
Chapter 2116 There will never be another opportunity like this

London, Wembley Arena.

The applause finally started.

It grew louder and louder, until it turned into thunderous screams and cheers.

The audience at the scene is always the fairest, even if they are in different competition areas and have different support positions, but after watching such a set of BO5 duels and watching the final decisive game, no matter what kind of feelings they have mood, I will still give you the warm applause that you deserve.

This is a tribute to the SSK team that once again won the world championship.

It is also a tribute to the world's number one mid laner who once again proved his dominance with his strength.

Even the Chinese students in the audience could only feel bitter and heavy at this moment, while applauding and looking at the figure in the SSK team's competition room on the stage, thinking silently——

Worthy of being F.

The world's number one mid laner... is still the world's number one mid laner.

Not to mention the Korean network at this moment, millions of Korean players and fans are already completely ecstatic!

Ah C!


The final victory still belongs to their glorious and great LCK division!

The glorious Summoner's Trophy was finally won by their SSK team!

From this moment on, all the criticism and speculation from the outside world in the past month or so have been directly shattered by reality. All rumors and all the disapproval can only be defeated in the face of such ironclad facts.

Is SSK in decline?

The strongest year for the Chinese LPL region?

God-The ferocious impact and challenge of God's hand?

The Korean players scoffed. Their SSK team once again won the cup, finally letting their arrogance show again. Are you kidding me? How could their dominance of the LCK division in the League of Legends professional e-sports field be easily broken?

Even a clown dares to show off.

In the end, it was just a stepping stone for their SSK team's ruling dynasty.

Such an arrogant and conceited attitude would have aroused resentment and disgust from people in other competition regions. The more grumpy people may have been tempted to ridicule and retaliate at this moment, but at this moment, no matter in each competition region, they can only To be able to remain silent in front of such arrogant Korean players.

North American LCS, European LCS, Chinese LPL, even Taiwan servers and wild cards——

All the teams and clubs in each major competition area could only watch the scene speechlessly at this moment.

Watching the five members of the SSK team, who won the championship again, calmly stood up from the competition room, smiled, hugged and high-fived each other, and were surrounded by the deafening applause and cheers at the scene.

Especially looking at the world's number one mid laner surrounded by the other four SSK players.

The people in the major teams couldn't help but feel depressed and heavy in their hearts.

Such SSK...

Next year, who else can stop him?

The answer is almost always no.

In today's group of BO5, as the opponent that competes with SSK, the performance of God-God's Hand team has almost reached the top and ultimate level.

It can even be said that the strength shown by the God team in today's BO5 group, if placed in any finals in previous years, would have been a dominant level of confidence, enough to win any previous world championship trophy.

But such God-the hand of God still fell in front of today's SSK team.

Dawnstar, who showed strength beyond the other four emperors, was still defeated by the world's number one mid laner from the SSK team.

Such SSK is already unstoppable.

And this F-Han Shihao...

It is even more impossible to use any common sense to deduce and measure.


In the audience, there were Korean players who were also international students and shouted that name at the top of their lungs.

Immediately afterwards, other European and American audiences also joined in excitedly and enthusiastically.

Even though the unwilling LPL audience was shouting cheering slogans of "Dawn Star" and "Star King", they were quickly drowned out by the overwhelming screams and cheers.

There was only one name left in the entire Wembley Arena.

Deafening excitement echoed throughout the arena.



This is celebrating as much as it is announcing.

It declares that the ruling dynasty belonging to SSK is still far from over.

It was announced that the world's No. 1 mid laner, who was already standing at the top of the pyramid, had faintly climbed up again and taken a step upward.

And this step...

It's on the way to becoming a legend.

In the backcourt area below the stage, you can still hear the deafening cheers coming from the audience in the front court.

Park Chanyeol leaned against the wall, looking in the direction of the arena, with a lazy smile on his lips, as if everything had nothing to do with him, and as if everything had been expected.

Not far away, two figures walked towards each other.

The young general manager of the SSK club still had the same lazy and casual look. Facing the two legends of the previous generation in the Korean e-sports circle, he bowed with an extremely gentlemanly grace, and then smiled:

"Fortunately, I lived up to my fate."

The five members of the SSK team walked out of their own competition room and walked towards the God team's competition room opposite.

This is the final handshake.

It can also be said to be a condescending condolence from the winner to the loser.

Only this time, no matter how cold his personality is like Cube, or he is arrogant and proud like Ray, he has a solemn and awe-inspiring look on his face, and he meticulously shakes hands with each God member and bows to them.

This is their highest respect for today's opponents.

They have indeed never encountered such a strong and evenly matched opponent.

He has almost never been forced into such a dangerous situation.


The final victory still belongs to them.

Therefore, several members of God's team could only reach out their hands to wipe away the tears on their faces at this moment. With their red eyes, they could barely control their emotions and accept the comfort and greetings from their opponents.

Dawn Morning Star stood in place, motionless. Only when each SSK team member came in front of them, they silently stretched out their hands to shake each other's hands.

And they bowed and bowed one by one.

Every movement still seems so meticulous.

But from the perspective of the on-site director's camera, the figure of the single captain of the God team seemed to have been bent a little bit under the weight.

Revealing more silent sadness and desolation.

at last.

Han Shihao walked up to Dawn Morning Star, and the two looked at each other.

Han Shihao took the initiative to reach out to the morning star and spoke in jerky and not very fluent English:


Dawn Morning Star paused for a moment, stretched out his hand to hold it, and smiled bitterly:


It seemed to be an unprecedented time. After shaking hands, Han Shihao was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he stood still and quietly looked at the opponent who had just played five games, and said another sentence:

"You're just a little short."


It's really just a slight difference, or even just luck.

Han Shihao paused and shook his head:


"It's not just a little bit worse."

After saying that, the mid laner captain of the SSK team calmly bowed slightly to greet the Dawn Star, then turned around and walked out.

The morning star was left standing there.

He slowly lowered his head.


He understood what the other person meant and knew that what the other person said was absolutely correct.

Today's BO5, and even the final decisive game, was the one where he had the best chance to win against the opponent, and after this battle... perhaps, there would never be such an opportunity again.

Here’s an update, ah, I feel like tonight’s second update is a bit confusing. . . Go to code first. . I'll update tomorrow morning if I can't figure it out.

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