
Chapter 280 The sluggish Wang He

"You-have-been-(you have been killed)."

The system's female voice announced the kill.

For the East China University of Science and Technology team, the game screen on the computer screen in front of Zhu Feng suddenly turned into a bleak black and white tone, just like the unbelievable stunned look on his face.

Instant kill!

Lux's Q skill immediately connected with the ER combo after starting her hand.

Then, before his Dark Leader had time to hand over any skills, Prince Jarvan's EQ flashed forward and then crashed down with his ultimate move "Heaven and Earth".

Two sets of damage.

Almost in one go.

Take away his Syndra instantly!

The audience in the audience were also stunned. They did not expect that the two heroes in the blue side, center and jungle would cooperate to such a degree, with almost no gaps in their skills.

The connection is extremely perfect!

The players from the participating college teams in the front row of the auditorium could not help but have their eyelids twitching.

This wave was so amazing.

This level of midfielder coordination and decisiveness give people the illusion that they are watching the LPL professional league.

A professional mid laner and jungler is nothing more than that, right?


(Impossible, impossible!)

As the purple ADC Jinx, Wang He had just witnessed the killing scene in the middle, but at this time, his mind was filled with the words "impossible".

My heart couldn't stop twitching and beating wildly.

He didn't want to believe that the high school students opposite him could really be this strong!

Oh shit……

It was obviously a team that relied on connections to go through the back door to participate in the competition.

How could a group of high school kiddies be so strong!

But Wang He gritted his teeth, but he had to admit that the coordination the opponent's blue square, midfielder and jungler combination had just now was simply flawless and powerful.

just like……

At this moment, the bottom lane combination of the blue square male gun Thresh he faced in the bottom lane was the same.

Just when Wang He was distracted, his ADC Jinx made a mistake and was caught by Zeng Rui's auxiliary Thresh on the blue side.

Zeng Rui reacted very quickly and controlled the Soul Lock Warden to shoot out the Q skill "Death Sentence".

The cold metal chain cut through the air, hit the target and ran away!

Drag back!

"Tangtang, beat it!"

Zeng Rui shouted loudly.


At the same moment, Tang Bingyao had no hesitation in controlling her ADC male gun and an E skill "Quick Draw" to move forward quickly!

The auxiliary Tauren player of the purple side East China University of Science and Technology team immediately rushed forward with W skills followed by Q skills, trying to push away the opponent's ADC male gun.

But Tang Bingyao's reaction speed was even faster!


A thin golden light suddenly lit up!

The figure of the male gun flashed in an instant and rushed hundreds of yards ahead. While the Bull Head WQ skill failed for two consecutive times, it also rushed in front of the target Jinx!

The thick, cold shotgun was raised like lightning.

The muzzle of the gun was dark, still exuding a strong and dangerous smell of gunpowder and gunpowder smoke.

Wang He's mood suddenly sank to the bottom of the cold valley.

next moment.

The muzzle of the gun suddenly burst into flames!

Q skill, "Large Buck Bullet"!

R energy saving, "ultimate bomb"!

Three thick projectiles hit the target Jinx's chest firmly, and the terrifying explosive bombs followed and exploded on the violent Loli's body!

Shrapnel flying!

Mars is dancing!

The blood bar on Jinx's head suddenly plummeted to the bottom!

Zeng Rui's auxiliary Thresh's second stage Q suddenly came in, and he quickly used [Ignite] and E skill "Pendulum of Doom" to slow down and control the target.

Even though Wang He had already used all his strength to use the double summons of [Flash] and [Heal] to escape, he was still chased by Tang Bingyao's male spear and hit two flat A's to ignite the damage and take him away.

Complete the kill!

Looking at the game screen that turned into a black and white TV in front of him, Wang He's mind went completely blank.

At this moment, he even had an illusion, as if...

He returned to the scene a few days ago when he faced Draven.

Only this time, he couldn't yell at anyone, let alone just hang up and exit the game.

The game continues.

However, the situation and rhythm of the scene suddenly changed dramatically in just two or three minutes.

In the early stage, it could be regarded as a balanced rhythm between the blue and purple armies, but when the game time came to six or seven minutes, the middle and lower lanes were instantly occupied by the blue army at a speed that caught people off guard. An absolute advantage!

The audience in the audience were dumbfounded.

They had no idea that in such a short period of time, the situation on the field would change so dramatically.

It seems that just one or two waves of sudden explosions allowed the blue army to directly control the advantage and initiative on the field. The head count gap was widened and the economy was already more than 3,000 ahead.

Some of the college team players in the front row of the auditorium had their eyes twitching.

They see it more clearly.

Therefore, they were even more frightened by the strength displayed by the Shanghai Electric Association team on the blue side.


What a great catch.

They simply don't miss any chance. As long as the opponent makes a slight mistake, the Blue Army can immediately grasp it and take the initiative in an instant.

After one or two waves, the advantage immediately increased.

Then, what follows is a rhythm in which the Blue Army begins to snowball.

9 minutes into the game.

Lin Feng's mid laner Lux wandered off the bottom lane.

Zeng Rui controlled his auxiliary Thresh [Flash] to rush in first, and the E skill slowed down and forced Jinx to stay.

The purple side assisted the Bullhead's W skill to knock Thresh away, but the Soul Lock Warden under Zeng Rui's control quickly shot back with another Q skill "Death Sentence", which accurately hit the deceleration control in the distance. Live Target Jinx.

The chains tightened, tugging back.

Lin Feng took advantage of the situation and kept up with the "Light Binding" of the Q skill.

A set of ER combos are thrown out at the same time.

"The ultimate flash"!

The thick pure white beam of destruction suddenly penetrated the target Jinx's body.

Tang Bingyao's male gun E came up, raised the gun, and fired a full Q in the face, directly killing the rampaging lolita and taking her away.

At the same time, the jungle prince controlled by An Xin has outflanked and driven out from the triangular grass behind the opponent's defense tower, and cooperated to kill the opponent's auxiliary bull-headed tower.


The second head was taken again by Tang Bingyao's ADC male gun.

Then flatten the outer tower of the purple square lower road.

Then take down the first dragon.

The snowball of the blue army’s advantage is getting bigger and bigger!

About fourteen minutes into the game, Wang He, who was completely unable to mix in the bottom lane, was forced to control his ADC Jinx to the middle lane to supplement his development.

However, not long after Jinx arrived on the middle route, Lin Feng seized an opportunity.

Flash forward.

Give it directly to Q.

Connect the E skill "Light-Transmitting Singularity" and the ultimate move "Ultimate Flash".

Complete the combo in one go.

The health bar above his head suddenly plummeted from nearly full to less than a quarter. Wang He, who was about to have a heart attack, desperately handed over [Flash] and ran away.

The opponent, Lux, has no skills and shouldn’t be able to catch up...

This thought just flashed through Wang He's mind, but he didn't see that at this moment, the ADC male gun controlled by Tang Bingyao had come around from the lower half of the purple area.

Raise the gun across the wall.

Aim carefully.

The R key is pressed.

A "ultimate bomb" shot out with a bang, passing through the thick rock wall in the wild area, and exploded on Jinx, who was still alive, with flying sparks and shrapnel.

Wang He watched almost blankly as his Jinx was killed and taken away by a sudden big move from the male gun.

"Rampage (a hero has gone on a rampage)!"

The kill announcement of the system female voice resounded throughout the audience.

Tang Bingyao nodded with satisfaction and looked at the heads of four outlaws in his hands, feeling a little happy:

This round, she can carry.

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