
Chapter 2095 Wrong

Young people are always the most energetic and energetic.

Therefore, in the fields they are most passionate about, they will also devote greater enthusiasm than adults.

The convenience store was rarely so noisy and lively tonight.

A few junior high school boys, from the first game of the BO5 decisive battle between God-God's Hand and SSK

Choose a session and start a lively discussion with excited chatter.

When the game officially started, God won the first victory on a good start. The joyful cheers erupted by several junior high school boys could be heard clearly from the store to the entire street outside the store, and it scared the simple and honest people. The young boss quickly reminded them not to disturb the nearby neighbors.

As the second and third games progressed, when SSK won two games in a row and forced the God team to a desperate match point, the few guys headed by Zhang Xin were even more powerful than the other players on the field. Even more nervous, the young and immature faces in front of the computer screen were almost pale——

But the little guys continued to encourage each other:

"It's fine!"

"There are still the fourth and fifth games."

"Star King and Great God Ye Ge can definitely make a comeback! Have faith in them!"

In the fourth game, the God team selected the card master Drizzt, who shocked the world, as the mid laner. At that time, Zhang Xin and several friends were excited: "Ahhhhh cards!" "Star." The emperor's unique move!" "It must be God's bottom move, right?" "This game is definitely a sure one!"

A few little guys were so excited that they spontaneously organized themselves in front of the computer screen to shout slogans and cheer for the God team.

The young convenience store owner had to persuade them to pay attention to the volume.

Of course, on the one hand, I was a little helpless because of the noise and restlessness of these boys, and on the other hand, I saw these young people so involved in it, as if they wanted to rush to the London Arena to fight side by side with the idol members of Team God. It also made Zhou Mo feel quite sighing.


He was actually like this back then.

Although among the five members of the team, compared to the other companions, he is the calmest one,

But when he learned that they were finally going to advance to the first World Finals, his nervousness and excitement were no less intense than those of his other teammates.

That was a time when I was still a little young, but it was also the most precious and beautiful memory.

But now——

Zhou Mo gently rubbed the missing part of his hand. His face did not show too much heaviness or frustration. He just shook his head gently and smiled:

Now, he probably does not have the same passion and enthusiasm as he did back then.

Even if it weren't for the newly acquainted children around him, maybe he would never have thought of getting into contact with this game again, and he wouldn't be watching the finals battle in front of the computer with these children today.

Of course, even if they were watching the game together, he would not be able to be as fully immersed as these junior high school boys, exclaiming or cheering as his mood fluctuated with the ups and downs of the battle situation.

Compared to back then, when he was just an ordinary spectator now, his attitude towards such a battle became more peaceful.

However, this does not prevent him from having a far clearer understanding and judgment of the current battle situation than the children around him.

"Brother Mo, you think you can definitely win this God, right?"

Zhang Xin asked Zhou Mo smoothly.

It's not that he was really asking for advice humbly. As far as Zhang Xin was concerned, he was the strongest player with the first rank in the class, with diamond-level strength, and he never thought that this new good-tempered convenience store owner could have it. My own level.

So this sentence is just a question, I just hope to get more recognition and support.

Zhou Mo hesitated.

Regarding Zhang Xin's question, he considered it very carefully and seriously for a moment before shaking his head and giving the answer:

"Hard to say."

Such an answer made several junior high school boys, including Zhang Xin, couldn't help but curl their lips inwardly. Of course, they didn't think Zhou Mo had any real insights. They just felt that these three words of answer were just because of the convenience store owner. My level is limited and I dare not speak too much.

Then the next moment their attention was quickly attracted by the changes in the situation on the field.

The blue buff in the upper half jungle area of ​​SSK is refreshed.

Victor is ready to take blue.

God's team's top laner Jayce, jungler Prince and auxiliary Tahm have quickly surrounded and surrounded them.

At the moment when Mo Sheng on the China commentary stage screamed in surprise, several junior high school boys in the convenience store also suddenly became excited:

"Have the opportunity!!"

"This wave can do big things!"

Coincidentally, it was the same moment at the Lecheng Internet Cafe in Nanzhou City, Fujian Province.

In front of the large LCD screen in the competitive battle area, the Internet cafe guests couldn't help but shout and shout:


"Something's going to happen!"

Next to her, Xia Ziyou's eyes were bright with excitement and she kept shaking the young network administrator's arm: "Hey, hey! God is about to take action!"


In the convenience store, Zhou Mo was the only one standing aside with a pile of snacks, looking at the OB screen from God's perspective, frowning slightly.

In the Internet cafe, Mu Qiu, who was being dragged around by Xia Ziyou's arm, rarely didn't pull out her arm immediately, and her eyes fell on the large LCD screen. At this moment, her eyes tightened slightly and suddenly became a little sharp.

Different geographical spaces at the same time.

The two teammates who fought side by side in the past had the same idea as if they had a tacit understanding.


After bidding farewell to the professional arena for many years, they may not be able to make specific and professional analysis and comments now, but one thing is very clear to both of them.

The calculation of this wave of God team is certainly good.

However, the target prey was Han Shihao.

In their impressions, their biggest rival from the S1 season had never been someone who could be easily plotted.


London, England, Wembley Arena, scene.

I don't know which audience member in the audience could not help but exclaimed first.

same moment.

On the field, in the upper half of the jungle area on the blue side of Summoner's Rift, when the mid laner mechanical pioneer of the SSK team walked to the blue buff and was about to start fighting monsters, the purple side God team finally took action!

A bright plasma cannon from Jace's QE 2nd Company shot out of the wall's sight like lightning!

The prince's EQ second company German flag suddenly landed behind the target Victor, and the dragon crash followed closely!

Directly at the target mechanical pioneer!

At this moment, almost all League of Legends players and viewers across the entire network couldn't help but sit up straight.

His eyes were fixed on the scene on the viewing screen.

Because of this wave...

Perhaps, it really has to decide the outcome!

An update is here, I feel like I might have another chapter coded out before tomorrow morning, so I’m going to work overtime now. .

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