
Chapter 1982 What happened?

The night is as cold as water.

The nights in Berlin are even cooler than those in Manchester City and Paris.

It also felt more solemn and cold.

The companion in the bed next to him in the room had covered himself with a quilt and fell asleep, but someone sitting in front of the bed still hadn't fallen asleep. He was typing slowly while holding his mobile phone and sorting out his thoughts.

Arriving in Berlin, it was already the night of the third day.

In the past two days or so, everyone from the two remaining clubs in the LPL division, God and KG, has been involved in a new round of training and preparations. With the personal guidance of several seniors, they have made rapid progress.

Naturally, as someone edited and described in the message text, the intensity of training is even greater than before, and it is inevitably harder.

It was obvious that at the stage of the semi-finals of the top four, not only the players from the two teams, but also several legendary seniors really started to pay attention, and each of them showed their true skills in teaching without reservation.

That's why someone would be amazed to once again see the true strength of Senior No. 3 who showed no mercy and completely let go.


He was on par with J, the legendary powerhouse of the previous generation in Europe, who he had seen before in the Nightingale Secret Battle and the European Server King Group solo queue rankings. He might even have a slightly superior domineering reign of terror.

Even Tian Tian, ​​who had achieved a promotion breakthrough and was halfway to the threshold of the Four Emperors, could only barely parry when he tried his best to fight.

And it is such high-intensity training and teaching that further squeezes out Tian Tian's potential.

In just two days, it seems that I have really found my own rhythm.

So Tian Tian was naturally extremely excited and surprised, but No. 3’s attitude towards this was extremely simple and straightforward:

"Caught a little bit of feeling?"

"If this is called catching the feeling, then you are too easily satisfied."

"It's not even enough—"

"If you want to prove yourself, try knocking me down first. If you can't do that,

That's still not enough, it still needs some heat. "

If you don't get enough heat, you have to continue to be beaten and practice.

Fortunately, Tian Tian is not the only one who needs to practice. In the past two days, there are many people who have practiced to death and suffered unspeakably.

As Lin Feng said, the worst thing is naturally the KG team's mid laner Yao Gui who is targeted by No. 2. Although his strength is not the best among the first-line professional mid laners in the Chinese LPL division, he is still Can be ranked at the front of the second echelon.

Naturally not bad.

But when it comes to the finals, facing almost random top players in the realm of the Seven Kings and even the Four Emperors, it is inevitable that something is not enough to watch.

What's more, this time in the semi-finals of the top four, he will face the world's number one mid laner who is the leader of the four emperors.

It's even more worrying.

However, when it came to No. 2, I didn’t even consider the difficulty and feasibility of raising the first-line level of a domestic division to be comparable to the top Yonko in a short period of time. With the character and temperament of this legend of the previous generation, no matter whether you can do it or not If you can defeat your opponent, first of all, if you show your level at this level, it will be embarrassing.

Anyway, let’s practice to death first.

The hard training really produced some results.

Yao Gui also has a stubborn temper. The more he trains, the more stubborn and fighting spirit he has never experienced before. He grits his teeth and holds on under No. 2's terrifying and rigorous training. He was almost silent, but his operations during the training process became more and more fierce. No. 2 noticed that although he did not give any praise or comment, he occasionally showed a look of appreciation and satisfaction in his eyes.

The other members of the two teams who were coached by No. 4 also miscalculated.

At first, they thought that the No. 4 senior would be a better talker than the other two seniors, and their training would be easier.

The result was unexpected -

As soon as training started, something was wrong with the atmosphere.

The gentle and elegant No. 4 senior wearing gold-rimmed glasses is indeed not as stern and cold-looking as the other No. 2 and No. 3 seniors, but he is the one who always speaks with a gentle smile under his expression. Every request and instruction was simply harsh and exaggerated to the point of perversion.

If you can't do last-minute hits, use man-machine training.

Once you practice, it takes two or three hours, and if you miss a cut, you will add another half hour.

If you are not aware of gank prevention, just memorize and repeat all the actions of the opponent's jungler in the previous game in front of the video review. Each specific jungle and gank time point must be accurate to the second to avoid confusion and mistakes.

The distance and skill damage cannot be calculated accurately in the laning, so I just open the memorization. After memorizing the actual combat drill, if I make a mistake, I will memorize it again. If I make another mistake, I will be punished until I remember it thoroughly.

The players of the two teams were completely confused by the practice.

What the hell...

Where is the daily training routine for professional e-sports players?

It just feels like a junior high school student in school doing homework to prepare for the final exam, doesn’t it? ?

But it happened that this kind of training method, which was almost unbelievable to KG and God's team members, actually produced remarkable results in just two days.

The players who were not in good last-hitting condition felt warm and comfortable.

What's even more bizarre is that under No. 4's orders and arrangements, the players and team members of the two teams, who had to endure the hardships of memorizing and memorizing various theoretical data, actually improved very quickly in actual training. Regardless of the vigilance against gank, or the distance control and damage calculation in the laning aspect, they have subconsciously become more rigorous and difficult to find mistakes.

The coaches and leaders of the two clubs were stunned.

The players and team members themselves couldn’t believe it, but when they came to their senses, they were suddenly ecstatic——


It really works!

Then there is no need to complain about the weirdness of this teaching method. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a black cat or a white cat, the one that catches mice is a good cat. As long as it can make them improve in the next few days, it doesn’t matter. No matter how difficult it is, we must face it!

As Lin Feng said, Li Shiyi and Zeng Rui worked equally hard as sparring partners over the past two days, but each achieved satisfactory results and progress.

As Lin Feng said, Tang Bingyao has been training and learning with her master Bullet these past two days, and her future growth must be expected.

Almost everything that happened in the past few days, big or small, was sorted out by someone, no matter how big or small, and he typed it up and shared it in a message with the girl who was his childhood sweetheart, because he was familiar with the girl's character. , knowing which interesting things will definitely make the other person laugh out loud after listening to them, and what things will make the other person care about them.

And at the end.

He also typed the last sentence and asked the question that he cared about and cared about.

"Why haven't you come here yet?"


It was originally agreed when we were at Manchester City.

Just two days later.

But now, Paris' quarter-finals knockout rounds are over.

Even the semi-finals of the semi-finals in Berlin, Germany are about to begin.

In the blink of an eye, almost a week had passed since Manchester City left, but there was suddenly no news from the girl.

Pressed the send button on the message.

Someone looked down at the screen on his phone and subconsciously clenched his phone slightly.


Suddenly... what happened?

I sent the update and worked overtime until 9:30 before going home. . . So sleepy. . . Get some sleep and get up early in the morning to code.

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