
Chapter 2112 Rain falls in London, match point ends

On this day's competition, Han Shihao's smile in front of the computer screen in the competition room was keenly discovered and captured by the camera angle of the on-site director.

And this smile has become an unforgettable scene in the memory of countless League of Legends gamers in the future.

"The Smile of God".

This is the evaluation that people later gave to this lens.

Well deserved.

As the world's number one midlaner and leader of the Four Emperors, F-Han Shihao, who stands at the top of the professional e-sports pyramid, does have the qualification to be called a "god". This is also because of this new generation of the world's e-sports circle. The first person only laughed twice in his long career.

This is the first time.

Not only because of the rareness of this smile, the reason why this shot is important enough to be recorded in the history of e-sports, but also because after Han Shihao showed this smile, the final decisive game of this group of BO5 once again changed and reversed something that almost shocked the world. .

But time goes back to the present——

At the moment when Han Shihao smiled, not many people noticed.

Lin Feng and others were in the minority in the backcourt area.

Looking at Han Shihao's smile in the camera, Lin Feng's eyelids suddenly jumped.

Tang Bingyao noticed it carefully and turned around to look over:


Lin Feng shook his head and forced a smile: "It's okay."

Also noticing this shot was No. 1 and others.

No. 3 raised his eyebrows: "Huh?"

No. 5 pursed his lips slightly and turned to look at his fiancé beside him. At this moment, No. 1 stood with his hands behind his back, looking far away at the SSK team's competition room on the stage.

Didn't speak.

However, No. 5, who was delicate and thoughtful, could notice that his fiancé, who had always been calm and calm, seemed to have an extremely sharp look on the stage at this moment...for a moment.

The backcourt area opposite,

Park Chanyeol was still leaning lazily on the pillar next to the steps.

Look up.

See that smile.

Finally, the eyes of the young general manager of the SSK club suddenly brightened up, as if he had regained his energy:


"Sure enough, did you catch up?"

After regaining his energy for a moment, Park Chanyeol lazily leaned back against the pillar, with a hint of unknown meaning at the corner of his mouth:

"It seems..."

"Something interesting is going to happen."

The cheers and cheers from the audience were like mountains and seas.

On the giant LCD viewing screen on the stage, ba slowly emerged.

Select the battle interface.

The final BO5 decider of the World Finals begins.

Both teams start ba


God-Hand of God on the blue side, SSK team on the purple side.

One by one the heroes were sent to the ba

-list, and then each hero was confirmed to be locked for battle, and the ba in each hand

The selection was completed through close communication between the players of both teams and their coaches, and every tactical decision-making also aroused heated discussions in the audience and on the commentary stage.

You can see that the God team on the blue side took out the top laner Dao Mei, the jungler Prince and ADC Obama.

The SSK team on the purple side selected jungler Digger, top laner Jayce, auxiliary Tahm Kench, and ADC Ezreal.

"SSK's lineup looks more conventional."

The European and American commentators on the official commentary desk were talking and commenting:

"The additional support of Tahm Kench and Ezreal improved the team's fault tolerance rate in battle - it seems that the final game also made our defending champion feel pressured and did not dare to relax at all."

In contrast, the lineup selection of the blue team God is quite impressive.

"Sword girl, prince and Obama."

"A very violent lineup system in the early and mid-term!"

At the Chinese commentary desk, Mo Sheng sincerely exclaimed:

"Although the opponent SSK's lineup is not bad in combat ability in the early and mid-term, God's three-hand hero selection... is simply setting out to fight you head-on!"

Feiyan's eyes sparkled with excitement: "This is...God has shown his own confidence and momentum!"


With the consistent playing style of the God team, no matter what the situation is, they will maintain a sufficiently cautious and calm attitude.

But in today's final decisive game, the three heroes presented in the first three hands really seemed to have set up a formation and made a positive declaration to the opponent, ready to fight!

Online, Chinese server players and netizens are cheering again!


