
Chapter 2099 The Great Dragon in Desperate Situation

For the vast number of Chinese LPL players and fans, watching today’s finals is really an extremely stimulating viewing experience.

From the BO5 start with God's team's first victory, to their opponent SSK's two consecutive draws that forced God to a desperate match point, to the ba in the fourth game

During the selection process, their "Star King" Dawn Morning Star selected the natal card at the bottom of the box——

The whole process of watching the game was like riding a roller coaster with ups and downs and thrills.

And this is not the end.

I thought that my God team would come up with an ace in the box and rely on its perfect tactical operation and lineup distribution tactics to gradually suppress SSK and finally win this game. However, I didn’t expect that it would happen again about 30 minutes into the game. Deadlock.

Of course, even if they feel extremely nervous and anxious, until this moment, the majority of Chinese server players and fans still have an optimistic attitude.

Because they believe in the God team, they also know very clearly that in this stalemate situation, God-God's Hand, which has always been known for its calm and solid playing style, will not easily give the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of it.


But something happened unexpectedly.

In such a stalemate situation, it was the purple side of God's team that took the lead in losing their composure and choosing to attack, but a fatal flaw was exposed and was caught by the opponent's SSK team.

No, you can't say that either.

It cannot be said to be God's fault, but they did choose the wrong target for this wave of attacks.

Ueno Suke's three-man double-team targeted the opponent's mid laner, the mechanical pioneer.

You said it's not good for you to pick anyone, but why did you choose SSK's mid laner! ?

This is almost the painful consensus of millions of Chinese server players and fans at this moment. Yes, he is SSK’s core ace captain, the world’s number one mid laner who is the leader of the Four Emperors!

It may be impossible for an ordinary professional mid laner to escape when faced with the kind of encirclement and killing situation just now.

But it was Han Shihao——

Completely relying on his miraculous personal operation ability,

This sudden wave of danger was easily resolved invisible!

This seems to be the memory of LPL players and fans who have been reawakened for countless times, allowing them to witness and deeply understand the terrifying personal abilities of the world's number one mid laner of the SSK team.

At this moment, in the online post bar forum, desperate fans of Chinese server players have posted posts with titles like this -

"F-Has the mountain of Han Shihao become a nightmare that the LPL can never overcome?" 》


It seems that for an unknown number of times, the LPL team has been defeated by the Korean team.

I don’t know how many times the LPL finals dream has been ruthlessly shattered by the world’s number one mid laner who is the leader of the Yonko.

At this time, even the most optimistic Team God fans were already feeling desperate.

Because right now...

This is almost a dead end.

So when the North American commentator on the official commentary desk mentioned that the cards were teleported to the grass at the river crossing, although the Chinese players and audience also subconsciously glanced over, they were still too heavy to lift their spirits.

Card teleportation, so what?

Yes, at the moment, the purple side of their God team still has two Cs left to survive, a card master from the Star King, and an ADC Jhin from the Great Night Song.

But SSK has all five members present.

God doesn't even have a jungler here, let alone fight for [Retribution], so how can we still allow fragile output like Card or Fortune Master to grab the Baron?

It's just a delivery.

"The dragon is really gone."

"Next, let's see if God can defend himself."

Even many domestic commentators, anchors, and invited retired professional players have made such heavy judgments.

It seems that everyone has given up on the fight for this dragon.

However, at this moment, in the God team's competition room on the live stage, the card master controlled by Dawn Morning Star still teleported and landed in front of the grass at the mouth of the river on the upper road.


A fight for the Baron is almost impossible.

Even the balance of victory in this game seemed to have completely lost weight and tipped to the opponent's side.

It's already a desperate situation.

But at this moment, the dawn star didn't care.

He controlled the mouse and keyboard in his hands, moving and typing quickly.

The card master emerged from the grass and moved closer towards the river Dalongfjord.

The pupils in his eyes reflected the scene in front of the river Dalong Gorge.

It seemed that this was the only picture left in his eyes.

He could hear the panicked and extremely regretful voices of several teammates on his team's voice channel, but it seemed to be selectively blocked by his ears and gradually faded away into a buzzing noise.

Even the whole world seemed to be quiet at this moment.

It was so quiet that only his own breathing and heartbeat remained.

Thump - thump - thump -

Thump - thump - thump -

At the official commentary desk, several European and American commentators noticed the figure of the card master approaching Dalongfjord. They couldn't help but become slightly interested and leaned forward to see the picture on the big screen more clearly:

"Oh, okay, so now we see that the Dawnstar player has teleported to the ground."

"Coming closer to Dalong Gorge."

"Is this a last-ditch attempt? Without a jungler, it's a bit unrealistic to rely on Drizzt's Q skill universal card to seize the dragon."

"Probably I can only do a little consumption of poke. If I have the opportunity to steal a head, I can stop the loss a little."

"But SSK's formation is very solid. If the cards want to get closer, you have to be careful."

"If you give away another head, you will really suffer a big loss, haha."

At the same time, at the Chinese commentary desk not far away, the three LPL commentators, Lao Mi, Mo Sheng and Fei Yan, were also fixated on the scene in front of the Dalong Gorge:

"The Star King is approaching."

"Card Master's damage is considerable. If you keep the distance and do a few pokes, the yellow card will be thrown to the opponent's crispy skin, which may pose a threat to the opponent."

"Or maybe it's to cripple the health of a few people on the opposite side and delay it for a while?"

"Is there any way to drag the other three teammates here to resurrect?"

"Tahm has the ultimate move, and Jace has the teleportation. If we can wait until the resurrection, there might be a slight chance -"

At this moment, the three LPL commentators stood from the standpoint of their own divisions, almost racking their brains to try to help the God team come up with several solutions to the current predicament and crisis.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the probability of success of these methods is really low.

Dawn Morning Star, wearing gaming headphones, could not hear the analysis of the commentators outside the competition room.

At this moment, he could still only hear his own heartbeat.

Thump - thump - thump -

All other distracting thoughts were completely thrown away, and all mental attention was focused on the picture of Dalongfjord in front of him and the operation in his hands.

Thump - thump - thump -

The huge heartbeat seemed to echo in my ears with a strange rhythm.

At this moment, my thoughts became clearer and clearer than ever before. I was calculating the blood volume of the dragon, calculating the skill CD and positioning movements of each of the five heroes on the opponent's blue side. All the data and information were clearly in my mind. Emerge in detail, as if you have everything under control.


In Dalong Fjord, the body position of the jungle excavator of the blue side SSK team seemed to have changed slightly.

It was an action that was really almost unnoticeable.

But for the dawn star at this moment, it is like a stone falling into a deep and peaceful pool.

Suddenly there were ripples.

I'll send you an update, and I'll try to code out a chapter in the early morning. . . In fact, I was already very sleepy. .

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