
Chapter 1986 Fortunately

We will always encounter many difficulties and challenges.

But as long as you persist and never give up, good things and hope will always come.

This principle is true for the majority of Chinese League of Legends players——

Because they have gone through six full seasons and encountered too many blows and disappointments, but finally they have reached the S6 finals and saw three teams in their national server LPL division advance to the quarterfinals at the same time. Teams KG and God are both in the top four, and for the first time they are so close to the world championship trophy.

You will be unstoppably happy and excited.

I can't help but look forward to it.

On the last day before the start of the semi-finals of the semi-finals, tens of thousands of topic posts in major online forums flooded the screen again and again, with all kinds of analysis and speculation, all kinds of hopes and wishes, and together we What is forged is the same beautiful fantasy and blueprint of all national server players——

God defeats Legend.

KG defeated SSK.

In the final arena in London, the capital of the United Kingdom, the two teams from their national servers competed for the final championship and runner-up, taking home both the world championship and runner-up trophies!

The same is true for the team members of KG and God clubs——

After fighting in the group stage and the quarter-finals, they finally stood in front of the semi-finals again, and what they were about to face was a tougher battle than the first two rounds.

But after a few days and the unreserved guidance of several seniors, every main player of the two teams has once again made significant progress.

There seems to be a faint hope of reaching the finals together.

Then he was full of ambition.

Fighting spirit high.

The same is true for Lin Feng.

Late at night the night before, he had suddenly had an uncontrollable and uncontrollable uneasy thought that made him feel almost as cold as a nightmare. However, just a voice call from that girl easily wiped out all his previous nervousness and anxiety. The anxiety was completely dissipated.

After one night.

It was as if the whole person suddenly became extremely refreshed, and his mental state was fuller than it had been in the past few days.

Even if I am just a sparring partner for two teams, I will be able to play harder and more smoothly.

Not understanding the cause of someone's condition, Huang Xue Yege and others shook their heads but did not go into details, and cheered up again:

"Forget it, it's a good thing anyway!"

"If your sparring partner is in good condition today, let's practice a few more games!"

"Use all your skills and come here!"

Someone is also full of fighting spirit:

"Okay, let me see how much you have grown in the past few days."

"Come on, come on, let's fight!"

The same is true for An Xin.

This girl who was a childhood sweetheart with someone had arrived in Berlin, the capital of Germany, quietly a few days ago, following the two senior teachers No. 1 and No. 5.

But he didn't rush to meet up with someone and God and KG's team members immediately.

Instead, he came to the Heidelberg University Hospital that No. 3 had recommended before.


It was just an excuse for the girl to come to Berlin to meet someone and watch the finals together.

But I never thought that after arriving here, I would be greeted by an unexpected and huge surprise.

University Hospital Heidelberg.

In the office of the director of the ALS Department Disease Special Research Center.

The smell of anti-virus medical alcohol spread faintly in the room, and the white walls, tables and chairs exuded an inhumane, cold and serious atmosphere.

Just like the expressionless expression on the face of Howard, the director of the research center, who was sitting at his desk flipping through dialysis test materials and data.

An Xin, who was sitting beside her, was slightly nervous. She put her hands in front of her knees and twisted them together unconsciously. No. 5, who was accompanying her, put the girl's palm into his own and shook it gently, with a look of comfort on her face. and an encouraging look.

Director Howard at the desk seemed to have finally finished flipping through the test data files on the desk. Number 1 next to him raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Dr. Howard."

"So...how is the situation now?"

Howard raised his eyes, looked at No. 1, and then looked at An Xin who was sitting in front of him. The girl unconsciously sat up slightly and looked closely at the man in front of him who was in the ALS Special Research Center and was in his early forties. Director, he even held his breath slightly.

The next moment, the words spoken by Dr. Howard made the three people in the office feel depressed:

"not too good."

An Xin's face suddenly turned pale.

Number 1 narrowed his eyes:

"Oh, can you tell me more about it?"

Howard seemed to casually flip through a few more pages of documents in front of him, adjusted the gold frame on the bridge of his nose, and said coldly:

"I've seen the previous medical records."

"The patient was originally hospitalized at St. Edinlan's Hospital in Manchester, England, right? He recently tried to use a clinical trial drug, which resulted in drug discomfort——"

No. 5 nodded, and then hurriedly added:

"However, it has been solved through surgery before."

"We did several confirmation checks at St. Edinron before coming here. There should be nothing serious now—"

Before he finished speaking, he was rudely interrupted again by Dr. Howard in front of him:

"Nothing serious?"

"Who gave you this confidence?"

"The patient's Orsenmore disease is originally the most troublesome variant of ALS, and even among all Orsenmore cases, the severity of this little girl's symptoms is considered high. What she needs is The most timely and professional treatment is in place. It is not allowed to waste any treatment time and opportunity, use untested clinical experimental drugs indiscriminately, and take such risks that even gamblers would not take. According to you Chinese, This simply makes the patient’s condition worse.”

After a few words of such unceremonious instruction, An Xin's face became increasingly pale and bloodless. Although Number 5 next to him had always been calm and composed, at this time he couldn't help but be a little confused by the professional analysis and reprimand of the expert director in front of him. He took a closer look and looked at his fiancé subconsciously as if asking for help.

The expression on No. 1's face remained unchanged.

He just squinted his eyes and looked deeply at Director Howard in front of him, and after a while he slowly spoke:

"Dr. Howard."

"I think... your hospital asked us to come here for the second time today, and it must be more than just to let us hear these bad things about St. Edinlan Hospital, right?"

Howard snorted:

"That's certainly the point."

"As for those stupid British guys in Manchester, how many years have they been researching ALS? They are trying to compete with our Heidelberg Special Research Center for fame. From experimental drugs to clinical treatment, everything is a mess. I just want to let you You know how stupid you were for not choosing Heidelberg first!"

Another such unkind lesson.

However, No. 1 showed no anger at all, but instead had a slight smile on his face:

"Yes Yes Yes."

"Your Excellency taught you the right lesson, but fortunately we finally found him, right?"

One sentence.

Howard paused for a moment, and then the director of the Special Research Center of Heidelberg University Hospital softened slightly:


"It's a good thing you didn't go all the way."

"Find us here - then you have found the right one."

I'll send you the update, and if I can finish the work, I'll continue working on Chapter 3. . . I haven't slept properly recently for a long time.

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