
Chapter 1991 Stealing a house by force!

Something is right.

That is when facing the Legend team, which has Phoenix, the third Yonko and the best French king in Europe, no other team, no matter how strong and confident they are, will not dare to underestimate them.

Even for the MLG team, which defeated Legend in the European LCS this year and won the championship trophy and the first seed in the finals, Spoon, the captain, frankly stated in an interview with e-sports media that the reason why they were able to defeat Legend It's not that they are ahead in terms of strength, but that luck accounts for the majority. In terms of pure strength, MLG is still inferior to Legend by more than one or two points.

In the group stage, Legend faced the North American dominant team Season, and faced the strong pressure of Autumn, the world's support god, but still shocked the world by winning both games.

In the quarterfinals, they faced off against the dark horse team Hayashi Team in the LPL division, and also won with a score of 3-1.

It is enough to prove its true strength.

And in this year's finals, this European dominant team has completely regained its peak form.

So naturally——

Faced with such an opponent, the God team still chose to retain its strength and not easily play the ace in the box. People can't help but feel a lot of worry about it.

to be honest.

When you encounter such a formidable enemy, even if you go all out, you may not be able to guarantee a sure victory. How can you still retain your strength at such a time?

Isn't it the same as playing with fire?

But God Team just made such a choice again as if it was going its own way.

Once again, the early fast break lineup was similar to the first game.


He really has absolute confidence in himself and plans to repeat the victory he just won in the last game.

The second game seemed to be no different from the first game.

In the first 20 minutes, the God team once again relied on perfect personal ability and tacit cooperation to fully utilize the strong early characteristics of their lineup.

In 15 minutes, the head count increased to 11 to 5, and in 20 minutes, the economy led by a full 6,000.

But what follows...

It was the Legend team that steadily withstood the pressure in the mid-term and began to exert force again.

This dominant European team has always been known for being good at mid- to late-game teamfights and operations. After absorbing the experience and lessons learned from the first game, this team played more calmly and leisurely. The economy and resources that should have been given away in the early stage were directly given away. Without any hesitation, in the 23rd minute of the game, Phoenix's mid laner Ice Girl directly seized the opportunity. She moved a wave of E skills in front of the grass at the river crossing in the bottom lane and entered the field to receive the ice ring that flashed W. Instantly group control the opponent purple. Three heroes of the Fang Legion!

The perfect explosive god-level starter!

Then several other heroes of the blue team Legend team followed up quickly, and a wave of team battles directly went from 0 to 3. They advanced from the bottom lane and broke through two opponent's defense towers in a row, pushing the troops to the high ground.

The number of people was restored, and the economic gap immediately caught up to 2,000.

More importantly, Lissandra, the Ice Lady, who got a wave of double kills, began to show her strong team fighting ability.

The game lasts 30 minutes.

The head count and team economic gap between the blue and purple legions on the field were basically equalized.

And at this time, the purple-side God team, which had relied on its lineup to gain an advantage in the early stage, was also in a certain state of weakness due to its lineup. Although Dawnstar's mid laner Jace still had the highest development in the game, at this time, the future guardian The role and contribution that poke heroes can play in team battles has been gradually overtaken by the opposite Ice Lady Lissandra.

"If this continues, Legend's chances of winning will become greater and greater."

On the official commentary stage, several European and American commentators made firm judgments, and the European commentators couldn't help but beam with joy.

In contrast, Lao Mi, Mo Sheng and Fei Yan at the China commentary desk were still doing their due diligence in explaining and analyzing the situation, but they also showed strong expressions of worry.

Game time is 34 minutes.

The blue team Legend team gradually took control of the rhythm and began to actively control the vision in the Baron Fjord and use the Baron to prepare to force the team.

The God team responded immediately. Dawnstar's mid laner Jayce directly chose to go to the bottom lane alone to lead the lane and push the tower. The other four people stayed with their opponents on the Dalongfjord side of the river.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Finally, the blue side directly forced the baron.

Even at such a critical juncture, the Future Guardian under the control of Dawnstar seemed to have no intention of returning to defense to support his teammates, and continued to advance rapidly in the bottom lane with the money single-mindedly.

Destroy the second tower.


Start dismantling the highland defense towers directly.

Even the other four members of the God team have begun to retreat slowly from the Dalong Fjord. It seems that they have no intention of taking the risk to block the opponent. They want to directly give up the Dalong to the opponent, but they will not let the opponent ambush and seize the opportunity. Force open.

"Big dragon for high ground?"

The audience was already in an uproar and exclamations continued to spread one after another.


When Baron Baron was firmly captured by the Legend team, Jace on the high ground on the other side of the blue side had successfully destroyed the opponent's bottom lane summoning crystal - the five members of the blue side Legend team immediately chose to return to the city and rely on The effect of the Baron buff only takes four seconds to quickly return to defense.

"If you just exchange the high ground for the Baron, then this wave of God's team will not make any profit."

Several European and American commentators on the official commentary stage were analyzing and evaluating quickly:

"It's just a high ground in the bottom lane."

"At this stage, Jess can only rely on a single to stop losses. They are no longer a match for Legend in a 5V5 team fight."

"But then the five members of the Legend team will have the Baron buff on them, and they will directly push forward as a group in the middle. The God team has no ability to stop them. When the time comes, not only one high ground, but two or even three routes will be able to fight back directly -"

"Wait, wait a minute!"

"Oh my God! What happened! What is Team God going to do!?"

In the front, they were still analyzing the situation quickly and methodically, but in the back, the European and American commentators seemed to have seen something unbelievable. They were all shocked and screamed uncontrollably!

At the same time, in the OB screen on the large LCD viewing screen on the live stage, you can see that when the five Legends on the blue side took down the baron and were preparing to return to the city, the four God team on the purple side had already begun to retreat. A purple hero suddenly turned back to kill him!

Quickly approach the Dalong Gorge!

ADC Ezreal, controlled by Huangxue Yege, directly fired the "precision barrage" of his ultimate move towards the Dalongfjord not far away!

Huge crescent arcs of energy whizzed past and suddenly penetrated the bodies of several blue heroes one after another!

Instantly interrupting the recall bar of three blue heroes!

And at the same moment...

On the home high ground of the blue side Legend team, Dawnstar's mid laner Jayce did not return at all after removing the bottom lane, but continued to press the opponent's two incisor towers with a wave of remaining troops!

The whole place was in an uproar!

This is……

I want to steal a house by force! ! ?

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 12 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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