
Chapter 18 1 and a half months

He successfully stopped a taxi at the intersection. Lin Feng put his luggage in the trunk, opened the door and got into the back seat of the car. He gave the driver the address of Shangcai's school.

The taxi started slowly and drove forward.

Lin Feng, who was in the back seat, leaned on the back of his chair and turned his head to look out the window.

The familiar night scene of the magical city, with neon lights and rushing traffic, quickly swept back from the field of vision.

Lin Feng's thoughts were slightly in a trance.

Time flies by so fast. If you don't notice, it has already arrived in early November. The cool night breeze blows in from the window, reminding people that the season has officially entered autumn.

During this whole month in Europe, I have indeed experienced too many things.

And I don’t even have time to sort it out in detail, because a new challenge is already in front of me.

Lin Feng felt as if he had been pushed forward by invisible forces. At this moment, he finally stood at the entrance of the river.

In fact, the preparation is far from sufficient.

But circumstances wait for no one.

Lin Feng took a breath, now... whether he bites the bullet or accepts it calmly, he is going to do it.

The phone in my pocket vibrated slightly. I took it out and took a look. It was a message from Senior No. 1. The content was just a simple sentence, but it was enough to make someone who was slightly tired suddenly feel at ease in this magical city night. Be alert -

"You still have a month and a half."

His eyes stayed on the text of this message. After a long silence, Lin Feng typed on the screen of his mobile phone and replied:


He didn't ask for more details, nor did he delve into what was going to happen in the so-called month and a half.

Because there is no need to ask more.

Since it is the statement given by Senior No. 1, it is enough.

As for whether this "one and a half months" is enough time, it is a matter left for someone to solve on their own.

Put your phone back in your pocket,

Lin Feng reached out and rubbed his forehead. He originally thought that after returning to school tonight, he would be able to have a good sleep and adjust to the jet lag, but now it seems...

I can't care anymore.

The new season is approaching and the battle is currently underway. Things like laziness and slacking off are destined to be a luxury.

It was after eight o'clock in the evening when I returned to school.

Before the dormitory door was closed and the lights were turned off, Lin Feng dragged his suitcase to the door of his dormitory 514. When he took out the key and opened the door, he heard the clicking sound of the mouse and keyboard coming from the dormitory through the door.

Unlock and push the door open.

Then he saw his three roommates sitting at their desks, facing their laptops and concentrating on the battle on Summoner's Rift.

The sound of Lin Feng opening the door finally caught the attention of the three roommates.

Qiu Le subconsciously turned to look at the door, and his eyes widened immediately when he saw someone:

"What the hell! Fuko!?"

This exclamation also made Feng Tao and Shen Zhuang instantly turn their heads and look over, showing overjoyed expressions:

"Hey? You're back! Why didn't you tell me earlier!!"

"When did you arrive? Why don't we pick you up?"

Lin Feng smiled:

"Just got back today."

After explaining this, Lin Feng glanced at the screens of his roommates' laptops and kindly reminded:

"Finish the fight first, and then talk about it afterward."

Only then did the three roommates suddenly come back to their senses:

"Oh, oh, yes, you sit down first!"

"Fengzi, just wait. The three of us will defeat each other in a matter of minutes. We'll be ready soon!"

"What the hell, Old Shen, where is your stone man's ultimate move? Come on!"

"Ale, you are the best! What are you waiting for? Damn it, help me, help me, help me! -"

Seeing the noisy and familiar scene in front of him, Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh. He put the suitcase aside and pulled up a chair to sit next to Qiu Le to watch and wait.

Soon after, the eye-catching "defeated" emblem appeared on the laptop screens of the three roommates in 514.

Feng Tao, Shen Zhuang and Qiu Le were all dejected:

"Damn... almost!"

"It's been three consecutive defeats. I have no luck tonight."

Hearing Qiu Le's complaints, Feng Tao couldn't help but roll his eyes: "It's not just bad luck tonight, but now we have good luck that day?"

Shen Zhuang looked at Lin Feng and explained:

"Fengzi, you haven't been in school for such a long time. It's just the three of us playing ranked games every day. We almost never win. We even keep losing in the Brawl—"

Lin Feng rubbed his nose when he heard this: "Oh, that's a bit miserable..."

Qiu Le rushed forward, hugged someone's arm and cried: "It's not just a little miserable, it's terrible, okay! Fortunately, God has the vision to allow us to bring you back, you have to seek justice for us... ...Ah, no, you have to lead us to a good score!"

Feng Tao accused: "You are so good at it, can you not point at Fengzi whenever something happens?"

The next second, he suddenly changed his expression to please someone and looked at someone: "Fengzi, I am different. I have advanced to the life and death game. Just give me a fight."

Lin Feng took his arm out of Qiu Le's arms, looked at the three roommates, and explained apologetically:

"Recently, there may not be much time."

"I have some things to be busy with here. I'll wait a while."

The three roommates reacted and nodded in understanding:

"That's right, you're just coming back now, don't be in a hurry."

"You go about your business first, it doesn't matter to us, your business is important——"

Ever since they learned that Lin Feng had gone to Europe with three LPL teams to prepare for the finals, the mentality of the three people in dormitory 514 had changed early. The thought of their roommates being able to compete with those top LPL star players The great gods were in the same room, and they themselves felt honored to be with them——

Look, this is the person who came out of our dormitory 514!

Are there such awesome people in other dormitories?

Speaking of this, the three people looked at Lin Feng again, and Qiu Le spoke cautiously:

"By the way Fengzi, you came back with Team God?"

Seeing Lin Feng nod, Shen Zhuang couldn't help but interject and asked:

"God, are they... okay now?"

The tone was full of concern and worry.

Lin Feng nodded: "It's okay. I've started reviewing and preparing for the new season today."

After hearing such a reply, Feng Tao, Shen Zhuang, Qiu Le and the other two people immediately showed relief and relaxed expressions: "That's good, that's good..."

Qiu Le came closer again and said casually: "What...what about the signature thing I told you before?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Feng Tao next to him hit him on the head with a loud bang:

"How long has it been and you are still thinking about this? Do God's team members have that much free time?"

Lin Feng also came to his senses and felt a little sorry:

"Oh, I forgot. I'll ask for it for you when I go to their base in two days."

Qiu Le waved his hands repeatedly: "It's okay, it doesn't matter. The signature doesn't matter, but..." He paused and looked at Lin Feng carefully: "If you go again, can you give us a message? You don't mean anything else. Just tell them that we are all die-hard fans of God. It doesn’t matter if we lose this time. It’s not embarrassing. Let them not care about what they say online. We still support them!”

Feng Tao and Shen Zhuang next to them also nodded vigorously.

Looking at the serious expressions of the three roommates in front of him, Lin Feng smiled:

"rest assured."

"I will definitely bring you the words."

It's time to turn off the lights in the dormitory.

Several people in dormitory 514 finished washing and went to bed one after another.

Only Lin Feng was still sitting at the desk under the bed, turning on the charging LED desk lamp, a writing book on the desk, a pen in his hand, thinking slightly.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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