
Chapter 2015 Starting Line

"The review and deduction we are doing here for you tonight is not for the sake of hindsight or hindsight."

"Just to make you all realize one thing more clearly -"

"That's the BO5 of today's group. Although KG lost 1-3 against SSK, in fact, as the winner, SSK's victory was not easy at all."

"To a certain extent, the two teams facing each other are already on the same starting line."

"Of course it was SSK that won 3-1 in the end."

"But they only won because of the average individual strength of the player lineup and their more skillful cooperation in many tactical operations."

"As for the understanding of the version, the tactical game itself——"

"The strongest team in the world no longer has an absolute advantage."

"You can also think back to the ban selection process of this BO5 four-game match. Basically, there is no one that SSK has a convenient advantage in the lineup during the ban selection-even if it is not the real core of KG. The ace only has Tian Tian’s top unit, and perhaps SSK will find it even more troublesome when making ban/pick arrangements.”

After the review and analysis meeting ended, No. 1 said this to the members of the God team in the training room. At the end of the summary, he glanced at everyone and spoke unhurriedly:


"The reality has been laid before all of you, and it is good news worth cheering up."

"That is at the level of version understanding and tactical operations. The gap that was once widened by SSK has basically disappeared now."

"What KG can do, you Gods can only do better."

"Go over the deduction and analysis done by your senior No. 4 in your head several times, learn from KG's lessons, summarize KG's experience, and then further grasp the weaknesses of SSK."

"Following this idea, in the next five days, we will train more specifically to prepare for war."

"This battle——"

"There are plenty of opportunities. Let's fight with them slowly."

A group of God Team members were so excited by No. 1's calm and casual words that they couldn't help but feel excited.

Suddenly it should be.

Several coaches and team leaders of the club nodded frequently with expressions of agreement.


That's the truth.

The League of Legends professional e-sports has developed to this era, at least in terms of understanding the version and operating tactics, it has seen the ceiling. Even the SSK team, which is recognized as the strongest in the world, has never escaped from this framework to reach new and higher levels. Height, which allowed other top teams in the world that were latecomers to quickly catch up and close the gap.

That's why this year's finals will be so fierce and stalemate, so difficult to separate.

It's because everyone is almost on the same starting line now, and there are no longer such obvious disparities as in the past.

Also for this reason——

The SSK team, which had occupied the world's strongest throne for several years, was finally unable to ensure that it could continue to hold the throne. Other teams finally had the strength and opportunity to challenge the former head-on, or even defeat it.

The first half of this review meeting in the training room was an extremely rigorous and solemn analysis that pointed out the direction of training and preparations for the next five days. At the end, the words of No. 1 were a message to the God team. The team members once again received a shot of cardiotonic.

End of the meeting.

The members of Team God, including Lin Feng, Li Shiyi, Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao and others, all left one after another to go back to the house to sleep.

Only No. 1 and a few others were left in the training room, watching the young juniors leaving. No. 3 twitched the corner of his mouth and looked sideways at No. 1:

"You guy-"

"From now on, I'll just go and give speeches to people to cheer them up."

"It's really hard to fool these guys."

Number 1 smiled:

"After all, we still have to give them some confidence."

"At times like this, training and preparation are one thing, but confidence and momentum... have a huge impact on the outcome of the game."

In his words, he also vaguely acknowledged No. 3’s comments.


To a certain extent, what he just said was a kind of "fooling".

Of course, every sentence said is true and without water. In terms of version understanding and tactical operation, the current God team is indeed enough to stand on the same starting line as the world's strongest team like SSK.


This does not mean that God already has the strength and capital to defeat SSK.

It's just that in the words just now, No. 1 selectively mentioned the "average personal strength of the players" in one or two sentences, focusing on other aspects of the advantages that God's team currently has.


The average personal strength of the players can never be easily ignored.

Even precisely in this area, it is the biggest foundation that the SSK team has truly relied on to dominate the world's professional e-sports circle for several years.

Where did KG fail?

When Tian Tian's top laner almost reached the extreme level that a professional top laner can achieve, he still barely managed to win just one game from SSK.

What's the reason?

It is precisely because every player in every position of the SSK team is the ace core of this team.

This is not just a team with no shortcomings.


Even with the shortest so-called "shortcomings", his personal ability is stable and above the level of the Seven Kings.

Facing such a team, even if God is stronger than KG, the personal abilities of the players in various positions are still almost at a disadvantage.

"You still have to look at the coordination of the mid laner, AD, and two C positions."

Number 4 sighed.

No. 1 nodded and looked at his beautiful fiancée: "So next, Xiao Wu will help you work harder for a while, and then do some training for Xiao Ye - at least his bot lane AD will have to face SSK's bot lane combination. To be able to hold on steadily and even have a little advantage.”

Number five should be played.

"You two, second, third and fourth, you guys, just like before, train how you want." No. 1 looked at the other three companions again: "Don't save your strength, just practice to death in the next five days. ”

The understatement came out of his mouth like this.

Number 2 smiled coldly:

"Don't worry, this kind of thing... I know a lot about it."

Number Three raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Number One:

"So, that boy Asing -"

No. 1 said "Yeah": "The second one was in charge a while ago, right? Next time... I will take over."

Still a light arrangement.

But the weight and meaning represented in the words are extremely heavy.

No. 4's eyes lit up slightly: "In this case, if Ah Xing is just a little bit behind in the end... he should really be able to make up for it before the finals."

Number 1 shook his head:

"Don't talk too much. "

"Even if it were me, I can only try my best, and -"

Speaking of this, No. 1 paused for a moment and looked slowly:

"That boy named Han from SSK..."

"It's not like there's no help."

No. 3's eyes suddenly narrowed into a sharp line when he heard this: "Oh?"

Number 1 smiled calmly:

"That guy Li Dozai...at this point, he probably won't be able to sit still."

The update is here, the next chapter will be around 9:30, so go away and continue typing.

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