
Chapter 89 Aqiu

At about 11 o'clock in the morning, we set off from Hongqiao Railway Station in the magical city.

After a seven-hour drive on the way, I ordered a box lunch set on the high-speed train for lunch. I spent the rest of the time staring at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

I didn’t listen to music, didn’t browse the Internet on my mobile phone, and had no intention of resting.

At six o'clock in the evening, we arrived at our destination, Xiacheng.

When I walked out from the train station with my suitcase, I felt the air was different from that of the Magic City. The temperature was suitable, and it was a little less chilly and desolate after the fall of the former. This city further to the south still has a pleasant atmosphere in this season. Human warmth.

Taking a taxi, we first went to the hotel we had booked in advance on the mobile app.

Check in at the front desk.

Swipe the elevator card to the floor where the room is located and put the suitcase down in the room.

Then he sat on the edge of the bed, dazed and didn't know what to think. Half an hour passed before he finally took a deep breath and took out his phone, opened the map software, and entered the name of the Internet cafe that his friend had told him. .

Lin Feng was stunned by the information and answers he received.

Le City.

This was the name of the Internet cafe that his friend told him at the beginning, and it was also the only information he had about his friend when he decided to come to Xiacheng this time.

While on the high-speed train, he did think and worry about whether the so-called "Lecheng Internet Cafe" was still there after so many years, or whether it had changed its name.

What I didn't expect was that on the mobile map software, although the name of the Internet cafe "Lecheng" was indeed searched, this Internet cafe was called "Lecheng"...

In Xiacheng, there is not only one.

Fourteen families.

A bystander would definitely be able to laugh at the result.

But for someone who uses these two words as the only clue, it becomes a rather ironic black humor.

The not-so-good news is that seven of the fourteen Internet cafes and Internet cafes with the name "Lecheng" have left their contact information, so it is convenient for someone to use their mobile phone to dial the number according to the contact information. ask.

The bad news is,

After seven phone calls, in each of which someone stated the name of their partner as clearly and clearly as possible, nothing was found.


There are seven left.

For the rest, there are no shortcuts.

Lin Feng put down his phone and smiled bitterly, shaking his head. This was something he had not thought of before setting off on this trip.


Perhaps, this is also a test for him, or in other words, a punishment.

There are fourteen Internet cafes, seven have been eliminated by phone, and seven are left.

So I took the elevator downstairs and walked out of the hotel.

Start sorting the remaining seven Internet cafes according to their distance, and take a taxi to the first one closest to the hotel.

Although it was already dinner time, I was not in the mood to fill my stomach at this time.

The first one is really not that far away.

Three or four kilometers away, an Internet cafe opened next to a shopping mall.

I walked in and came to the front desk, but I didn't see the familiar figure I was expecting. I asked a network administrator politely and politely, but I didn't get the answer I hoped for.

So he thanked him and turned around to leave.

Take out your mobile phone, take a taxi again, and go to the second home.

The second Lecheng Internet Cafe is located in an old residential area, in a rather narrow alley. It took a lot of effort to find it. The store looks very dilapidated. The network administrator at the front desk may be the boss. Smoking lazily and puffing away smoke, he answered nonchalantly:


"Have not heard."

"What, looking for someone? Tsk tsk, that's weird. Xiacheng is such a big place, and you only know the name of an Internet cafe. You'd be damned if you could find someone -"

After listening, he smiled bitterly.

Then he politely thanked her and left.

The address of the third store was two or three kilometers away. It was not troublesome to take a taxi there. However, when we got there, we found that the store that was supposed to be an Internet cafe had been replaced by a hot pot restaurant. When we went in and asked, we found out that the original Internet cafe had closed down more than a year ago. .

Make a cross on the third line of the memo.

Continue to the fourth house.

More than an hour has passed. It’s past eight o’clock at night in Xiacheng, and the air is filled with the smell of sea breeze.

Sitting in the back seat of the taxi, looking out the window at the busy traffic and night lights flying past.

Not thinking about anything.

I just lowered my head again and looked at the remaining four addresses on the memo on my phone, thinking silently that if these four still couldn't be found, then maybe I could go back and ask in person about the seven that I had excluded by phone.

In fact, there should have been a simpler way, such as asking Senior No. 1 and others for confirmation.


Perhaps it was due to some complex and difficult-to-explain feelings that made me prefer to continue my efforts in the most clumsy or even stupid way.

The fourth house.

Open next to a university town.

When I walked in, I still came to the front desk. I didn't see the figure I was expecting. However, after the setbacks and failures of the previous three companies, I didn't have too many regrets. After all, I had already made up my mind. No matter how unsatisfactory the process was, no matter what the outcome was. No matter how much effort it takes, no matter how much wasted time it takes, you must find the person you are looking for.


The answer I received was no surprise.

After thanking him, when he was about to turn around and leave, the network administrator at the front desk seemed to have thought of something, suddenly patted his head, and kindly reminded him:

"If you go further, there is a restaurant also called Lecheng on the other side of the intersection."

I took out my phone and took a look. It seemed that the address mentioned by the network administrator was not among the seven mentioned in the memo.

So I sincerely thank you again.

Turn around and leave.

According to the address provided by the network administrator of the fourth company, we walked forward. After all, it was near the university town. There were many late-night snack stalls on both sides of the street. The aroma of barbecue skewers was wafting in the air. You could faintly hear the people sitting in front of the stalls. The young students chatted and laughed and clinked glasses with pride.

Not far away, you can already see the store sign of the "Lecheng Internet Cafe" that the network administrator mentioned.

Just about to step forward quickly.

But suddenly he stopped again.

Because at a closer distance, at a late-night snack stall with only three or five small folding square tables, he saw a figure that he hadn't seen for too long but was still very familiar.

So, I was stunned.

He stood there blankly, as motionless as a wooden man.

I just looked at that familiar side face, looking at that slightly lonely figure who seemed to be just drinking alone and not participating in the conversation of the other young people at the table.

Then, the other party raised his head inadvertently.

I seem to have seen it here too.

Then, recognize.

The empty wine can fell, and Gululu rolled aside to his feet.

Lin Feng slowly lowered his head, glanced at the wine can at his feet, then raised his head, looked at his former partner sitting at the table, and moved his lips.

Along the way.

He had never thought about what he would say in the first words if he really met this former companion and friend.

Even until this moment, his mind was still somewhat blank.

There was silence for a while.

It was so quiet that Xia Ziyou, Sun Zheng, Wu Tian and others at the table all vaguely noticed that something was wrong with their "coach". They subconsciously followed the former's gaze and looked around in surprise. They were surprised to see a man who seemed to be about the same age as them. A boy with messy black hair.

The boy smiled hard:


The update is sent, two updates are done. Ahhhh IG is awesome! The-Shy is awesome! Let’s look at FPX next.

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