
Chapter 2002 Close to Nothing

When we returned to the hotel that night, everyone's tasks and energy were solely focused on training and preparing for the KG team and family.

Even the members of Team God, who had defeated Team Legend today and successfully advanced to the finals, did not bother to hold a celebratory banquet to celebrate. After having a simple dinner in the hotel's cafeteria, they immediately followed them to the training room. I am going to work as a sparring partner for KG's players and make final preparations together.

According to Huangxue Yege, "The celebration banquet will be more exciting when we do it with you KG."

This is indeed the case.

If KG can defeat the SSK team in tomorrow's BO5 game, then they can indeed hold the grandest celebration dinner directly, because by that time, the final battle will no longer be important - the two LPL teams in the finals No matter whether they win or lose, their LPL division is destined to be the final winner.

Of course, that is also the most ideal situation.

But the reality is still cold and cruel.

Defeating SSK, no matter what, is definitely an unprecedentedly difficult challenge.

"In fact, I have almost practiced everything I should have practiced in the past few days."

"Just relying on this last night today, it is impossible for you to make any qualitative leap."

In the training room, No. 4 pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and gave instructions to KG's team members in a gentle and calm tone:


"Actually, there's nothing special to say."

"Everyone just needs to cheer up and go over what I have taught you over the past few days and the faults and problems that I have pointed out to you all over again in your own mind."

"Maintain the state of your recent preparations for combat training."


"Just let go and fight."

Number 2’s eyes fell coldly on Yao Gui, the main mid laner of the KG team. Compared to Number 4, his attitude and tone were much more serious and solemn: “Think clearly about your role in the team. Position and role - never forget it at any time. If you are the mid laner, you should be the most important core part of the team.

There is a gap in strength between you and the boy named Han. This is a fact, but if you want to win, you have to try your best to make up for this gap. "

The demon gritted his teeth and nodded fiercely:

"Senior, I understand!"

Ordinarily, No. 2 might not be satisfied with such an answer, but at this time, he just glanced at the mid laner of the KG team again, his expression softened slightly and he nodded slightly:

"You have been training very hard recently. At least, you have some capital to fight with others."


"Tomorrow, I'll also be waiting to see your performance."

After a pause, No. 2 took another deep look at the demon in front of him, and slowly said the last words:

"Miracles... sometimes cannot be created through hard work."

Regarding "miracles", it is very rare for Number Two, who has always only believed in absolute strength, to say such words one day. It is also a rare encouragement given by Number Two as a senior to the younger generations.

Compared with the unprecedented encouragement given by No. 2, the meaning of No. 3's words when he pulled Tian Tian to a corner alone to talk was much more realistic and even meaner:

"You KG versus SSK."

"Judging from the paper lineups on both sides, your senior No. 4 did a comprehensive analysis on paper before."

"You can probably imagine the results of the comparison yourself."

"The four positions of mid laner, ADC, support, and jungler are basically completely destroyed."

"With you as the top laner, you should still have a slight advantage against SSK's Wolf."

"So, to put it bluntly—"

No. 3 raised his eyes and looked at Tian Tian:

"In tomorrow's game, in fact, your four teammates can only be regarded as a drag on you."

It is truly a cruel evaluation without any mercy.

But it does hit the mark with reality.

Tian Tian was silent.

After a while, he raised his head and met No. 3's gaze, and spoke with great determination and persistence: "No, senior, they are not a burden to me."

"Without Yaogui, Konjac and Lao C, we at KG would not have been able to go all the way from this year's LPL to the semi-finals of the finals."

"Without them, I wouldn't be where I am now."

"To me, their existence is just like Fengzi, Amo, Aqiu and Eleven."

"They are all my most trusted teammates and partners."

Seeing Tian Tian's solemn and serious expression and firm and decisive tone, No. 3 paused for a moment, then raised the corners of his mouth slightly:

"All right."

"So let's get back to reality-"

"Even if they are also your recognized partners and teammates, at least you need to recognize the fact that in a head-on confrontation, it is basically difficult for these teammates of yours to give you much help and support. "


"If you don't think they are a drag, you still recognize them as your companions fighting alongside you."

"Then the burden on you is destined to become heavier."

"The top lane is the only line where your KG can compete with SSK."

"If you want to have a chance of survival, you, as the top laner, must not only take advantage of Wolf; if you decide not to give up your teammates, then you must rely on you, the core top laner, to lead the other four people to rush forward-"

"In other words."

After another pause, No. 3 casually threw out a conclusion:

"You need to kill through the top lane."

"Kill Wolf, who may be as strong as you, to lose his armor and weapons, and kill the other people of SSK who have to focus all their energy on you."

"Only when you reach that point can you, KG, have a glimmer of hope of winning."

"The rest is..."

"It all depends on God's will."


No. 2 and No. 3.

These two top legends of the previous generation in the e-sports circle mentioned words like "God's will" and "miracle" when they were teaching and training several members of the KG team. It can be seen that even they have a complex emotional attitude towards the BO5 match tomorrow.

Back in the hotel room late at night, when someone was calling the girl who was his childhood sweetheart in the bathroom, the beginning of the call was naturally regretful that the girl could not come to Berlin, Germany to watch the semi-finals. The girl also gave a helpless answer that the Manchester City matter here needed to be dealt with for a while.

Then the topic was talked about elsewhere. Lin Feng mentioned the lecture of several predecessors in the training room.

An Xin on the other end of the phone listened quietly at first, and then said "hmm", and then asked back:

"So, what do you think?"

"After such training and preparation, KG has a chance of winning against SSK."

Lin Feng was silent.

He reached out and fiddled with the faucet on the bathroom sink unconsciously. The water flowed intermittently, swirling on the water table and flowing into the trough.

After a long while, he slowly spoke:

"As for the chance of winning-"

"It may be infinitely close to nothing."

Update sent, the next chapter is around 8 o'clock in the evening, go away and continue typing.

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