
Chapter 2104 God’s Counterattack

"The power of Dawn Morning Star lies not only in his personal operation ability, but also in his grasp and control of various opportunities."

This is the opinion and evaluation given by the head coach of a team in the national server to Dawnstar. When he said these words, the head coach who was famous for being strict and harsh in coaching in his own club could not hide his admiration and appreciation in his tone.


Just like the current wave of river dragon team battles.

No one will think that a mere card master can play a key role in turning the tide. You have a card and the hero itself determines that there is not much room for operation. If you go up and be caught by the opponent, you can attack with force at any opportunity. kill.

Indeed, under normal circumstances, even Dawn Star, the number one card in the world, would not be able to operate at all when faced with a group of five SSK players.

But Dawnstar just seized the opportunity.

Because the priority goal of the opponent SSK team's five-man team is to capture the Baron, and his card master always maintains a long-distance safe position until the Baron's health drops to less than one-third. They only chose to take action when they dropped to one-third and the energy of the five players on the opposite side was basically put on Baron Nash.

The timing was very accurate.

Considering that the opponent is hard to distract, some people are still taking damage from the baron, and some are still dealing damage to the baron, then at most one or two people can be separated to cause trouble for the card master first.

And if there are only one or two people, there is room for manipulation for the card masters of Dawnstar.

So there was the extremely detailed micro-manipulation that was so exciting that it shocked the whole audience just now.

Even under the command of Dawn Morning Star, Huangxue Yege's ADC Divination Master was allowed to use a long-distance sniper, and two shots took away the head of the opponent's remaining health ADC Lucian.

Two people next to double C.

And they are all double-C heroes without much room for maneuver.

Facing the five SSK players, there was almost no hand-to-hand combat, and they simply relied on sawing and poke to kill the opposing ADC.

This is really the most vivid expression of Dawn Morning Star's overall command and tactical arrangement.



That's all.

The system's female voice's announcement echoed in front of the Dalong Fjord.

It also seemed to announce that the situation of the war was finally going to reverse again.

The blue side SSK team won the baron.

Without the energy of Baron Nash, the SSK team of the Blue Army was left with four people, and they could finally free up their hands to solve other problems.

So there is no suspense——

The purple side mid laner Card Master, who caused the greatest interference to them and was also the closest opponent to them, became the well-deserved primary target.

Wolf's angry top laner Gnar roared and turned into an ancient ferocious beast again. He jumped towards the target Card Master and struck down hard with both arms.

At this moment, the hearts of countless Chinese players and viewers suddenly tightened!

It's over.

The card is gone.

The Flash Sprint has been handed over. In order to hold down the five SSKs on the opposite blue side, Star King's card master has already used all his skills and reached the ultimate level of operation. Now facing a sudden Gnar, There is no longer any ability to dodge.

At the same time, fans of Korean players at the Korean Open and countless LCK divisions have begun to cheer excitedly!

The dragon takes it!

A mere card master is just an annoying fly, and it’s time to slap him to death!

The huge body of Lost Fang crashed down hard.

Right now.

A metallic chirping sound suddenly sounded!


Suddenly, the card master's figure transformed into a pure golden statue.


At the China commentary desk, Lao Mi slammed the table excitedly: "Beautiful! The card also has a golden body!"

Finally, a Zhonya Golden Body in his hand helped the Card Master avoid the fatal face-attack from his opponent, Dannar. The Korean players and fans quickly gritted their teeth and clenched their fists in regret and annoyance:

It's just a golden body.

After the golden body is over, you, the card master, can still only wait for death, but it only allows you to live for a second or two longer!

Most of the Korean net players and viewers think so.

Domestically, the magical city of Shanghai, KG team club base.

Shi Hang's eyes suddenly lit up at this moment:


"This wave... has come alive!"

At the same moment, at Wembley Stadium in London, the SSK team's competition room was on stage.

The expression on Mafa's face suddenly changed, and he shouted, and almost coincidentally, Han Shihao's brief warning sounded on the team's voice channel.

The two core captains and vice-captains of the SSK team, midfielder and jungler, made the same judgment at this moment:


In the God team's competition room not far from the stage.

The morning star in front of the computer screen suddenly raised its head, and the flames in its eyes jumped and burned:



The golden body created by the card master only has a life-saving time of one or two seconds.

Indeed, if the SSK team is determined to kill people right now, then once the golden body effect ends, it will be difficult for the Dawnstar to escape even if it puts on its wings.


The problem is that the current card master is no longer fighting alone.

Not far away is Huangxue Yege's ADC Master, who also has two ultimate sniper bullets.

And besides...

The battle in front of the Dalongfjord in the river is fierce. Although most of the ordinary players and spectators are immersed in it and are shocked by the card operation of Dawn Star and forget about other things, there are still a few people who can escape from it and learn more. See the situation clearly and thoroughly.

Offstage, in the backcourt area.

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Lin Feng's face:

"It's done!"

Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao were still a little confused, but the kind-hearted An Xin smiled and helped explain:

"The cards have delayed enough."

Zeng Rui suddenly came back to his senses and showed an ecstatic expression:


It wasn't until I was reminded like this that I remembered again that this wave of Dawnstar card masters had never thought about fighting 1V5 on their own from the beginning. They were just trying to help their other teammates who had not yet been resurrected. To gain time.

And this time.

Although the SSK team on the blue side has still taken the Baron buff, it was delayed for too long by the card master of Dawn Star. Several God players who died in the last wave of wild areas were in the spring water of the base on the purple side. , have been resurrected one after another.

There is grass in the river on the upper road of Summoner's Rift.

Another beam of teleportation light suddenly rose into the sky!

Jace [Teleport]!

At the same time, you can see that in the purple square base, God's team's auxiliary Tahm Kench and jungler Prince have also rushed towards the bottom of the high ground!

With Tahm's ultimate in hand, if he gets closer, he can swallow his jungler teammates and both of them can teleport into the field!

Live, official commentary booth.

Several European and American commentators who reacted immediately showed shock and shock:

"Oh My God!"

"Team God...are you ready to fight back!?"

At the Chinese commentary desk not far away, Lao Mi’s face turned red with excitement and he shouted loudly:


"The dragon lets you take it."

"Keep the head for me!"

"One by one...don't even think about running away!!"

Update is here, there should be another chapter in the evening, go away and continue typing.

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