
Chapter 2075 What is the first card?

This is the fourth game of BO5 so far. This is the second time that Lao Mi has shouted "Yes" so confidently.

The first time was when God was about to explode the SSK base crystal in the first battle.

The second time is right now, right now.

Because there is indeed no suspense in this wave, the jungle excavator of the blue side SSK team was severely kicked into the air by the prince's EQ flash, followed by the card master's backhand and a yellow card -


There was a clear blast.

With perfect control connection, the Void Escaper that had just landed was once again frozen in place by a yellow card.

The next moment, Jace teleported to the ground.

Give me a set of damage.

The last head was given directly to the card master who went to Dawnstar, and the system's female voice's kill prompt sounded throughout the Summoner's Rift:


st-Blood (first blood)! ——”

Suddenly, the audience burst into applause and cheers like thunder!

In the national server, in the official live broadcast rooms of major online live broadcast platforms, the barrage of "666" rioted and flooded the screen almost instantly!


ice! "

Mo Sheng clenched her fists fiercely, completely forgetting to maintain her image as a beautiful and dignified female commentator. Feiyan next to her was also so excited that her pretty face turned red:

"Now...the situation is open!"


Originally, what I was most worried about was the card master’s early laning situation in the middle. Now, the card has not only defused the first wave of ga from the opposite jungler,

k offensive, but also got a head and first blood, and his own development rhythm immediately took off.

Don't underestimate this, it's just a kill. What it means is that in the next time, the card is almost destined to be able to develop to level 6 smoothly without any suspense, and it can also steadily suppress Victor in the lane. ,

After level 6, you can take advantage of the situation and start roaming the entire map.

k plan.

"This wave is really well coordinated by God!"

Several European and American commentators on the official commentary desk were also full of praise:

"If it's just Jiawen who supports us, it's still far from enough."

"But Jess, who was on the road, must have communicated with his teammates in advance. He quickly pushed the lane into the tower from the beginning, and used the lane to contain SSK's top laner Gnar."

"So Jace's wave of teleportation will not have any impact on his top lane. On the contrary, if Gnarr forcefully chooses to teleport in the middle, he will directly lose a large wave of troops."

"Of course, there is also the card master's bold temptation."

"Flash has always been in the hands of Dawn Star. If it is handed over in advance, maybe SSK's midfielder will choose to give up the pursuit earlier..."

"Bold and careful, well laid out, tacit communication and perfect cooperation!"

"The first blood that SSK gave out was not unjust!"

Not only are several official European and American commentators constantly praising them, but the majority of Chinese server players and netizens are even more proud now——

Did you see it?

This is our Star King!

The title of the number one card in the world is not just a boast, right?

Taipei, Assassin team training base.

The members of the Assassin team, who had finished their journey to the finals and had already flown back to the base, were also gathered in front of the computer screen in the training room to watch the game.

The first blood was born in the middle, which caused the Assassin team members to marvel:

"What a dick-"

"Fuck! Isn't this wave of cooperation too strong?"

"Why do you feel that the coordination and tactical routine of this God are more than a little better than the previous state?"

Captain Nian Shisan, who was sitting next to him, looked at several of his team members with contempt:

"A bunch of idiots."

"Do you think that guy from Dawnstar's world's number one card is a joke?"

The Assassin's auxiliary team member couldn't help but muttered: "To be honest, this wave doesn't count how good the card operation is, right?"

Indeed, the greater credit seems to be attributed to the tacit cooperation of the top, middle and jungle trio in God's wave.

However, these words were met with an even more rude gesture from Nian Shisan:


"The number one card in the world, do you think it was his operation?"

"Even if the card hero shows off to the sky, how much operational content can it have?"

"The card master of Dawn Star...the scariest thing is not that the operation is so simple, okay?"

With that said, the captain of the Assassin team, who is the oldest in the League of Legends and has personally fought against the card master of Dawn Star several times, looked at the viewing screen, looking at the card master's figure, and slowly Opening:

“The scariest thing about that guy’s card——”

"It lies in being able to maximize and perfect control to improve the overall combat effectiveness of the entire team."

"Twisted Fate's W skill consists of three cards: red, yellow and blue."

"And in the hands of the morning star..."

"It means that the five members of the team, including himself, can be arranged and displayed like playing cards."

Wembley Arena, finals scene.

In the SSK team's competitive room, Mafa's guilty review sounded on the team's voice channel:



Han Shihao's face remained calm, and he just shook his head:

"It's okay, just be careful next time."

When he said this, the world's number one mid laner's eyes were also tightly locked on the card master opposite him. In the depths of his eyes, the deep light flickered on and off, gradually turning into a sharp and sharp one.

At the same time, the God team competition room.

There was an atmosphere of joy and celebration on the team's voice channel.

Dawn Morning Star in front of the computer screen took a deep breath and calmly ordered:


The impact of first blood in the first wave of battles in the middle is far-reaching.

At least, in the next three or four minutes, the blue side SSK team will fall into a slightly passive disadvantage.

The SSK midfielder and jungler both handed over [Flash] in the last wave of battle, so at this time, even Han Shihao's mid laner Victor could only choose to be more cautious and stay back, allowing the opponent's card master to master the push. Line dominance.

Mafa’s jungle excavator was also easily unable to reach the middle lane for the second wave of GA in a short period of time.

k, after all, the opponent's card still held a [Flash] in his hand. If he failed to catch him to death the first time, the consequences would be disastrous if he was ambushed by the opponent's prince again.

So you can't catch it in the middle.

The ADC of the God team in the bottom lane is protected by Tamu, and it is also not easy to be ga


Then all that's left is to hit the road.

At the sixth minute of the game, Mafa's jungle excavator appeared on the top lane and happened to seize a wave of time opportunities. However, after all, because his excavator [Flash] had not yet cooled down, and combined with his top laner Gnar, he could only play. Canjies' health forced him to use a [Flash].

"It's all the result of the first wave of fighting in the middle."

Over at the Chinese commentary desk, Lao Mi was full of praise:

"I only got a flash when I was caught on the road. It's not a loss this time!"

"It's equivalent to saying that the excavator's first two waves of ga

K didn't even get anything. This kind of thing is definitely quite rare for a top jungler like Mafa! "

However, Lao Mi's evaluation is not completely correct.


The impact of the first wave of blood in the middle didn't stop there.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around two o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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