Just need this kind of confidence and domineering!

It is to declare war head-on like this, and to show their style in the LPL division in the final decisive game!

God is awesome! !

LPL is awesome! !

Compared to the two excited and beautiful partners, Lao Mi, although equally excited and unable to control himself, still calmed down at this moment and gave an objective analysis and judgment from a professional perspective:

"God has nothing wrong with these three hands, but if you want to be more stable, you can make some arrangements for the final selection of the midfielder and auxiliary, especially the midlaner, to make up for the late-stage curve of this lineup."

The words have not yet finished.

On the big screen watching the battle, the heroes on the fourth and fifth floors of the blue square have been quickly selected and confirmed to be locked.

Fourth floor, auxiliary bull head.

On the fifth floor, Rune Mage Ryze.

On the China commentary stage, Lao Mi slapped his thigh hard and praised:


"That's what Ryze is for!"

For Lao Mi, a professional and experienced commentator, what he saw with Ryze was a lineup curve that perfectly complemented God's team in this decisive game.

But at the same time, far away in the magic city of China, in the KG club training base, the KG and Hayami team members also burst into cheers, but for different reasons.

"Damn, I'm just waiting for this!"

KG's ADC player Konjac's eyes were shining, and he clenched his fists and was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

Next to them, the members of the other two teams nodded vigorously, their eyes shining with excitement and anticipation.

They had been training with God to prepare for the game. They knew exactly what God's team's real trump card was, and they also naturally knew how terrifying the mid laner Ryze would be if he fell into the hands of Dawnstar. power.

Shi Hang sighed with satisfaction:

"It's stable, it's really stable!"

"Even if F takes Victor again, he won't be able to fight against Azing's Ryze!"

Suddenly, Tian Tian beside him suddenly said:


"It seems that SSK's mid laner hasn't been chosen yet."


The members of the two LPL teams in the room were stunned and subconsciously looked at the screen.

It was not until this moment that the eyes of all players and audiences around the world focused.

Suddenly everyone came to their senses and realized that in this final decisive game, the SSK team on the purple side saved their mid lane hero for the last move.

After all, the selection of Victor in the previous four games has given people a subconscious inertia, and they take it for granted that there may be no exception in this last game.

but now……

It seems this is not the case.

At the official commentary desk, several European and American commentators subconsciously sat upright and opened their eyes wide:

"Contestant Han Shihao...does he have any other plans?"

For a moment, the entire Wembley Stadium fell silent.

Everyone waited with bated breath.

On the stage, in the SSK team's competition room.

Han Shihao, who was sitting in the mid lane seat, turned to look at the other four teammates beside him and nodded slightly:

"Thanks for your hard work."

This sentence is a sincere expression of gratitude.

The next sentence is a declaration like a plain statement——

"Leave the rest to me."

On the giant LCD viewing screen, the OB screen, and the purple square SSK team’s hero selection box on the fifth floor lit up.

Hero confirmed locked.

LeBlanc, the Fairy Trickster, comes to battle.

But this kind of first-hand hero selection is still destined to not be the scene that truly shocked and overturned the world today.

Because of that scene.

Occurs thirty-four minutes from this moment.

The final day of the S Series World Finals.

London, England, Wembley Stadium, the two teams started the battle at 9 a.m. London time.

After five full battles, it finally came to an end.

It's 2:43 pm London time.

It’s 10:43 a.m. Beijing time in China.

It starts to rain in London.

Drops of water fall on the exterior of Wembley Stadium.

The sound of rain gradually fell.

The rain is getting heavier.

Until it pours.

The final BO5 decider ended at the 34th minute of the game, and the blue base crystal was pushed and exploded.

The purple side SSK team won the final victory in the deciding game.

The MVP of this game was given to the winner's mid laner, Trickster, with KDA data of 9/0/11.

Super God.

An update is coming, I should only have this chapter today, and then I have to think about how to deal with the rest of the plot.

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