
Chapter 2018 Seeking Change

The computer screen once again lit up the performance statistics interface.

It symbolizes the end of another solo game.

And this is already the ninth solo show between Han Se-ho and Lee Do-jae, two generations of "F" holders.

Even before these nine games, Han Shihao has to count the two European top player games that Han Shihao has played in solo queue.

More than two hours of ultra-high-intensity and fierce practical training did not seem to consume any physical energy for the two people in front of the computer screen in the training room at this moment.

But Han Shihao remained silent.

Li Daozai, on the other hand, frowned more and more, but also hesitated to speak.

Next to him, M, who was the only spectator in the training room, stretched out his hand to rub his temples, but his face showed a bit of fatigue.

Even in the previous generation, his physical endurance was not outstanding among the top legends, and even though he was just a spectator, he had to spend two full hours in every training session. All the details of the actual combat were recorded and analyzed and deduced without any hesitation. This was no less physically and mentally demanding than the other two people in the training room.

The more important point is——

The problem they are facing now that needs to be solved cannot be solved easily in a few clicks.


It lasted for two full hours like this, no matter how much the spectators concentrated on fighting against the operator and performed amazing operations, the problem they had to solve was still very depressing. There was no progress at all.

in other words--

In other words, the past two hours were fruitless and wasted time.

You must know that among the three people in the training room at this moment, one is the leader of the four emperors of the new generation in the current e-sports circle, and the other two are the top legendary beings of the previous generation. The three of them gathered together just to overcome one problem. But there is no progress, it is almost unimaginable until something like this actually happens.

But the reality stood before the three of them coldly.

Li Dozai took a breath,

He looked up at Han Shihao sitting opposite:

"How about it?"

Han Shihao was silent, then slowly shook his head:


This conversation has also been held nine times, with the same questions and the same answers each time.

Habitually reaching out to hold the glasses frame, M smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"I still think of the problem too simply..."

"This hurdle is indeed not so easy to overcome."


There is no need to say much to understand this truth. Looking at the entire professional e-sports circle in the world, from the previous generation to the current new generation, in more than ten years, there are countless top talented players or legendary strong players, but those who can take the next step There is only one person who has passed the highest threshold...but there is only one person.

Even the two people M and Lee Do-jae in the training room at this moment, as M himself admitted just now, even those who are as strong as the two of them can be firmly ranked at the forefront among the many top legends of the previous generation. location, but I still have never experienced the scenery behind that threshold with my own eyes. I can only share my own experience and insights with Han Shihao.

To be honest, Lee Do-jae is definitely second only to "that one" in the previous generation of Chinese e-sports circles and the one closest to that threshold. He is also the one who has played against "that one" the most, is most familiar with him, and truly understands him. The one who has experienced the opponent’s level of strength the most times——

Therefore, he is undoubtedly the most ideal and perfect partner for Han Shihao today.


The current training progress really makes people feel irritated and unbearable.

"This can't go on like this."

Li Daozai spoke coldly and rudely rejected the hard work of three people, including himself, for just two hours:

"It's just a waste of time."

And if there is no other better way, these words are just complaints and meaningless.

So this sentence was originally thrown to M, who was the only spectator and analyst next to him.

M thought for a while and shook his head:

"It really can't be like this."

"The method is wrong."

Li Daozai raised his eyebrows, and his eyes fell on his old friend. There was no need to express his inquiry. After M frowned again and thought for a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up:


"The method is wrong. The solo games in these rounds were too homogeneous. Daozai and Shihao originally tended to use the same operating style. No matter how many games you continue to play like this, it is actually just the same as Shihao. It doesn’t make much sense to fight against yourself.”

"And if you want to try to cross that threshold... you have to break out of your original thinking framework and operating habits."

"So, change."

Li Daozai frowned: "How to change?"

M pushed up his glasses, his eyes flickering under the lenses:

"This is the time to take advantage of you, Daozai. None of us have ever truly reached that height, but at least someone has done it, right?"

"Of all the people, you happen to be the one who is most familiar with him."

Meaningful tone.

Han Shihao was startled when he heard this, and vaguely grasped something, while Li Daozai next to him reacted faster, and his expression changed slightly:

"Do you want-"

M smiled slightly:


"Although it may be a little uncomfortable for you personally, if it is for Shihao...it doesn't hurt to sacrifice, right?"

"So, let's continue solo."


Speaking of this, M paused and slowly spoke out his solution:

"Dozai, please try your best...to simulate 001's operating style."

In comparison, they were still training for actual combat, but the atmosphere in the training room of the God Club team was much more relaxed.

A 5V5 actual combat match ended. The word "Victory" slowly appeared in the center of the game screen on the computer screen in front of him. Number 1 casually pushed away the keyboard and looked up at the Dawn Star sitting directly opposite him. Xiaoxiao:


"Better than I expected."

Dawn Morning Star looked a little ashamed:

"Senior is too complimentary."

"I'm still far away..."

Not modesty indeed.

Because although it is only one step away from crossing the threshold of the Four Emperors realm, if you want to compare with the No. 1 senior sitting opposite him who just had such a training confrontation, the current Dawn Morning Star is indeed still behind. More than a little bit.

Considering that No. 1 is also the only legendary being in the world's professional e-sports circle who has truly reached a level above the realm of the Four Emperors, the strength gap between the two... is actually two entire realms apart.

No. 3, who was watching the game from the sidelines, twitched his lips when he heard:

"There's no need for you to blame yourself too much—"

"If you can compete with No. 1 right now, then there are so many things to do. If you face SSK, just push them all the way and it's all over."

It is also true. If today's Dawn Star has the level of strength of No. 1, then there is no need to worry about whether Yu Han Shihao will break through that threshold before the finals. Even if he does, he still has no chance of winning.

Number 1 laughed:

"do not think too much."

"But after such an incident, it finally made me see something, which is good news."

"Compared with that little guy named Han from SSK... your progress is definitely faster than him."

Here's an update. Good night, friends. I'll almost visit all my relatives tomorrow, and then I'll go back to Hangzhou.

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