
Chapter 16 Effort

After being eliminated from the finals and returning to China, Shi Hang and even Team Hayami still did not slack off and relax their demands on themselves.

Everybody has no days off.

The daily training in the base is still maintained, and the training intensity is even higher than before.

Therefore, even though the overall strength of the KG team is somewhat better than Hayami's, in the training match held this morning, after the first two or three games, Hayami did not take any advantage from Hayami's side.

In particular, Shi Hang's personal performance in the mid lane position is even more amazing and praiseworthy.

It is precisely because of this that although most people in the room recognized and trusted Lin Feng's strength in the confrontation training just conducted, they did not think that there was no chance of winning against Shi Hang in the middle of this game.

Likewise, and precisely because of this——

After thirty-two minutes, the outcome of the game was before our eyes, and everyone was so shocked and moved.

The performance data of the purple mid laner Enchantress is 9/0/7.

Super God.

From laning to support to ga

k, from single belt to group participation.

An almost perfect textbook level performance.

In this round of confrontation, Shi Hang’s mid laner Jess from the blue side Speedwater Team actually went all out without any reservations. However, in addition to relying on the strong characteristics of the hero Future Guardian in the early stage, he was slightly ahead. In addition to stabilizing the laning rhythm at level 3... after level 3, you will completely fall into a passive situation of being beaten.

In the end, it was a 3/6/4 record data.

It can be said that it has been completely destroyed by the opponent.

Li Shiyi, who was standing in the back row watching the battle, couldn't help but show a look of sincere surprise on his face. When they were chatting on the road earlier, he only heard the corresponding answer from Lin Feng, but it was not as good as seeing is believing at this moment——

Such a sleight-of-hand enchantress really allowed him to see the elegance of his former partner when he was at his golden peak.

Tian Tian, ​​who was directly fighting alongside Lin Feng this time, felt it more intuitively and deeply. He couldn't wait to turn his head to look at someone, his eyes sparkling:


"Your condition...is completely back!?"

His tone was full of excitement and excitement.

The only person with a dark face was probably Shi Hang, who was completely reduced to a foil for Lu Ye. He took off his headphones in frustration:

"Depend on--"

"You are playing with a hammer like this. I should have known better."

Enchantress...why not?

Enchantress! "

The Hayami team members next to you were a little aggrieved. Didn't you let them go and take whatever they wanted...

But, having said that——

"This enchantress is really strong..."

In the crowd, someone from Hayami KG said something in a low voice, his tone full of surprise and emotion.

The other team members nodded repeatedly, and Yao Gui showed a look of disapproval:

"Compared with LeBlanc in yesterday's finals, it's not much different, right?"

The crowd was quiet for a moment.

Many Hayami and KG players had a look of recollection on their faces, and nodded again subconsciously.


The trick that someone just performed was so strong that it was almost perfect. It was hard not to compare it with Love, the world's number one mid laner from the SSK team in the last game of yesterday's finals. Lan thought about it and made a comparison.

Faintly, it seems that it is really difficult to distinguish between them.

Lin Feng shook his head:

"Not even close."

My family knows my own affairs, even though I have almost returned to the peak state of the past, the mid laner LeBlanc just did it without reservation, but if I want to compete with the trickster in yesterday's game, Compared to that, it is still far behind.

Although it seems to be a perfect super-god enchantress.

But now this is just an ordinary training match between Hayami and KG.

The intensity is far from comparable to the final decisive game between SSK and God yesterday.

Moreover, the Enchantress at that time faced Dawn Morning Star's extremely skilled rune mage Ryze.

In this current match, his opponent...

Just a passable Jace.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng glanced at Shi Hang, which immediately made Shi Hang a little unhappy: "Hey, what do you mean by that look!"

Lin Feng: "It's not interesting, just take a look."

Shi Hang: "Put it! You are looking down on me! I can see it in your eyes!"

Lin Feng pondered for a moment and nodded: "Then you are quite accurate."

Shi Hang: "..."

E-sports still depends on strength.

Big fists are better than anything else.

So no matter how angry and dissatisfied he was, in the end, Shi Hang could only admit it bitterly. However, after being beaten for a round just now, he was still aggrieved, so he soon shouted again:

"One more round!"

Naturally, Lin Feng would not refuse such a request and nodded happily:


It just so happened that he also needed more practice to get familiar with and adapt to his current state again.

This time, Li Shiyi also came on as a substitute, replacing KG's jungler C.

Nowadays, Li Shiyi's own personal condition level has been steadily recovering and improving. Although he has not reached the peak level like someone else, he can already keep up with the rhythm in a training competition of this size.

Not to mention that sitting next to him now are two former teammates, Lin Feng and Tian Tian, ​​who are both the companions who are most familiar with working side by side with him.

Shi Hang glanced at Lin Feng and the other two people sitting across from him and muttered:

"This... is already more than half of the lineup from that year."

There was a hint of guilt in his tone.

Lin Feng raised his eyes:

"Should we fight or not?"

Shi Hang raised his chest and said, "Fight! Who said we won't fight!"

The fight lasted until noon.

Not only Lin Feng and Li Shiyi, but other members of the Hayami and KG teams also took turns playing in the subsequent training matches. The second team and the substitutes were all sent by the coaches and leaders of their own clubs to practice and practice.

After each game, there is a simple review, exchange and discussion. After pointing out the problems and discussing them, the next game can be quickly started.

This kind of training mode has long been used to the players of KG and Hayami during the previous three training camps. Even though the finals have ended, this high-intensity training rhythm can still be sustained steadily.

There is a short break during lunch.

Although they were at the KG base, Hayami's team members also stayed to have lunch with the KG team members in the restaurant, and they made an appointment to continue working in the afternoon.

Lin Feng, Li Shiyi, Shi Hang and Tian Tian gathered at a table.

Li Shiyi couldn't help but raised his head and looked around. He was a little stunned when he saw the two team members holding their jobs and devouring their food.

"Now...you are working so hard."

Shi Hang was also wolfing down his rice bowl. Hearing Li Shiyi's words, he replied without even thinking:

"necessary. "

"If I don't eat enough, how can I have the strength to continue training in the afternoon?"

Lin Feng nodded and commented:

"This is really hard work."

Shi Hang paused, put down his bowls and chopsticks, and spoke slowly:

"If you don't work harder..."

"I'm really sorry for our fans of the national server, aren't you?"

The tone was extremely serious and solemn.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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