
Chapter 71 The most capable prevail

Just half an hour.

Two press releases, plus a joint oath of commitment from almost everyone in the LPL region.

It’s enough to make millions of game players and netizens in the entire country excited and excited!

Perhaps just two or three days ago, those players and netizens were still criticizing or angrily criticizing their own LPL teams, or they felt frustrated or even had the idea of ​​quitting the game.

But all this——

When I saw the God-Hand of God team's oath on that meager platform, and the joint reprints on the official homepages of the LPL teams, and when I saw the resolute "See you in the Bird's Nest", all the negative emotions, all the His anger and frustration disappeared in an instant.

Instead, there was blood that became hot again!

It is the rediscovered vigorous morale and boiling fighting spirit!

This battle...

There is no way back!

The defeat in this year's finals is no longer important, because what lies before their entire national server is an unprecedented and destined to be the most glorious challenge!

What they want to defend is no longer just the reputation of the national server LPL e-sports.

It is the dignity of the entire motherland’s sports competition!

There is no need to mention anything else.

Even if they have been disappointed again and again, as long as they see that their LPL team can still rekindle their fighting spirit and make such a sonorous and powerful promise so solemnly and decisively, as fans, they can still have hope and expectations for it again. , still... willing to fight side by side with their LPL players!

Compared with the majority of Chinese netizens who focus more on the statements of major LPL teams and clubs, professionals in the domestic e-sports circle focus more on the two press releases. .

The previous one was enough to shock and sway the mind.

This is an unprecedented big move by Riot Games, which has decided to propose such an astonishing number of heavyweight events at once in next year's new season.

What this means is that the entire League of Legends professional e-sports will completely reach a new level next year.

And the last one——

It is more about the national service's own interests.

The boldness and decisiveness of his writing are even more shocking and moving.

A senior domestic e-sports practitioner expressed his sincere admiration in a professional forum:

"The courage and determination shown in this press release of the national server... are simply unheard of and unseen. As the highest decision-maker, I don’t know how much pressure I have to bear, but if this can be implemented in concrete terms, our country will Professional e-sports on the server will also usher in a real take-off!”

This lament was also recognized by many other colleagues on the forum.

You know, these professional e-sports commentators in China have always been quite picky and harsh, especially when it comes to the regulations and policies related to various competition systems. They are always able to find various faults and criticize them.

But this time...

No matter how picky the professionals are, they can’t help but admire it from the bottom of their hearts.

It is true that the league system of the national LPL is not mature now, but before that, the mainstream of public opinion advocated by domestic e-sports people was to learn from the mature systems of South Korea, Europe and the United States, and expand the first-level league teams in the region The quota is inevitable, but all quotas will be fixed quickly and directly, and various sponsors and investors will participate in the bidding.

Whoever spends enough money can buy the corresponding league spot.

This is the simplest, most convenient and most stable method, and it can also make a considerable financial contribution to the government and the Electricity Association.

Give me some explanation.

You can also have a perfect answer sheet.

However, this time the press release jointly sponsored by the China Electronics Association headquarters and the national service official made a choice that took a completely different path from Europe, the United States, and South Korea.

The name of this road is——

Those who are able will prevail.

The number of teams in the LPL division will be expanded, but the most cruel and realistic elimination and promotion system will be adopted. Once a year, the strong will ascend to the top and the weak will step down.

As soon as this decision was made, it undoubtedly completely stirred up the entire Chinese professional e-sports circle.

The entire national server will become the most active and fiercely competitive arena.

What is sacrificed is the amount of benefits destined to be calculated in units of "tens of millions" or even "hundreds of millions".

But in exchange...

It is the vitality and vitality that the national professional e-sports circle is destined to take on a new look.

London, England.

World Electrical Association Headquarters.

The classically and elegantly decorated office is spacious and bright. A middle-aged man in his early forties is sitting at the desk that symbolizes the highest power of the World Electricity Association. He looks down at a fax document in his hand. After a while, he raises his head and looks at the desk where he is sitting. The old man opposite smiled and raised the material in his hand:

"The China branch has made a big noise."

The old man's silver hair was carefully combed and combed to perfection. Hearing the comments from the man opposite him, he bowed slightly:

"Yes, Your Excellency."

“A very courageous decision.”

The old man was none other than Martin Bode, Vice Chairman of the World Electricity Association Headquarters, who went to Manchester City in person not long ago to chair the seven-person meeting of the World Honorary Advisory Group.

And the identity of the middle-aged man who can be called so respectfully by him is naturally obvious——

Current Chairman of the World Electrical Association Headquarters.


Putting the documents in his hands back on the table, Lance smiled and nodded:


"Amazing, but not surprising."

"The 'Lin' of the China branch has always been a person who lacks decision-making courage, isn't he?"

The expression on Martin Bode's face was as serious and rigid as ever:

“But it’s also an adventure.”

"Our headquarters has given reference opinions to the Chinese branch. Regarding the innovation of the LPL division system, the most reliable way should be to refer to the systems and systems of the European, American and Korean divisions."

"And now it is difficult to predict the specific results of this decision in the LPL division."

Lance laughed:

"You are right."

"But system innovation requires the courage to take risks and gamble. Although the systems in Europe, America, and South Korea are mature, they may not be suitable for the LPL."

"Their willingness to try a new path is worthy of praise and encouragement."

"China's professional e-sports has potential that is unmatched by other competition regions. However, they have just started and lack sufficient accumulation. This risk-taking approach may be an opportunity for them to catch up with other competition regions. ”

Martin Bode nodded:


"Although I don't fully agree with it, this method can indeed help them select more outstanding players and teams."

The old man who said this paused:

"In order to--"

"Meet the challenges they're going to face in the new season."

Lance raised his eyebrows slightly:


"Next year's new season——"

"If I remember correctly, they have several tough battles to fight in the LPL division, right?"

Updates are here, go and watch the FPX game, come on LPL!

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