


This polite greeting actually made Sun Zheng, Zhu Ming and others subconsciously take two steps back, and when they came to their senses, they nodded quickly:


Then they looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

The atmosphere became a little cold.

It was Xia Ziyou who forced out a smile:

"Then you have fun, let's get on the plane -"

Someone smiled and nodded, put on the headphones again, and seemed to continue to concentrate on his unfinished game ranking match, and had no intention of continuing to chat with a few people.

Sun Zheng, Zhu Ming and others also hurried away under the signal from Xia Ziyou's eyes.

It wasn't until they entered the box and closed the door that they breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Tian even touched his forehead and gasped:

"Damn...I'm breaking out in a cold sweat——"

Next to him, Zhou Yang looked down upon him: "That's all you have to offer."

Wu Tian retorted angrily: "You have the nerve to accuse me, but just now you couldn't even pop out your fart?"

Sun Zheng calmed down and looked at Xia Ziyou: "This... why is he here too?"

Xia Ziyou shook her head helplessly: "How do I know? Mu Qiu wouldn't say anything anyway.

I couldn't force him to ask. "

Wu Tian looked a little thoughtful: "Hey, I don't know what the relationship between Brother Mu and the guy outside is. It feels like there is a weird story."

Xia Ziyou sighed:

"That's not something we can worry about. Anyway, let's forget about it and just do our own training with peace of mind."

Several people looked at each other again and nodded. Only Zhu Ming was still nearby and couldn't help but mutter:

"Hey, but that auxiliary robot I just used..."

"It's really a bit 6."

The encounter in the corridor outside the box could only be regarded as an accident.

Soon, Xia Ziyou and others in the box also put their minds aside and reinvested in their original training plan.

With the good start yesterday, this morning's five-person platoon training went quite smoothly from the beginning. After all, they had received some teaching and guidance from Mu Qiu yesterday. Today, the tacit cooperation between Xia Ziyou, Sun Zheng and others was obviously better than before. It got a whole lot better yesterday.

Moreover, the rhythm is consciously centered around the top lane.

Try to help Sun Zheng's master-level top laner, which will snowball into an advantage in the early stage.

The effect... is still significant.

After easily winning the second consecutive victory in the group volleyball match in the morning, Xia Ziyou and Sun Zheng showed joy on their faces. This momentum has been maintained. With more than a month left, if they train so diligently every day, they will still be able to win. There is greater progress.

Two wins in a row, reward yourself with some rest time.

During the break, Wu Tian, ​​Zhu Ming and Zhou Yang couldn't help but come to the door of the box and peek out furtively through the translucent glass door.

Sun Zheng felt like laughing:

"What are you doing? You all act like thieves."

Wu Tian didn’t even look back:

"Shh, keep your voice down."

"Let's see if that guy in the corridor is still there—"

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Ming, who was clinging to the door, tried his best to scan back and forth in the hall with his eyes wide open, and then stopped:

"Still still!"

"It seems like I'm still playing ranked."

Xia Ziyou shook his head helplessly: "Hey, didn't you say it's none of our business? Be careful and let Mu Qiu see it later and teach you a lesson again."

These words were still somewhat intimidating. The three people standing on the door couldn't help but shrink their heads when they heard it. However, Zhu Ming was still a little unwilling:

"Hey...but aren't you curious?"

"What is the origin and relationship between him and Brother Mu?"

"Brother Mu is such an awesome master, and that guy outside seems to be pretty good too..."

Xia Ziyou curled her lips when she heard this, a little disapproving:

"No matter how powerful he is, he will definitely not be as good as Mu Qiu."

But even though she said that, she couldn't help but glance out the door. She was still a little curious, not because she was curious about someone's gaming prowess outside, but because she was the first one to let Mu. Qiu would treat people with that attitude.

At this moment, Wu Tian, ​​Zhou Yang and Zhu Ming clung to the door again and tried to look out, then they all backed away in depression:

"No, it's too far away, I can't see..."

Suddenly, as if he thought of some idea, Wu Tian's eyes lit up:


"I'm going to the bathroom!"

Just do what comes to mind.

After saying that, Wu Tian couldn't wait to open the door and go out.

Zhou Yang and Zhu Ming continued to wait by the door with eager anticipation. Sun Zheng and Xia Ziyou hadn't figured out Wu Tian's plan yet, but they were a little curious and walked to the door to see the former's next move.

Speaking of going to the bathroom, it seemed that Wu Tian actually went to the bathroom first. After a while, he could be seen through the door walking back slowly from the direction of the bathroom.

However, he did not return directly to the box.

Instead, when passing the corner of the corridor again, he pretended to walk behind someone casually.

Then he glanced at the computer monitor in front of someone.

Another look.

Take another look.

Then, as if he couldn't walk anymore, he stood behind someone and stared at the computer monitor with wide eyes.

Xia Ziyou in the box was speechless:

"Hey, is this his method?"

"It's too obvious!"

But Zhou Yang and Zhu Ming on the side did not complain and despise their companions. Instead, their faces were full of desire and envy:

"Hey, it looks like there's something quite a bit..."

"How about we go to the bathroom too?"

After a while, I saw Wu Tian reluctantly returning to the box, turning back three times.

Then Zhou Yang and Zhu Ming couldn’t wait to join in:

"how is it going?"

"Are you still playing ranked? What did you see!"

Wu Tian smacked his lips, as if he was still thinking about what he had just seen. It was not until the other people in the box became impatient with waiting that he let out a heartfelt sigh:

"Really... so awesome!"

Then, he looked at the companions in front of him and spoke quite seriously:

"It's not me."

"To be honest, I think... the level of that guy outside may not be any worse than our brother Mu!"

The update is here. The next chapter will be before eleven o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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