
Chapter 2034 Used at critical moments

Starting from the quarter-finals, each group's battle will be a BO5 best-of-five game format.

Including the final battle between God and SSK in the next few days.

It’s also BO5.

Five games.

They are five fierce battles that are destined to be arduous and arduous.

And from these five games, you need to win three of them, and then you can... and you can really stand in front of the final championship trophy and win the highest honor that symbolizes League of Legends e-sports.

This is not a casual ranking promotion match. If you lose, you can go back and fight back again. After a few days of hard work, you can finally advance as expected. Once you miss the BO5 of this group, you want to do it all over again. Then you have to wait another full year.

Therefore, although there are only five games, each game requires full effort, and every step... requires careful calculation.

Analyze your opponent's strengths and weaknesses.

Analyze your own strengths and weaknesses.

Then refer to the comparison and simulate the comparison. Through various data and information, you can make more preparations before the game officially starts.

This is originally the consistent style of God-God's Hand team before every game, but this time the venue is the final stage of the finals, and the opponent is also the world's strongest SSK team. Therefore, we need to be more cautious and more careful. It's like walking on thin ice.

And if you can analyze and confirm the specific success of your team in advance, it can also give the players more confidence and confidence, and their subsequent performance on the field will be more stable and powerful.

Lin Feng's comments made Zeng Rui and Li Shiyi next to him couldn't help but nod slightly, showing approval:


"This routine is actually already available."

"Even a few seniors were almost thrown into a panic. If it goes to this level... SSK will definitely have a headache."

When masters compete, victory or defeat can be decided by a hair's breadth.

Today's Hand of God is really almost the same as the SSK team, and if we can rely on such a set of tricks to play a certain advantageous rhythm in the early stage,

Then, as Lin Feng said, it may be possible to directly lock the victory in one of the BO5 games.

Huangxue Yege's eyes sparkled:

"If you lock in one victory...it means you have already won one-third of the way."

The morning star nodded slowly:

"There are still two games to go."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes: "If the first victory can be won like this, even SSK's mentality will be affected. Then if you all work together and follow the routine you practiced before preparing for the battle, you will have a good chance of winning the second victory. ”

Huangxue Yege and Dawn Morning Star looked at each other.


indeed so.

Because in fact, the first victory that was locked in as mentioned just now was just a new path that they suddenly discovered unexpectedly in the training match this morning. It was an inspiration spurred by the high-intensity pressure of several seniors. It's an unexpected surprise.

And before that, they had prepared various other more stable and more confident tactical routines through the preparation training for such a long time. No matter what... at least, they should be able to seal a victory.

So in this way——

That’s two wins.

Zeng Rui's eyes couldn't help but light up slightly:

"If we can confirm the first two wins, then the most critical third win... shouldn't be a problem."

This may sound like an exaggeration.

But Tang Bingyao next to her seemed to have thought of something, and she looked a little surprised: "Oh, the one I practiced before - Ryze!"

This time it was everyone's turn at the table and they nodded in unison.

That's what Tangtang said.

Rune Mage Ryze.

It is the real trump card that belongs to the Dawn Star and even to the entire God-Hand of God team that was found and confirmed during the previous training and preparations.

Compared with the previous two victory methods mentioned just now, this killer move of single Ryze definitely requires greater certainty and success. It is a trump card move that can directly seal a victory.

"Under normal circumstances, no one can prevent it."

Lin Feng gave the conclusion directly without hesitation:

"As long as Ah Xing gets it, it will basically be stable. This hero is basically unsolvable in Ah Xing's hands - even Senior No. 1 may not have any good way to deal with it."

At this point, he has enough qualifications to make this conclusion, because at that time he was the witness of Dawn Morning Star's single Ryze in his hand. Even if Dawn Morning Star has not yet broken through the realm, the hero of Rune Mage Ryze It was as if he was born to be a perfect match for the mid laner captain of the God team. When it came to the power he could exert in his hands, even Lin Feng himself didn’t think he could do better than Dawn Morning Star. He was even better in many aspects of understanding and application. Slightly inferior.

Li Shiyi answered with a smile:

"So, this hand has been hidden until now, right?"

"I'm just waiting to give SSK the final fatal blow in the finals."

From the finals to the present, the God team has encountered challenges from various powerful opponents one after another. In the group stage, they were even assigned to the death group, which is recognized as the most dangerous and terrifying. However, no matter how dangerous the situation is, However, Ryze, the rune mage of Dawn Star, never took it out easily.

Because this most critical trump card needs to be used at the most critical and important moments.

Other opponents can win steadily with their regular strength.

Only when facing the world's strongest SSK team, in the finals a few days later, when the BO5 duel really started, and every victory had to be won without giving in an inch, This trump card can really help them make the final decision.


The current discussion at the dinner table is only a theoretical possibility.

The script is written, but whether reality will follow the script is always unpredictable.

"This final victory is easy to say."

"But the key... we must first ensure that we can win the first two wins."

Zeng Rui cautiously gave his opinion and evaluation.

Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Yege both nodded slowly:

"Well, that's right."

"So, continue in the afternoon!"

Sitting at the dining table on the other side were people No. 1.

In the morning, I also personally participated in several high-intensity and fierce confrontations with several juniors. After all, it was still somewhat exhausted in terms of mental and physical strength. At this moment, several legends from the previous generation of the national server also played and ate with gusto.

After taking a sip of cream of mushroom soup, Number Three smacked his lips and commented:

“This hotel is okay.”

"At least the chef is pretty reliable."

No. 1 laughed: "Then eat more and continue training in the afternoon. You will have to work harder."

No. 3 rolled his eyes when he heard this:


"You are looking down on others, okay? Just these boys, how much pressure can you put on me? I was still not serious this morning. If I were a little more serious, I would beat them until they cry for father and mother. Believe it or not?"

Number 4 adjusted his glasses and smiled: "That's not necessarily true. I saw that you and Xiaofeng fought very hard on the road this morning -"

Number 2 answered the words with an indifferent expression and finished the attack:

"It seems like he was almost killed alone."

Number 3 glared:

"Damn, what a solo kill!"

"Don't talk nonsense. If you want to talk about this, you were tortured by that boy Axing in the middle. I'm much better than you."

No. 2 raised his eyebrows and became colder and more solemn:

"I was targeted by a few of their boys. When you try laning, Shang Nakanosuke walks in your direction together. How can you be better?"

No. 3 pouted:

"I'm definitely better than you anyway—"

An update is coming. The next chapter will be a little later. Today is still a day of overtime work at the company.

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