
Chapter 2025 Taking the Hook

When the ban selection process of this training match was just completed, when they saw the bottom lane hero combination of the purple side army on the opposite side, several people on Lin Feng's side subconsciously thought that this was Senior No. 1 and Sister Xiao Wu who were deliberately letting off steam. Understand.

Again, there is nothing wrong with the selection of the hero Jinx. If it is paired with supports such as Braum or Niutou that have sufficient protective capabilities, everything from laning to team battles can go smoothly. But if it is paired with For a more offensive partner hero, Japan Girl or Thresh are also very good hard support choices.

But paired with a robot Blitzcrank, it seems a bit nondescript.

Of course, this combination is quite entertaining in the passerby game. The robot's Q skill hook and Jinx's E skill Fire Chewer* can also form a good combo.

But if you want to put it into a regular game or a high-level matchup, to put it bluntly, these two heroes don't match up at all.


The steam robot is an auxiliary, but it cannot bring enough cooperation benefits to Jinx.

You have to choose a hook hero, even if you choose a Titan, which is more durable and resistant to beatings, or the soul-locked warden Thresh, who is still strong in the current version, also has a hook and a body of control, but the key is that Thresh also has a hand The "Soul Lamp" of the W skill can be thrown at any time to rescue the rampaging lolita, which perfectly solves the shortcoming of Jinx's lack of displacement skills.

And now...

Jinx and the robot go down the lane, and you have the advantage and initiative in the lane. Of course, there are not many problems, but once you fall into a passive disadvantage or are targeted by the opposite jungler, it will be quite dangerous.

Just like this moment.

When the jungler Lee Sin controlled by Lin Feng came directly to the bottom lane and gave an attack signal to his two teammates in the bottom lane, the Tauren Chief controlled by the main auxiliary player of the God team directly flashed WQ and the second company aimed at Jinx. past.

The skills were handed over very decisively and without thinking, and with enough confidence.

Because I don’t need to worry about anything else at all. As long as I control you Jinx, I can basically cooperate with my ADC and jungler to complete the ultimate kill. You are left with an auxiliary robot that has no ability to protect and rescue, so you can only escape by yourself. If he still wanted to go back and save others, he would have to be left behind to suffer a double kill.


At the moment when I saw the blue side's auxiliary bull head flashing WQ in the bottom lane, the second consecutive operation was as fast as lightning, and rushed towards the target Jinx,

All the God players watching the game couldn't help but start cheering in advance.

In their opinion, Jinx is basically dead.

The operation of the second flash company of the auxiliary Niutou is also close to the textbook level. It does not give the opponent any chance to react - after all, he is the main auxiliary member of the God team, and his skills are definitely first-rate.


Just at this moment.

When the Bullhead Chief's WQ 2nd Company was almost about to hit the target of the rampaging Lolita, "Earth Shatter" was about to take action to knock Jinx into the air and control it.

A thin golden light suddenly exploded.

Jinx's petite figure disappeared in an instant and moved backwards!

Extreme flash!

Directly escape from Niutou's control range!

But the Tauren Chief, who couldn't stop the car, crashed into nothing. The Q skill "Earth Crush" was still used, but it just kowtowed on the spot, which was funny.

There were shocked exclamations among the God players watching the game, and Tang Bingyao's eyes suddenly lit up:

"So fast!"


It is completely a display of pure personal reaction and operation speed.

This wave of Niutou's first move was actually extremely sudden and extremely fast, but No. 5, who is the controller of the purple side ADC Jinx, still reacted, and with an almost perfect extreme reaction operation, he once again took this move. As the only legend in the world's professional e-sports circle to be inducted into the E-sports Hall of Fame as a female professional player in the past generation, her smooth and unhurried playing style is displayed to the extreme.

"This beautiful and unique lady never makes a mistake from any danger that can be avoided within theoretical limits."

This was a comment that was highlighted in the introduction column of No. 5’s resume when he was inducted into the World E-Sports Hall of Fame.

It is also the highest praise for a professional e-sports player.

And this praise was received back then.

It seems that at this moment today, it has been perfectly demonstrated again.

The most critical and fatal flash to avoid the bull head is the second WQ company, which almost allowed Jinx to escape from death.

Because at this time, the bottom lane combination of both sides, including the jungler Lee Sin who came from the gank, has not yet reached level 6, especially when Huangxue Yege's ADC Ice Archer has not yet learned the ultimate move "Magic Crystal Arrow". After the Niutou second company failed, the three people on the blue side basically had no effective means of controlling and retaining players.


It's still this moment.

Even if his auxiliary teammate Niutou failed in his second consecutive game.

From the perspective of the blue jungler Lee Sin, Lin Feng's operations in front of the computer screen did not stop for a moment, and even suddenly became faster!

The figure of Blind Monk Li Qing flew out of the grass at the mouth of the river.

Jinx quickly approached the target.

Flash directly!

A burst of fine golden light exploded, and the blind monk suddenly moved forward and rushed forward. The moment he landed, the "Tian Yin Wave" of his Q skill hit the target Rampage Loli who was brought within the skill range!


Skill hits.

A silvery-white bright mark appeared on the head of the violent Loli.

The next second.

Lin Feng’s shouts quickly sounded on the blue team’s voice channel:

"It's late at night!"

Huang Xue Ye Ge said without thinking almost:


Yes, even in this case, you can still be stronger!

The blind man's Q skill bursts out in front of him, and his E skill slaps the floor to slow him down. Then Ashe flashes to follow up and gives a W skill "A Salvo of Thousands of Arrows", and then he opens his Q skill and keeps leveling A to stick to people for output, relying on hard damage. Can force the target's Crispy Jinx to death.

Lin Feng had already gone through the killing process in his mind amid the lightning and flint, and he was also convinced that Huangxue Yege could definitely keep up with his thoughts and operations.

At the same moment when the thought flashed through his mind, the blind monk Li Qing under his control had launched the second stage of Q skill again without any hesitation——

"Echo Strike"!

Rush directly towards the target rampaging loli!

Jinx, who had just handed over the Summoner Skill [Flash], had no other escape skills at this time. Even with Sister Xiaowu's operation, it was difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. As for the auxiliary robot of the opposite Senior No. 1, at this time He has also fled towards the defense tower faster. At this time, as a support with no protection ability, he can only choose to sell his ADC teammates...


Including Lin Feng.

I feel so confident at this moment.

The ADC Ice Archer under the control of Huangxue Yege had already handed over [Flash] and rushed forward in coordination with the pursuit.


When the figure of the Ice Archer suddenly came in a cloud of golden light.

When the blind monk is already halfway through the second stage of his Q skill.


The purple square auxiliary robot that had originally turned around and fled far away suddenly stopped.

Turn around like lightning.

Raise your arms.

A Q skill's "Mechanical Flying Claw" suddenly whizzed towards a steel rope iron claw wrapped with electric sparks!


Everyone was slightly dazed at this moment, and Lin Feng, who suddenly judged the trajectory of the robot's flying claws, suddenly widened his eyes:

"Depend on!--"

The next second, almost the moment before the blind monk's second stage of Q was about to kick the target Jinx's body, a cold mechanical flying claw whizzed in faster than lightning, and suddenly hit the body of the blind monk Li Qing. Hold tight.

The steel rope suddenly tightened.

Pull it back hard!

Here's an update. I have some work to do tonight. I'm not sure when the next chapter will be. I suggest you get up and read it tomorrow morning.

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