
Chapter 66 Something big happens

The balcony at night is dewy and cold.

The bright moonlight from the sky fell through the clouds and fell on someone in front of the balcony.

Lin Feng was lying on the guardrail of the balcony, as if he had something on his mind, and he was lost in thought.

Su Xue, who had cleaned up the late-night snack garbage in the living room, was about to go back to the house. When she turned around and saw someone on the balcony, she came over with some confusion:

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"It's late at night and you don't go to bed early. Why are you hanging out on the balcony? Be careful of catching a cold."

Lin Feng retracted his thoughts and shook his head:

"It's okay."

"Just come out and get some air."

Su Xue would not believe such an answer at all. After spending more than a year together day and night, the two siblings have become extremely familiar with each other, so Su Xue can tell someone's emotions at a glance. The situation is not right, so I can’t help but express concern:

"What, are you worried?"

When asked about this, Su Xue's mind was racing and she was murmuring in her heart. It couldn't be the matter with Baozi. It stands to reason that things over there have been dealt with temporarily. This kid doesn't even know that the girl is not here now. Manchester City went to Germany instead. If we really know the truth, it shouldn't be just this reaction.

However, for the sake of confirmation, she still cautiously asked:

"Think about buns?"

Lin Feng was startled when he heard this and shook his head:


"Isn't she doing well recently?"

After receiving this answer, Su Xue immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it would be okay if it wasn't. As long as it wasn't this, everything else wouldn't be a problem, but then she wondered again:

"Then why are you so upset? Isn't everything going smoothly now?"

"Your seniors have helped you pave the way to the new season in advance."

As she spoke, Su Xue's own tone also contained a bit more heartfelt admiration and emotion.

Be reasonable,

When she dug out the pile of documents on the dining room table in the living room and saw the contents on the last two pages, she was really convinced——

This handwriting...

so amazing!

Originally, she thought that according to the normal rules and regulations, a newly formed team like Lin Feng would have no chance to participate in the competition of the new season, and would need to wait at least one more year.

But with the last two thin pages, it seemed that this originally seemingly impossible problem was easily solved.

The bylaws do not allow it.

Then start directly from the charter and policies, and formulate a brand new set of charter regulations, which even completely breaks the original competition pattern and completely expands and elevates the entire national e-sports league system to a new level.

The courage and courage of decision-makers required and the manpower and material resources required are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Now that Su Xue has become a member of the professional e-sports circle, she can feel the weight of such a generous move and be shocked by it.

After thinking about this, Su Xue looked at Lin Feng again and persuaded her earnestly:

"So, don't keep thinking about what you have and what you don't have. This journey has not been easy. We have finally reached this point. You must cherish the next opportunity."

Lin Feng paused after hearing this and nodded slowly, as if mumbling to himself:


"It's not an easy journey...it's been a long journey."

Seeing that Lin Feng agreed with her point of view, Su Xue was a little happy: "Really? That's right. Speaking of which, have you decided on a name for your team? Do you need me to give you some reference ideas?"

Lin Feng nodded and shook his head, then looked up at Su Xue and suddenly asked:

"Sister Xue, how is your relationship with Sister Youyou?"

He is talking about Zuo Youyou, who is also Su Xue's best friend. Although both Lin Feng and Su Xue have been extremely busy during this period and rarely have the chance to see the former again, speaking of it, the relationship between Su Xue and her The friendship is absolutely deep.

So when Su Xue heard Lin Feng's question, she was just stunned:

"Ah? Why did you suddenly ask about her?"


Lin Feng said "hmm" and then asked:

"If Sister Xue and Sister Youyou had a fight, what would you do?"

Su Xue heard question marks on her face. She felt that she couldn't keep up with someone: "Huh? Why should I quarrel with her?"

As she spoke, she immediately pouted:

"Hey, if this is the case, she must have done something wrong to me. I'll wait for her to come and apologize - I won't let her go without a good meal or two, oh yes Speaking of which, that damn Youyou really owes me two dinners!"

Lin Feng looked at Su Xue:

"If you apologize, will you forgive me? If I really did something that I'm very sorry for you."

Su Xue was startled again and scratched her hair in confusion:

"You kid, why are you talking so much tonight...well, even if it's what you said, I'll forgive you."

Speaking of this, Su Xue felt quite regretful:

"Who let that damn girl be my best friend?"

"If it were me, it would probably be the same."

"No matter whether the other party will forgive or not, as long as you cherish this friend, even if you try your best to apologize, you will desperately hope to redeem it."

Listening to Su Xue's emotion, Lin Feng on the side nodded, took a deep breath, and said "hmm".

Nothing more was said.

But it seemed that he had finally made up his mind.


It seemed like just an ordinary morning.

In dormitory 514 on the Shangcai campus, the yawning Qiu Le sat up from the bed, rubbing his sleepy eyes, and picked up the phone beside his pillow. He was just going to take a look at the time, but was pushed by a pop-up window that popped up on the screen. Information attracts attention.

He has downloaded a League of Legends-related consulting information APP called "LOL Luyouhui" on his mobile phone. He usually visits the forum on it, chats with other players and netizens, and also browses the official homepage of the APP. Read some news and gossip related to professional events.

Qiu Le was a little curious when he saw this push pop-up window popping up.

Because he knew that the LOL Luyouhui software he downloaded would only pop up a pop-up reminder from the background when the official sent an important press release.

The last time there was such a pop-up push was during the final battle between SSK and God-Hand of God in this year's finals, notifying all players and users to watch the live broadcast of the event in time.

However, now that the finals are over, there are still at least a few months until the start of the new season.

It can be said that this period should be a calm period for the entire e-sports circle.

What other important news could there be?

Feeling such curiosity and doubt, Qiu Le took a closer look at the message text on the pop-up window.

It's okay not to look at it, but when he looked at it, his eyes suddenly widened:

"What the hell!!?"

Qiu Le couldn't help but let out an incredible scream, and the volume of his voice suddenly increased, almost overturning the entire dormitory 514:

"Old Feng! Old Shen!!"

"Get up! Look at your phone quickly!"

"What the hell..."

"Something big has happened!!"

Here's an update. The next chapter will be around 12 o'clock. I still have some work to do in the evening.

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