
Chapter 83 No more doubts

20 minutes later.

Looking at the eye-catching "victory" emblem pattern on the computer screen, whether it was Zhu Ming who was watching the ranked battle or the other people who personally participated in the ranked battle, their faces were filled with dumbfounded disbelief. Look of confidence.

In the upper right corner of the game screen, the time is displayed as 19 minutes and 35 seconds.

This group battle...

In less than twenty minutes, I won it directly!


It was an almost devastating attack, directly breaking through the opponent's high ground in the middle and demolishing the opposite base crystal.

"Liar, liar, right?"

Wu Tian, ​​the jungler, swallowed subconsciously and murmured.

Next to them, Zhou Yang, Zhu Ming and even Sun Zheng all turned to look at Mu Qiu in the auxiliary seat, their eyes as if they had seen a ghost:

How, how is it possible...

Surprisingly, so strong! ?

In this group formation, Mu Qiu took Zhu Ming's auxiliary position.

The hero chosen was still the goddess of dawn, Leona, and the ADC hero partnered in the bottom lane also made Xia Ziyu take out Explorer EZ again.

The bottom lane combination is exactly the same as the previous one. It is precisely in this way that we can better see the difference in the bottom lane between the two games before and after.


Just replaced an auxiliary operator.

But the effect produced can only be described with the word "horror".

In 3 minutes, the bottom lane completely relied on the line to complete the kill.

At the 2nd level of the auxiliary Japanese female card, the first mover directly forced E to reach the opposite ADC Verus.

In seconds, [Ignite] is connected to A, followed by the stun of Q skill.

Coupled with a set of damage from his own ADC Ezreal on E's face,

Easily get first blood from the opponent's ADC.

Then came a wave at the fourth and a half minutes——

When the opponent's ADC hero had just resurrected and rushed back to the lane, it was Japanese girl who seized the opportunity to flash out and force the first move, and cooperated with EZ's "Arcane Leap" displacement to keep up, and a powerful and unreasonable set of output was smashed. Face, [Flash] The Punishment Arrow that had been used in the previous wave was again killed without any suspense.

Two kills in one minute.

The opponent's bottom lane developed and collapsed.

The bottom lane quickly established an advantage, and then the Japanese women began to roam.

At the 6th minute of the game, the Dawn Goddess made a wave of linkages with her own jungle prince.

k, the middle lane directly helped the mid laner teammate Sindra to cross the tower to kill and take away the opposite male swordsman Tailong.

8th minute.

The Japanese girl who learned the ultimate move at level 6 relied on the mobility of the five-speed shoes and once again cooperated with the jungler to invade the opposite jungle area and captured the opponent's jungler excavator from the toad monster——

The ultimate move is to save the opponent first, and then the EQ is used to control the opponent's face twice.

Help your teammate Prince get another head.

Then he took advantage of the situation and turned to the bottom lane, directly bypassing the opponent's jungle area, outflanking the tower, and inserting a ward in advance to allow his teammate Gnar in the top lane to teleport, forming a four-for-two situation, and it was the Japanese girl who took the lead in entering the tower. Take the damage, help your teammates get two kills, and then bulldoze the opponent's bottom lane outer tower.

In 10 minutes, the opponent's outer tower in the middle was broken.

In 13 minutes, the opponent's second tower in the middle was bulldozed into rubble.

At 15 minutes, there was a wave of fire dragon team battles. The Japanese girl once again took the lead with her ultimate move, making a perfect entrance to attract damage. In the end, she escaped with a minimum of blood, but achieved a 0-for-4 victory.

In 17 minutes, he broke the opponent's high ground in the middle.

19 minutes…

Once again, they directly pressed in from the middle, and once again flashed the first move and forced the ADC Verus, who controlled the opponent's core C position.

Then, they flattened the opponent's nest in a devastating wave.


Mu Qiushi stood up after pushing away the keyboard. Without even looking at his gorgeous MVP record on the statistics panel on the computer screen, he said, "You guys can have fun while I go to work first." He walked out of the box lightly.

Only a few other people in the box were left in a sluggish state, unable to regain consciousness for a long time.

The protagonist is gone.

The atmosphere in the remaining private room was silent for a minute or two.

With great difficulty, several boys managed to recover from the huge shock, but they still couldn't help but look at the performance statistics panel after the ranking. The terrifying performance data of the assistant Dawn Goddess... …

"Is this... really made by a human?"

Wu Tian's eyes were still a little straight.

They might have suspected that Mu Qiu was lying before, but now... they no longer have the slightest suspicion.

This seemingly unspectacular young network manager is indeed more than a little stronger than his top laner in terms of supporting skills!

From laning to roaming to joining a group.

It even includes the command and dispatch of rhythm and the instructions to teammates in each position.

Delicate to the extreme.

And fierce and decisive to the extreme.

There were no mistakes at all, but they seemed to make the most perfect and correct decisions without thinking. Everyone else... seemed to only need to subconsciously obey the instructions and follow the instructions, and they won the victory easily.

"It's so strong. I've never seen a Japanese girl fight like this -"

Zhu Ming also murmured. He was extremely angry and unconvinced by Mu Qiu's evaluation before, but after watching this textbook-level demonstration by the Dawn Goddess, he was completely convinced.

Previously, people said that he was not worthy of playing with Japanese girls.

Now think about it...

Really, compared to this great god's Dawn Goddess, what the hell is that thing I'm playing? It's not on the same level at all.

Even Sun Zheng couldn't help but sigh:

"Xiao You, you really... have found a great god for us this time."

Among them, as the president of the school's e-sports club, he has the strongest level of strength, so the shock he just felt was the most intense.

This level of assistance…

Even when he watched the live broadcast of the game before, those professional support players at the LSPL or even LPL level seemed to be at this level, and he had a vague feeling that even those professional support players seemed not as good as this young tennis player. Ka network management is easy to operate.

Not to mention that this one seems to be a jack-of-all-trades.

The support player can play, and the top laner can also play, and he can play better than him, the main top laner.

"If this person can join, I can even play as a substitute." Sun Zheng sighed with emotion again.

Zhu Ming on the side rushed to interject:

"President, why are you substituting for me! If you want to substitute, I must be the one to replace you!"

"My master's main role is support. I can just be his substitute. I can also learn more skills!"

"If a great master joins us... we will compete in the regional trials and we will really have a chance to take several steps forward!"

As soon as these words came out, several boys couldn't help but nod their heads, with a look of hope on their faces.

Looking at the looks of his teammates and companions, and thinking about the contrast in their attitudes before and after, Xia Ziyou felt happy and helpless.

He was happy, naturally, because Mu Qiu's strength really conquered these people.

But it’s helpless because...

"Forget about joining the team."

Xia Ziyou sighed and looked at the boys in front of her:

"I already gave you the invitation, but they are not interested. At most, they will just help us as a coach."

"This is all to give me face, otherwise...he just wants to be an Internet cafe owner."

Several boys were stunned when they heard this.

Internet cafe owner?

Wu Tian had a puzzled look on his face:

"With such a strong level... wouldn't it be a waste to just be an Internet cafe owner?"

Xia Ziyou was angry: "You think I haven't said this to him?"

The update is here, two updates are done, friends, take a rest early and see you tomorrow.

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