
Chapter 33 My opinion

The reason why Chen Ting was able to have such a performance in the first training match he participated in

There are actually two reasons for y's overall performance.

First, his opponents are only the second team and substitute players of the God Club, which are not enough to put too much pressure on him in terms of personal ability, and also give him more room to operate and display his personal strength.

Second, the opponent did not understand his abilities, so they did not promptly target and suppress his top lane at first.

So let him seize the opportunity to develop quickly in one or two waves, and let the hero Sword Girl snowball until there is no solution.

But the second game was different.

Facing the lineup led by Huangxue Yege and Dawn Morning Star, their strength has been greatly improved. Not to mention their own top lane, the middle and lower lanes have fallen into a disadvantage in the early stage. It is difficult to recover from the top lane alone. .

Not to mention that the opponent in the second game learned the lesson from the previous game and started crazy with various attacks on the top lane.

In this case, even another god would not be able to bear it.

It is extremely rare and valuable that Chen Ting can still achieve such a performance as a swordswoman in such a situation.

Just looking at the reactions of the God coaches in the training room at this moment can be seen. The God coaches are looking at Chen Ting one by one like hungry wolves looking at fat, their eyes are shining and they are almost drooling. ——

What a good seedling...

No, it can’t be said to be a “seedling”, he is simply a ready-made top laner!

The first training game actually didn't explain much, but the solid performance in the second game was even more amazing.

If you want personal operation, you need personal operation.

If you want to lead alone, you can lead alone, if you want to play in a group, you can play in a group.

The level of pressure resistance is not something that ordinary passers-by masters can achieve. His style is delicate and has a sharp offensive side, and he also has his own ideas in the offense.

Such a top laner doesn't even need to be picky. He can be directly recruited into the team and run in for a while, which will greatly improve the overall combat power of his team!

Several God coaches are even thinking about if they can bring such a young man into the club,

In the next new season, the competitiveness of their God-Hand team will be raised to a higher level. Even if they meet SSK... they may be able to fight again.

Noticing the way several coaches looked at Chen Ting, someone quickly stood up and interrupted:

"Hey, stop looking."

"My family's, my family's—"

That vigilant posture was like an old hen guarding her young.

Seeing someone like this, everyone in the training room couldn't help but burst out laughing, but then they all felt a little understanding.


If you can find such a top laner...whoever comes next will definitely be protected with all your strength.

Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Yege looked at each other:

"Fengzi has found the right person—"

"Huh, it's okay, thanks to three late-night snacks..."

It was at this time that No. 3 came out and clapped his hands, attracting the attention of everyone in the training room, and then spoke slowly:

"See it all?"

"Only when you fight like this can you be considered a qualified swordswoman."

Before the two training matches, perhaps everyone at God would still have doubts about Chen Ting's strength, but now after hearing No. 3's comments, everyone was convinced without any rebuttal or opinion.

Even an evaluation like "qualified" is considered low.

With this level of single-handed Sword Girl, it would be difficult to find a few others in the entire Chinese LPL competition area.

Lin Feng's eyes brightened slightly when he heard this, and he looked at No. 3:

"Senior, what do you mean-"

Number 3 looked at Lin Feng and curled his lips:

"You have good eyesight, kid."

Someone smiled happily: "That's necessary! Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to bring him to see you~"

No. 3 said "hmm", then glanced at Chen Ting who had already stood up and returned to Lin Feng's side, then turned to Lin Feng and said casually:

"Keep this kid here with me."

"I'll take it for a while."

When these words came out, everyone in the God training room, including several coaches, Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Yege, couldn't help but feel moved again. They looked at Chen Ting with a bit of surprise and envy that could not be concealed. color.

Others may be nothing.

But LPL players like them, who already know the strength and status of No. 3, know very well the meaning and weight of such a sentence from this senior.

You know, daily training guidance is one thing, but being personally taught by your side is such a treatment. Among the three LPL teams, only KG's Tian Tian can have such luck.

This guy... is just an ordinary passerby player.

But if we get the guidance of Senior No. 3, our future development may not be inferior to Enshen!

Lin Feng was even more happy when he heard this:

"I'm just waiting for your words, senior!"

As he said that, he turned to look at Chen Ting and urged: "Old Chen, why are you still standing there in a daze? Hurry up and become a disciple!"

Before he finished speaking, No. 3 raised his hand and interrupted:


"Don't set a trap for me. I just promised to take him with me for a while, but it's not like becoming a master or a disciple."

Lin Feng said with a smile:

"Oh, isn't that the same thing? Besides, you have such a good apprentice. You can't even find another one, senior. You have to use all your skills to cultivate him, right?"

Number 3 looked at someone sideways: "What, you still have to set a teaching target for me?"

Someone's face was red and his heart was not beating: "That's right. Senior, your abilities are on the table. There is no need for me to set a target. But if the apprentice you bring out is not good enough, it will be a shame for you, right... …”

"What level do you want me to bring out?"

"Hmm...then it has to be at the level of a fat man, right? Or The-Swo

d. Is that okay? "

Number Three rolled his eyes:

"Why didn't you say you could just bring me to my level?"

Someone's eyes lit up: "Is that okay?"

"It's okay! You kid, go away. If you keep talking nonsense, do you believe I'll beat you up?"

The bargaining process between the two made everyone around God stunned, including Yuan Shen and The-Swo.

D level, how come in such a conversation, it sounds like cabbage on the roadside is cheap and free?

In the end, Lin Feng looked like he was playing rogue:

"Anyway, I don't care. I've taught you seniors, so it's up to you how to practice -"

"I really can't go back and wait until Senior No. 1 and the others come back, so I can file a complaint with them."

No. 3 was very happy:

"Hey, why are you so thick-skinned?"

"Okay, okay, let's wait and see the results later. I'm convinced."

Lin Feng, who finally received a positive answer, showed a satisfied expression: "Wouldn't it be over if I said this earlier..."

However, at this time, Chen Ting looked at the two people from side to side and couldn't help but say:


"Should I ask my opinion?"

Here's an update. I have something to do temporarily. The next chapter will be a little later. I'll report it to my friends.

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