
Chapter 31 More than one style

It is no exaggeration to say that in the minds of the current members of the three LPL teams: God, Hayami and KG, Lin Feng is almost a cheating existence.

The level is incredible, even more so than the core aces in their respective teams.

Because someone's strength does not only lie in his own position, nor only in his personal operation ability or team battle awareness, etc...

What's more, his almightiness.

Regarding this point, it has been perfectly demonstrated and performed during the training preparations and finals of the three companies in the past month or so.

As the mid laner, someone was perfectly qualified to be the sparring partner for Dawn Star and Shi Hang. It was even with his help that Dawn Star finally broke through the bottleneck and entered the realm of the Four Emperors.

And when there is a shortage of players in the top lane during training matches, he can suddenly become the best candidate for the top lane partner. Even if He Tiantian is facing each other face to face, he will not be at a disadvantage in the slightest.

Or switch to jungle.

Rhythm can make you fly, ga

K's three lanes are like clouds and flowing water, making people sincerely admire him and regard him as the most skilled jungle master.

Or maybe switch to the bottom lane——

In the ADC position, he can compete with Huangxue Yege.

When it comes to the support position, its meticulousness, protection of its own ADC partner, and ability to force the first move are even more difficult to find fault with.

"This guy is a pervert."

Shi Hang once commented on someone like this:

"Not to mention the strongest natural hit midfielder position. Even if he is moved to other positions, he will still be the top first-line player in the world. He can play any position on any team without any problem."

This evaluation was unanimously recognized and approved by all the players of the three Chinese LPL teams.

It is precisely because of this——

When someone at this moment answered No. 3's question and said the word "tie" with a smile.

This made almost everyone in the training room tremble with horror.

"What the hell!?"

Huangxue Yege was the first to react,

He looked at Lin Feng with a shocked face:

"Are you kidding me?"

Lin Feng shrugged: "Why would I lie to you?"

Many God members nearby started to gasp: "A tie with Maple God solo... What the hell, doesn't it mean we have to be on the same level as Enjin?"

Huangxue Yege was furious:

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Lin Feng looked confident: "If I had told you earlier, how could I earn you three late-night snacks?"

Huang Xue Ye Ge: "..."

Sure enough, Dawn Morning Star's analysis just now was correct. When someone comes to his place, ordinary people can easily take advantage of it.

At this moment, everyone in the training room looked at Chen Ting differently.

At first, they thought this was just an ordinary passerby expert brought by Lin Feng. Later, they realized that the other person's personal operation level seemed to be a bit beyond expectations, and now...

Someone who can tie Lin Feng in four games solo.

This is the level of professional level, even top professional level.

"But, it's just a solo—"

A God member in the crowd whispered:

"Solo doesn't mean it's full strength, right?"

indeed so.

Therefore, Chen Ting's performance continued on the field.

After getting 3 kills in the first six minutes, Fiona, the Peerless Swordsman, has basically taken off in her development rhythm.

In the ninth minute, the top laner Jian Ji under Chen Ting's control pushed the opponent to the top to defend the outer tower.

In the tenth minute, Jian Ji switched to the bottom lane and continued to lead solo.

Eleventh minute——

Facing the opponent's purple team's bottom lane ADC Veruska assisting Thresh's duo, Sword Girl pretended to be back in the city and crouched in the grass, seizing the opportunity to thrust out and forcefully cut the opponent's ADC Punishment Arrow.

The W skill's Mind Sword is activated at the moment Varus throws the "Corruption Chain" close to his face with his backhand ultimate.

Sync will control parry and block.

Backhand stuns people.

Use the ultimate move to kill and take away Varus, and then easily take down the head of the auxiliary Thresh.


The kill announcement from the system's female voice came from the bottom lane.

Sword Girl's operation once again made everyone in the training room twitchy.

Huangxue Yege's expression became a little solemn, and she finally stopped worrying about the three-night bet with someone:


The morning star nodded slowly:

“Kind of The-Swo

d means. "

In the 17th minute, Fiona, the swordswoman controlled by Chen Ting, single-handedly pushed her troops to the opponent's second defensive tower in the bottom lane.

No one on the purple side army can defend Jian Ji alone, but allocating too many people to defend the sideline will only make the four people on the opposite blue side take the opportunity to get together and push, so they have no choice but to grit their teeth and give up temporarily. Ignore the Sword Girl who has dropped to the side, and try to find opportunities in the middle to forcefully start a team battle as soon as possible.

It's just that the blue side played very steadily and cautiously. With Chen Ting's Sword Girl on the wing, the four players in the middle always hugged each other while maintaining a safe distance from the opponent, not giving the opponent any chance.

The situation remained deadlocked for about half a minute.

Seeing that the health of the second tower in the bottom lane has been reduced to about one-third by the opposite Sword Lady, the purple side army, which has never been able to find a chance in the middle lane, can only let its own Kennen return to the bottom lane, followed by the jungler. spider--

If they could catch Sword Girl to death once, the situation would be much better for them.


That's when the two heroes on the purple side left the middle and entered the jungle.

An attack signal was suddenly marked in the middle.


It was Chen Ting's signal.

At the same moment, the blue side's auxiliary Japanese girl directly and decisively expanded, and "Sun Flare" forced the first move to slow down and control the remaining three heroes on the opposite purple side.

A beam of teleportation light rose into the sky in the purple F6 jungle area.

Sword Princess teleported to the ground.

Before the opponent's purple side army had time to react, and before the Ueno and others had time to rush back.

The Wushuang Sword Princess under Chen Ting's control entered the battlefield.

Quickly copy to the back row of the opponent's formation.

And then--

It was a devastating harvest.

The kill announcement from the system’s female voice continued to echo in the middle of Summoner’s Rift:


iple-Kill (three kills)! ——”

When Sword Girl Fiona's record data suddenly reached 8/1/0 with this wave of three kills, even several watching coaches from the God Club were completely moved:


The expression of the morning star at dawn is extremely solemn and solemn:

"This is not just The-Swo

d style. "

Huangxue Yege took in a breath of cold air and felt that her gums ached:

"What the hell...why do you look like Lao Tian again?"

Lin Feng, who was next to him, smiled happily and turned to look at No. 3: "Senior, how are you doing?"

In exchange, No. 3 said without replying:

"Shut up."

Even though he said so.

However, No. 3's gaze has always been on the unparalleled swordswoman on the field from the beginning, and has never moved away for a moment.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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