
Chapter 1960 It’s almost done

? The so-called one step away naturally does not refer to the step from the top eight to the top four.

Because for the Season team, which was the runner-up trophy winner in last year's finals, it was just a matter of reaching the semi-finals. They had already achieved this result more than once in previous finals.

So the one step away here means something more profound——

As we all know, as the strongest team in the world, the SSK team may occasionally lose a single game or lose a few BO3 games after so many years of season competition, but in almost all BO5 games, they have always lost. Never had a defeat.

Even more than that.

Among the teams that met and played against SSK, they didn't expect to win a BO5 victory from the world's strongest team. Most of the time, they were swept directly by 3-1 or even 3-0.

Even wanting to tie SSK at 2-2 in the first four games of a BO5 match, forcing them to the final match point in the fifth game, is extremely rare.

And today——

The Season team has actually achieved this.

It has accomplished a feat that has never been easily achieved by almost all the top teams in the world.

2 to 2.

The third group of the quarter-finals reached the final match point decider.

Even as countless players and viewers around the world subconsciously came to the analytical conclusion at this moment, as the side that won the fourth game, the Season team did have a greater advantage in the final decider. Hope of winning.


They are only one step away from setting a record and eliminating the SSK team in the quarterfinals.

And similarly, the finals record of the SSK team after its establishment was a disastrous defeat, and it was only one final victory away.

this moment.

Countless Korean players and fans across the Internet finally panicked.

My mood couldn't help but tighten up.

This is for them as players in the LCK division and fans of the SSK team club.

It was an unprecedented torturous feeling.

They never thought that their division or even their top seeded team would one day face such a dangerous and terrifying situation in the quarterfinals of the finals.

There's just one last step left.

Their journey to this year's LCK finals will be cruelly and ruthlessly interrupted.

There's just one last step left.

The strongest myth of their SSK team seems to be finally shattered.

At this same moment, there are more gamers and netizens on the entire network with complicated and excited emotions. The complexity comes from the fact that they seem to be about to witness the fall of an undefeated myth that has dominated the new generation of e-sports circles for several years, and the excitement But it also comes from the fact that they will be the first-hand witnesses to the fall of this myth.

It is said that SSK is invincible and rarely loses.

It is said that this team from the LCK region is perfect and has no weaknesses.


When people finally found flaws in this team, and finally saw that this once perfect team was about to be stained on its equally flawless record.

Although there were emotions of sighing and sighing in my heart, the faint excitement and excitement and anticipation could no longer be hidden no matter what.

this moment.

Countless people were in panic.

Countless people were excited.

Countless people are looking forward to it.

At the Pullman venue, the atmosphere inside the competition venue was like a tidal wave of noise, becoming louder and more restless.

Several European and American commentators were heard from the official commentary desk, and their voices were so excited that they changed their tone:

"This will be an unprecedented set of BO5 games."

"We have never seen the SSK forced into such a dangerous and horrific situation."

"I never thought that the strongest team in the world might one day fall."


"Please open your eyes!"

"No matter what the outcome of this final game is, please believe that at this moment, we may be witnessing a history that is enough to be recorded in the annals of world e-sports!"

The live commentary's passionate and high-pitched voice echoed through the microphone throughout the competition venue.

The atmosphere in the Pullman venue became increasingly noisy and exciting.

Faintly uncontrollable restlessness.

It seems like a storm is coming.

It feels like the building is about to collapse.

In the front row of players and guests watching the game, the players and members of the top eight teams could no longer suppress the excitement in their hearts, and they stood up suddenly one by one.

The final victory——

Perhaps, it will also completely rewrite the pattern of the entire world's professional e-sports circle after today!

At this moment, everyone in the LPL competition area finally couldn't sit still at all. They stretched their necks and waited nervously and eagerly. Even Dawn Morning Star, who had always been cautious and insisted on holding his own opinions, seemed to have nothing to say. He frowned and fell into silence.

Lin Feng was still sitting in the audience.

He bowed his head slightly.

No one could see the flickering gaze in his lowered eyes at this moment, as well as his mostly-hidden expression.

Not far away, in the SSK Club auditorium on the other side, the second team, substitute players, and the coach were almost fidgeting with anxiety, and for the first time, their faces showed confusion and panic.

As the general manager of the club, Park Chanyeol squinted his eyes slightly, his eyes becoming sharper.

It's still hard to tell what the young general supervisor is thinking at this moment.

It's still this moment.

On stage.

In the competitive room of the SSK team, the four main players, Mafa, Wolf, Cube and Ray, looked more and more solemn. Their faith and determination remained unchanged, but it was clear that their foreheads and backs were faintly seeping with blood. Sweat.


That is this moment.

Sitting in the mid laner seat in front of the computer screen, Han Shihao, who had been silent for almost the entire four games, lowered his head and closed his eyes as if in deep thought.


The world's number one mid laner, leader of the Four Emperors, finally slowly opened his eyes.

The look in his eyes seemed calmer than ever before.

And then.

He turned to look at the four teammates beside him and spoke.

The tone was as calm as ever, but it seemed to be slightly less indifferent than before, and there were more subtle fluctuations that were difficult to understand:

"I think--"

After a pause, Han Shihao seemed to think deeply for a moment, and then said the remaining half of the sentence carefully:

"I should have figured something out."

The final BO5 decider begins.

34 minutes later.

competition is over.

At this moment, it seemed as if the whole world fell into sudden silence.

In such a silence where the needle could be heard, the blue side's "Victory" emblem slowly appeared on the giant LCD viewing screen on the stage inside the competition venue.

SSK wins.

Winning the deciding game, 3-2, defeated the Season team and advanced to the semi-finals.

In the quiet atmosphere of the scene, there seemed to be something vaguely restless and slowly brewing.

But no one dared to speak at this moment.

A corner in the back row of the auditorium.

For the first time in a rare moment, No. 2 and No. 3 showed a look of caution and uncertainty in their eyes.

No. 4, who had been engrossed in writing down what he was writing on his notepad from the very beginning of this decisive game, was almost sweating on his forehead, with a look of tiredness on his face. He shook his head with regret as if giving up, and then Looking up at No. 1:

"How much is left?"

Number 1's eyes looked far away on the stage, and the figure of the young man in the SSK team's competition room seemed to be reflected in the depths of his eyes.

Then he spoke.

He seemed to give the answer in a calm tone:

"about there."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 9 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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