
Chapter 2027 The real hunger strike

It’s true that ginger is still spicy when old.

Lin Feng's jungler Lee Sin's two-wave rhythm in the upper, middle and upper lanes just made everyone in the audience cheer up, feeling that they saw hope of victory in this round.

Immediately after that, he was slapped lightly and was brought back to reality.


Still early.

Although Lin Feng's two waves of roaming ganks at the beginning had sufficient effects, the offensiveness and carry ability he showed after switching to the jungle position seemed to suppress the opponent's No. 4, who was a purple jungle spider. .

But in this wave in the bottom lane, they were all beaten back.

The third wave of roaming ganks by a certain jungler Lee Sin in the bottom lane was certainly decisive and quick, but this time he was caught by the opponent's No. 4, and he was immediately ready to counter-crouch.


The most critical thing is still the linkage between the robot and Jinx at that moment.

The mechanical flying claw of the auxiliary steam robot controlled by No. 1 was shocking. Similarly, the E skill trap* added by No. 5's ADC Jinx almost instantly completely blocked the blind monk's only hope of escaping.

However, this cannot be blamed on Lin Feng.

You can't even blame any of the three blue players who just dropped off the lane.

Because if the opponent's bottom lane combination is replaced by the ADC auxiliary partner of any other professional team, Jinx will die no matter what.

But it happened because the two people on the opposite side were not ordinary passers-by, or even ordinary professional players.

Only then was he able to perform such an almost heaven-defying counterattack.

"It's really...a counterattack operation that only exists in theory, right?"

The God players who were watching the game couldn't help but their eyes widened for a while, and they murmured subconsciously.

Tang Bingyao looked at No. 5 sitting in the ADC seat on the purple side of the field. The girl's eyes couldn't help but shine:

"Sister Xiaowu... so amazing!"


At this moment, the girl didn't care about cheering someone up. Once again seeing the almost perfect and artistic ADC operation displayed by No. 5, she immediately became a loyal fan girl.

Zeng Rui next to him glanced at Tang Bingyao and teased:

"How about Sister Xiaowu comparing with Senior Bullet?"

"Who is more powerful?"

Tang Bingyao subconsciously opened her eyes when she heard this: "Comparing with...seniors?"

One is the sister she regards as a role model, and the other is the master she has just recognized. The girl finally showed a somewhat troubled look:


It’s not easy to compare.

The ones who are more troubled and even have headaches at this moment are Lin Feng and the others on the blue side of the field.

I originally thought that the opponent was an unreliable bottom lane lineup, but I was fortunate that maybe the two seniors were deliberately letting the team go.

Who knew there was no such thing as letting go of water?

When the combination of Jinx and the robot was brought out, senior No. 1 and Sister Xiaowu made it clear that they had bad intentions and were going to cause big trouble, okay?

To be precise, things have become serious now. The bottom lane directly let the opponent Jinx get a wave of double kills. With these two heads in hand, the purple square bottom lane duo directly entered a big advantage rhythm, and here In this situation of great advantage, the role of the robot as an auxiliary hero will be further amplified.

what to do?

Lin Feng, Huangxue Yege and Dawn Morning Star all felt extremely troubled and overwhelmed for a moment.

"You guys figure it out."

"I couldn't join the group fifteen minutes ago in the middle."

Dawn Morning Star, who was still in the middle, said this quickly and directly, quite rudely, and wanted to give up the rhythm of picking. At this moment, he continued to face the opposite senior, the future guardian Jace, the second number.

In fact, to be fair, No. 2, who is no longer at the peak of his strength, may not be any better than Yonko-level mid laners like Moon or Phoenix in terms of personal reactions and operating speed.

But when it comes to rich experience, even a veteran S1 season professional player like Phoenix cannot compare.

Not to mention that the playing style of No. 2 is a strong offensive type. The offensive aggressiveness is almost so fierce that among all the professional mid laners in the new generation of professional e-sports circles, there is probably no second player who can compare with him.

So even though he had just killed the opponent Jace once with the help of someone, he was still under huge pressure when Dawn Star controlled Ice Girl and No. 2 in the line-up, and there was no room for relaxation or distraction.

"We can't play in a group now—"

Lin Feng also sighed.

As far as their lineup is concerned, it will take 20 minutes before they can gradually find opportunities to take over the team. Heroes such as Ice Girl and Ashe must develop steadily and even develop under pressure in the early stage.

The problem is that the current situation is that the seniors on the opposite side may not give them a chance to sustain smoothly until the mid-term.

"I can't control it. It's going to be difficult for me to fight in the bottom lane."

Following Dawn Morning Star, Huangxue Yege also immediately gave up her choice decisively, and did not forget to give instructions to someone:

"You have to help me keep an eye on the way down."

"Better come again a few times."

"Otherwise, my development will be ruined."

Someone's face was full of black lines: "Can you say something so confident even if it's cold?"

But it is true that we cannot blame Huangxue Yege or Dawn Morning Star for being irresponsible, but at this time, only Lin Feng, who is the blue jungler blind monk, has the ability to try to solve the problem.

However, the difficulty of the problem before us is indeed a bit high.


There is only one way left.

Lin Feng sighed:

"I really have to go on a hunger strike..."

10th minute of game time.

The jungler Lee Sin under the control of Lin Feng once again roamed the middle to gank, and combined with Dawn Star's mid laner Ice Girl's big move to force control, a set of skills directly hit the damage equal to A, and forcibly jumped over the tower to kill the purple side's midfielder. Single future guardian Jace was killed again.

Another wave of perfect textbook-level coordination between the blue side, center and jungler.

After this wave of gank, the blind monk Li Qing, controlled by someone, with residual health, just collected the Po River Crab wild monster in the river, and continued to go straight to the bottom lane without stopping.

Grab him directly.

The opponent's purple ADC Jinx's [Flash] has not yet finished cooling down. The blind jungler under the control of someone learned his lesson this time and directly used the W skill to touch his eyes for support, move and rush in front of the target rampaging loli, and then received R in seconds. Flash kicked Jinx back without leaving any room for action. Although he was eventually killed by the opponent's auxiliary robot's [Ignite] combined with Jinx's damage, he also helped his own ADC Ice Marksman to win. Landed Jinx's Terminator bounty.

The second team and substitute players of Team God who were watching the game were so dumbfounded that they almost forgot to cheer for them.

Everyone has only one thought in mind——

This blind man...


Zeng Rui, who was standing aside and had been counting silently, couldn't help but take a breath:

"ten minutes--"

"Ganked five times!"

Just finished work. . Everyone should have gone to bed. After updating this chapter, Abu and I went to bed too. . Good night, friends. Good night. .

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