
Chapter 2068 Wait a little longer

It’s hard for anyone to explain how anxious and tormenting the Chinese server is in waiting for an S-series world championship trophy.

Therefore, it is naturally difficult for anyone to describe how the majority of Chinese server players and netizens felt when the God-Hand of God team almost overcame all obstacles and reached the finals with a rainbow of momentum in this year's S-League. What an uplift and joy.

After this finals, the official gave a statistic——

On this morning in London, which is also the night in Beijing time, in the official live broadcast rooms of major national live broadcast platforms, the number of players watching the live broadcast of the finals online at the same time exceeded 19 million, and the total number of viewers exceeded 3,000 A huge one.

The entire national server was really watching with bated breath.

Tens of millions of players are eagerly awaiting it.

Then they were ecstatic to see God-Hand of God's BO5 victory in the first game.

Even though they lost in the second game, the Chinese players still comforted and cheered each other up, believing that this was just a small setback that the God team would inevitably encounter before winning the championship trophy.


When the third game ends.

When inside the Wembley Stadium, the eye-catching and eye-catching word SSK won was displayed on the big screen at the scene, and when the total score of the BO5 match came to a shocking 1 to 2.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, the entire national server fell into an instant deathly silence.

The players were at a loss.

At a loss.

There seemed to be a vaguely cold and familiar chill, slowly climbing to the back of his head, and then spreading throughout his body until his hands and feet were cold.


A very familiar sense of déjà vu.

Because in the past, their LPL division seemed to have seen hope countless times, but in the end they collapsed less than three feet in front of the Summoner's Trophy.

"Every year is the most promising year for the LPL."

This sentence, full of ridicule and darkness, once again appeared in the minds of every Chinese server player and netizen.

But this time, it seems to make people feel even more powerless and desperate——

Could it be that this year...

Is this true too?

Ordinary Chinese server players and netizens may feel depressed and depressed, so depressed that they even choose to close the live broadcast room page and not watch it anymore.

But as a professional commentator, it doesn't work.

At the Wembley Stadium, on the China commentary stage, the three official commentators of the national server, even though they felt as if they were weighed down by a heavy boulder at the moment, they still had to brace themselves and work hard to calmly analyze and explain in the most professional and responsible manner. War situation.

"The nature of this one is actually similar to that of the second round."

"We still can't say that the God team made any serious mistakes in this game that allowed the opponent to seize the opportunity. Even from a fair and objective standpoint, I think the God team has learned a lot from the previous game. Lessons learned, try to do better.”

After finishing these words in one breath, Mo Sheng took another deep breath and looked at the wonderful replay footage of this game shown by the director on the big screen - it was the players of the SSK team ruthlessly beating the God team. The scene of the hero killing.

Mo Sheng's tone became lower:

"It's just very frustrating..."

"SSK in this game also did better than their previous game."

"More perfect."

"Also more impeccable."

Fei Yan, who was sitting aside, had a sad look on her face. She tried her best to calm down her emotions and took the words with a forced smile:


"We regret the defeat of God, but we also have to sincerely praise SSK's performance, because in this game they showed the dominance of the top team in the true sense, and they are incomparable in all aspects. Picky."

"It can be said that the loss in this game was not unjust, because until today, after several rounds of the finals, finally today, we have seen the SSK team return to their perfect state."

"This is the real SSK -" Mo Sheng sighed, with an infinitely complex meaning in his tone: "This is... the peak posture of the strongest in the world."


Perhaps before today, watching SSK's performance in the first few rounds of games would make people feel ambitious, thinking that they could replace this tiger in one fell swoop while it was sick and weak.

But when this tiger wakes up again and roars into the forest, any luck anyone has... seems destined to be shattered at this moment.

On the Korean Open, countless players and netizens have begun to celebrate wildly.

Their SSK is back!

The victory in this round was not due to the outburst of a certain member of the team.ca

The entire audience, but every player in every position in the entire team, all stood up.

Each performs his or her own duties, and each perfectly achieves the advantage of suppressing the opponent's position.

In the end, when they work together, they can crush all the opponent's resistance with overwhelming force.

In the gymnasium, VIP room A1.

"SSK is going to win."

The majestic Shield stood in front of the window, looking at the scene on the big screen and giving his judgment.

The Ghost in the corner looked up at J:

"Is this what you think is a great fight?"

"Isn't it... not a bit interesting?"

This is not wrong, although the three games just now are indeed exciting enough. The tenacious struggle of the God team and the performance of SSK, which has returned to its peak state, are enough to make everyone marvel and cheer.

But, if that's all.

So for these European legends of the previous generation in the private room at this moment, it is still not enough.

At least, I can’t afford the judgment J just made.

Listening to Ghost's questioning words, J looked indifferent and didn't answer, while C

OW's hoarse voice sounded again, seemingly unhurried:

"No hurries?"

"hold on."

When speaking, C

ow did not look back. The most dangerous shadow crow in Europe kept his eyes on the arena below the window, and the light in his eyes became increasingly dark and mysterious.

At the China commentary desk, Lao Mi, who had been silent since the beginning, finally spoke slowly after the two female partners analyzed:


With a loud and solemn judgment, Lao Mi suddenly seemed to have a flame lighting up in his eyes:

"There is still hope!"

Backcourt area.

At this time, Team Leader Zhang, the chief of the God Club, was giving perhaps the last instructional lecture to several of his team members who had taken a break from the stage.

The voice was low and resolute, echoing in the small resting space in the backcourt area.

"You've done a great job."

"But I hope you'll give it another try."

"Even now, I still don't think we will lose. I believe you think the same as me."

"Our Hand of God, and even our LPL division, have been forced into this situation countless times, but even if we fail many times, standing here today, I still want to say to you as always, I hope today's "We can break the past and never repeat the heart-wrenching mistakes of the past."

"Please remember that we are carrying the hopes of the two brother teams KG and Hayami, and remember that behind us are the expectant eyes of the entire national server."

"But please forget about all of this and just go for it in the next round."

"For everyone, and even more for yourselves."

"A fucking battle!"

"No regrets!"

An update is coming. The next chapter will be a little later and I have to go out temporarily. I should still be able to update it three times today.

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