
Chapter 39 Table

After waking up early in the morning, Lin Feng simply washed up in his dormitory, then headed to the teaching building for class with his three roommates, with his messy and unkempt hair and hazy sleepy eyes.

On campus in the early morning, yellow leaves are scattered on the roadside, and the breeze brings the coolness of autumn.

Students holding textbooks hurriedly walked.

Everything seems to be back on track.

Compared with the tense and depressing schedule of the finals more than a month ago, the days after returning to campus now seem to be the state that a freshman should be in.

Lin Feng and several roommates were walking on the way to the teaching building. Qiu Le looked down at his mobile phone while walking, muttering:

"Hey, that's weird...why haven't I seen an official announcement from Team God online?"

Feng Tao came over and looked at the screen of Qiu Le's phone:

"Haven't you sent it yet?"

"It's a little strange..."

Shen Zhuang, who had been ripped off by three roommates at a late-night snack stall last night, was still touching his deflated wallet with some pain. He was slightly distracted when he heard the conversation between Qiu Le and Feng Tao. force:

"Yeah, it's been two or three days since the game ended, right?"

"In the past, we should have spoken out long ago."


Under normal circumstances, all professional teams and clubs in the Chinese LPL have their own official accounts on major online platforms, which are used to interact with fans and netizens or send relevant event reports in real time.

If you win the game, you will naturally be happy, and if you lose the game, you will sincerely apologize and reflect on yourself.

This time the finals have come to an end, and all three Chinese LPL teams have lost. Logically speaking, no matter what, we should send a status to explain the situation and apologize deeply to fans and netizens. But now that two or three days have passed, the public opinion trend online A whole wave has passed, but the official accounts of KG, Hayami and God-God's Hand have still not come out to express their opinions.

It was strangely quiet.

"Isn't it because you were hit too hard and didn't recover?"

Qiu Le guessed,

Then he became worried: "This can't be done. Just get up from where you fell. It's okay to lose this year, but you still have to get ready for next year's game!"

Feng Tao nodded in agreement: "And it's not a problem to keep silent. Fans are worried about it, so we should express our opinions."

The three people in dormitory 514 all looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng shook his head:

"Don't look at me, I don't know this either."

In the past few days, the players and members of the three LPL teams, including God, have re-invested in a new round of preparation training, and their mental state has been restored. However, things like official accounts expressing their opinions do not actually concern the players. within their jurisdiction.

This is an issue that the club’s team leader, manager and even the relevant club media department and senior management need to consider.

Of course, Lin Feng could vaguely guess the reason.

However, it is not convenient to share that speculation with the roommates around me for the time being.


The outcome should be coming soon.

There were still professional classes in the teaching building in the morning, and Lin Feng still didn't see the Japanese girl in the classroom. He was a little confused, but he didn't think too much about it.

At noon, Lin Feng received a call while having lunch.

It was Chu Fangnan calling, giving him a surprising piece of news——

"Are you free this afternoon? Your brother Fang wants to see you."

The person on the other end of the phone was stunned for a long time while holding the mobile phone. When he curiously asked Chu Fangnan about the original situation, Vice President Chu on the other end of the phone just shook his head:

"I don't know the specifics."

"Anyway, you'll know once you get there. There should be something serious going on."

There's nothing wrong with that.

After all, although they have known each other for many years, the frequency of meetings between Lin Feng and the current president of the Shanghai Branch of the China Electronics Association is very low, and every time they meet, there must be important matters of great concern.

Originally, there were other non-grade point classes to be taken in the afternoon, but since something like this happened unexpectedly, the plan had to be slightly changed.

"You've only been back to school for a few days, and you're asking for leave again?"

Qiu Le couldn't help but wonder.

Lin Feng, who had simply explained the situation to several roommates, also scratched his head:

"Well...no way."

"There's been a lot going on lately."

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Feng came to Fang Hao's president's office.

Meeting acquaintances does not require much politeness. Fang Hao put down a document he had just reviewed on his desk, looked up at Lin Feng, and smiled:

"I know you've been busy lately, so let's not talk about gossip and talk about something important."

"A month and a half, do you understand?"

Lin Feng nodded honestly: "Senior No. 1 and the others have said it."

Fang Hao nodded and shook his head:

"To be exact, there are now 43 days left - two days have passed."

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this. Although it was still not clear what would happen in forty-three days, if it could be counted down in such a specific way, then at least "this matter" should be finalized.

Seeing Lin Feng raising his eyebrows, Fang Hao laughed:

"Don't worry, in a few days, you will know what's going on. The reason why I won't tell you now is because the matter is still in the final negotiation and coordination stage - your senior No. 1 and the others were in the Imperial Capital recently, just with President Lin is discussing related matters in this regard.”

Hearing a familiar name from Fang Hao's mouth, Lin Feng's expression did not change and he just nodded:

"Yeah, I guess so."

Fang Hao looked at Lin Feng:

"So, how are your preparations going?"

Lin Feng scratched his hair and said, "It's not bad. We've found the last top laner and the team is complete."

Hearing these words, Fang Hao's face showed a hint of joy: "Oh? How is your level?"

If it were an ordinary team, or even some professional team's lineup changes, he, the president of the Shanghai Electronics Association branch, would not have any interest in it, but the young man in front of him was the exception among the exceptions.

The person in front of him...from the past to the present, has always been the biggest hope for the LPL region in his eyes.

Lin Feng thought for a moment and gave his own answer:

"My personal ability is very strong and my talent is good, almost the same as Tangtang——"

He is familiar enough with someone's team and several of his teammates, so Lin Feng's brief comment made Fang Hao's face even more joyful:

"Is it similar to Tangtang?"

"That's amazing. You're lucky."

Lin Feng said "Yeah": "But we still need more time to practice."

Fang Hao's face also showed a serious look again:


"But you do have to hurry."

"Now that we have assembled the team, in the next forty days, we must first think about how to unite the team and truly make the five people become a tacit team."

Speaking of this, Fang Hao seemed to have thought of something again. He looked at Lin Feng and said casually:


"If you have time in the past two days, you can ask Anan to get some forms."

"Please fill in the information of the current members of your team."

Lin Feng paused after hearing this, then nodded:


Update sent, it seems I will be traveling again tomorrow. . . The update time should still be stable every night.

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