
Chapter 78 Not interested

Time is running out.

This was not just the warning and reminder given to Lin Feng by No. 1 and other seniors.

Similarly, this is also the thought of the vast majority of players in the national server who are interested in participating in the regional selection competition.

After the second press release officially released by the national server yesterday was successfully interpreted by netizens, it indeed suddenly activated the minds of countless players in the national server.

Everyone wants to try it, everyone wants to see if the opportunity to reach the sky in one step can fall on them.

Enter the LSPL.

Advance to LPL.

Finally hit the world finals.

Climb to the top of the 100,000-person stadium in the Bird's Nest to win the cup.

Not to mention how difficult it is to realize the following items, but at least... If you really want to realize such a luxurious dream, you must first take the first step.

That is one and a half months... to be exact, it is the regional selection competition in forty-one days.

Many Chinese players who have just developed this idea may not even have officially formed their own participating teams.

Then, from forming a team to having the team cooperate tacitly enough to participate in the competition, it takes a lot of time and energy. Some teams have to work together for a year, two years or even longer. To cultivate a tacit understanding, forty-one days... is really short.

So according to Xia Ziyou, if you want to compete, you must hurry up and prepare now. You can't delay a day, an hour, or a minute.

"Then hurry up."

"Why are you here gossiping with me?"

Mu Qiu gave reasonable and objective advice.

Xia Ziyou was so angry that she jumped again:

"Aren't I short of people here?!"

Of course, with Miss Xia's beauty and appeal in the school, she can easily attract a large number of male suitors from the school to join her team whenever she opens her mouth. But in forming a team, the team members can There is not much essence.

In Xia Ziyou’s view,

Even for the members of her school's e-sports club, even if the average level is above platinum or even diamond level, it's still not good enough.

"Our president is a master of top lane."

"The mid laner can find a diamond 2."

"The jungler and the support...are just about diamonds."

Listening to Xia Ziyou counting on her fingers, Mu Qiu nodded: "It's not bad. Counting you as a platinum AD, this team's lineup will go through a few rounds in the regional trials with luck. "

Indeed, a team with an average diamond rank has a relatively impressive level of strength among passers-by.

In certain competitions in the past... there were even large numbers of passers-by players who signed up for the Silver and Bronze divisions, but all of them ended up as cannon fodder.

But Xia Ziyou stamped her feet again:

"What's the use of going through several rounds!"

"My goal is to hit the LSPL, or even the LPL!!"

Fortunately, Miss Xia was relatively restrained and conservative, and did not directly shout the slogan "Attack on the Bird's Nest Finals".

But even this was enough to make Mu Qiu burst into laughter:


"The goal is quite ambitious."

"Then come on."

With a light word of encouragement, he took it out.

And Xia Ziyou, who had just made a bold statement a second ago, showed a flattering smile the next second: "Oh, but our team is not strong enough..."

Mu Qiu raised her eyebrows again:


Xia Ziyou said confidently: "So I'm looking for you right now!"

Indeed, this was the main reason why Xia Ziyou came to Lecheng Internet Cafe early in the morning today.

A team with an average diamond-level strength and a master-level top laner. With such a lineup, just as Mu Qiu commented, there is almost no one who can make it past the first few rounds in the regional trials organized by the Electronics Association. question.

If they are lucky, they may even have a chance to reach the semi-finals or finals of their region.

But if the target is LSPL or even LPL...

The difference is still not insignificant.

Therefore, more powerful combat forces are needed to join.

But if you really want to find a passerby in the school, it is not an easy task. Those who really have that level of strength will basically not pay attention to others to recruit them, or they will have their own plans early on.

Moreover, based on Xia Ziyou's own private calculations, even if their team finds another player with two king levels, they may indeed be able to advance a few rounds in the trials, but if they want to compete in the LSPL... it's still not enough.

still need--

More powerful members.

Thinking about it this way, there is only one perfect and suitable candidate right now.


Mu Qiu pointed at herself, with a puzzled look on her face.

Natsuko You nodded vigorously like a pug, and quickly sent a lot of flattery and praise:

"Yes, yes, it's you!"

"You are the most powerful support I have ever seen! You are at the professional level!"

"I just told the people in our e-sports club earlier that if you join, one of you will be worth ten or eight of the strongest kings!"

This is really not just flattery.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Xia Ziyou had personally witnessed the former's personal support ability by dragging Mu Qiu with him to play in double row with him so many times. Regardless of his consciousness or operation, he could almost only use the word "shock" to describe it. describe.

She has never seen such a strong support player. Even if she watched any professional game live broadcast before, the performance of the well-known professional support players on the field may not be any better than this "young boss" of Lecheng Internet Cafe. .

Even Xia Ziyou herself was unable to see more due to her limited strength, and secretly she had always secretly wondered if Mu Qiu would have been stronger than those professional support players if Mu Qiu had played in those professional games. .

Because of this, now that he has decided to form a team, Xia Ziyou must try every means to get Mu Qiu in front of him to join his team.

"A good assistant is absolutely crucial to improving the overall strength of the team."

"With you joining us, our team will definitely be able to reach the top six in terms of points in the trials. Then it will be an official professional team!"

Xia Ziyou made a conclusion confidently.

Mu Qiu didn't even think about it: "Not interested."


Unexpectedly, his long and provocative speech was only exchanged for three such ruthless words. Xia Ziyou couldn't help but widen his eyes:


Mu Qiu looked indifferent:

"I'm not interested, you can find someone else."

"Internet cafes are busy lately, and I can't get away."

This reason made Xia Ziyou want to vomit blood and couldn't help but become angry:

"Hey! Can you figure it out a little bit?"

"Being an Internet cafe network administrator...even being a boss, how can it be compared with being a professional player?"

"It's not the same thing at all, okay!"

Indeed, this has always been Xia Ziyou's biggest doubt and dissatisfaction with Mu Qiu.

To put it bluntly, just one sentence——

With such strong strength, being a network administrator is simply a waste of resources. Why not become a professional! ?

But after hearing Xia Ziyou's words, Mu Qiu suddenly fell silent for a moment.

Then he laughed.

There was a bit of indifference and coldness in the smile:

"Playing professionally?"

"What's the point?"

The update is here. The next chapter will be around nine o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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