
Chapter 2042 The Last Night

Everyone is running in the direction they have firmly chosen.

Or running towards your goal trophy, or running towards the people you long to touch, or towards the glory that was once elusive.

There can be millions of reasons.

But no matter which one, it is just because it can bring you the motivation and courage to continue to persevere, so that even if you face difficulties and obstacles, even if you have to overcome obstacles, you can still persevere and move forward.

The last day of the countdown to the finals.

The training ended early in the evening, earlier and faster than in the previous days. It even made the God Club team members who were accustomed to the ultra-high intensity and long duration of the previous few days a little uncomfortable. Number 1 just looked at the junior players in the national service in front of him, smiled and said:

"That's it for today."

"Everyone worked very hard and attentively in the past few days, but now, almost everything that should be practiced has been completed more than once. There is not much need to continue practicing."


"It's the last night. Let's all have a good rest and adjust."

"If you really feel like you want to use the last bit of time to check and fill in the gaps, I won't stop you. If you encounter any problems, you can always come to us to help us discuss and come up with ideas."

"However, I personally recommend here to have a good sleep tonight."

"Or even just go out for a walk later and get some fresh air. Don't put more pressure on yourself."

"No matter what the result is tomorrow, at least until now, every one of you can have enough confidence to say to anyone else that you have tried your best, regardless of victory or defeat, God-the hand of God, and even the country Serving professional e-sports is worthy of everyone.”

Everyone in the training room listened solemnly and stood up straight subconsciously.

The next moment, Number 1 suddenly changed the topic again and laughed:

"Of course, having said that—"

"But if we can really come back with a championship trophy tomorrow, that would be great."

With just one sentence, the atmosphere suddenly became relaxed.

All the God team members couldn't help laughing, and some of the bolder ones shouted directly:


"Fight SSK tomorrow!"

"Senior, just wait, we will bring back the Summoner's Trophy tomorrow!"

Number 3 next to him also laughed and cursed when he heard it: "A bunch of brats, they are very confident - OK, let's wait for you. I got the trophy back, let me take a photo with it, tsk tsk... After all these years, after all, this new I haven’t touched the Generation World Championship trophy yet, and I don’t know how it feels~”

Lin Feng came over and said:

"Senior, I haven't touched it either. Otherwise, let's sneak into the venue early tomorrow and have a look. It would be good to touch it a few times in advance..."

No. 3 rolled his eyes: "Get out of here, this is all you have to do? Can it be the same thing to be sneaky and wait for God to win the championship and do it openly?"

Number 4 adjusted the gold frame on the bridge of his nose and smiled:


"Then we...just wait until tomorrow to touch the trophy openly."

That night.

After dinner, everyone dispersed and each enjoyed their last free time.

Some of them went directly back to the hotel room upstairs to rest and sleep. They planned to make up for all the hard work and fatigue of the past few days with a full night's sleep today.

Some were still worried and concerned about their training status, so they grabbed a few teammates and continued to the training room to prepare for some more practice.

Some people feel that the training intensity is enough and they have gained a lot from the past few days. They have approached the coach of their own club and want to have another exchange to see if they can further consolidate what they have gained.

Huangxue Yege was not in a hurry to leave the cafeteria. After finishing the meal, she continued to sit at the dining table and play with her mobile phone. Lin Feng came over and took a look:

"Hey, are you visiting Tieba?"

Huangxue Yege didn’t even raise her head:


"It's okay to be idle anyway. I've been busy training and competing for the past half month. I haven't seen any posts online for a long time. I want to see if any of my beautiful fans are here to cheer me on..."

Someone suddenly became more interested:

"Beautiful fans? Do you have any? Do you have any? Let me take a look too -"

Huangxue Yege sighed: "There is a hammer. They are all cute girls and straight men with steel..."

Sitting opposite, Zeng Rui, who was also scrolling through the Tieba forum on his mobile phone, raised his head and smiled: "It's not bad. Basically, there is a lot of support now. He said that he is looking forward to seeing the peak of 'Ye Shen' battle against Ray in the bottom lane tomorrow. It’s an ADC matchup.”

Indeed, so far, all the Chinese players and netizens on the Internet now have great confidence and expectations for God-The Hand of God. Even if tomorrow's final opponent is the world's strongest SSK, it still does not hinder them now I firmly believe that our God team will be able to win.

"But that's just for now."

At this time, Dawn Morning Star walked over from the side, briefly glanced at Huangxue Yege's mobile phone screen, and shook his head:

"Things like online public opinion... the direction of the wind changes."

"It's motivation, but it's also pressure."

"Before tomorrow, everyone can praise us as heroes. After tomorrow, if we lose, we may be greeted with even greater criticism."

Zeng Rui was stunned for a moment and didn't know how to answer.

In fact, related issues... several of them had talked about it in private a few days ago, but they didn't expect to be so directly pointed out by Dawn Morning Star.

Lin Feng squinted his eyes, looked at the morning star, and smiled: "You can see it clearly."

This time, before Dawn Morning Star could speak, Huangxue Yege, who was next to her, had already curled her lips and put down her phone, and took the lead in answering:

"You have been playing professionally for so many years, how can you still not understand this?"

"Netizens...all are like this."

"Even fans have the same mentality."

"More often than not, I just hope to see you killing everyone on the field, and then cheering for the victory together, but if you don't play well... the fans who scold you the worst are the ones who scold you the most."

"But it's not a bad thing."

Huangxue Yege shrugged: "Praise you if you fight well, scold you if you don't fight well. It's fair and reasonable. Ah Xing is right. It's pressure and motivation. Let's see if you can calm down."

As he spoke, Shi Shiran stood up from his seat:

"Okay, senior Xiao Wu and I have made an appointment to play some solo matches tonight to practice, so I won't chat with you here."

Then he looked at the dawn star:

"What did you say, Axing?"

But for the first time in the world, Dawn Morning Star shook his head:

"Go ahead."

"Tonight, I won't practice too much, and I'll take a little rest."

Indeed, it was extremely rare for such words to come out of Dawn Morning Star's mouth. You must know that in the past few days, he was the one who trained the hardest.

Huangxue Yege was not surprised and nodded: "Okay, you should rest, so I'll leave first -"

After waving hello to everyone, he left first.

Then Dawn Morning Star turned to look at Lin Feng and issued an invitation:

"If it's okay."

"Would you like to go out for a casual walk with me?"

Update is coming, the next chapter will be later, tonight is another night of overtime work.

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