
Chapter 1949 The sword is still young

Among the five Lin Feng of the S1 season, almost everyone has received several predecessors' ears and noodle teaching and guidance.

One of them was definitely the hardest and unlucky one. He was often drilled by several seniors in turns, without any time to rest. If he complained and resisted, he would be ruthlessly suppressed in the next second.

In contrast, Tian Tian seems to be the most "easy" one.

Because the No. 3 personality who is responsible for giving guidance and teaching is originally the laziest among the seniors. On weekdays, he often just says a few words casually and sends Tian Tian to practice on his own with a wave of his hand. It seems that he is not interested in this kind of teaching. The guidance is not caring at all.

Tian Tian didn't raise any objections, and just kept practicing hard by himself.

At the end of the S1 season, when the five members of the team disbanded and separated, from the S2 season until now, he has practiced alone.

The achievements achieved are already amazing enough.

The core ace of the KG team.

Ranked among the Seven Kings.

He is recognized as the number one top laner in LPL and even the world today.

Behind such a variety of glamorous honorary titles, it is also inseparable from his hard work and sweat of training every day and night.


Nowadays, Tian Tian has also encountered his own bottleneck.

The situation is similar to that of Dawn Star before. The mid laner captain of the God team stayed at the top of the Seven Kings and half-stepped the Four Emperors for almost a few years and could not make any further progress. It was not until recently that he finally met. Here comes the opportunity and hope to break through the bottleneck.

But Tian Tian is still one step behind Dawn Morning Star.

Now, he is in such a stagnant situation that no matter how hard he tries, he can never see the way forward.

It is useless just to work hard and fail to achieve the goal.

The problem, as No. 3 put it clearly tonight, lies in his mentality.

Even though he is now the number one top laner in the world, he has not really inspired his own belief and consciousness that the strong will win.

There is always a lack of explosive power, confidence and courage.

This is not Tian Tian's fault.

Because I am groping alone, it is always difficult to see a way out of a situation, and I need someone to help guide me.

So this is what No. 3 should do as a senior.

It is precisely because of this——

It was only tonight that No. 3 took the initiative to provide guidance and teaching like a small stove.

On the one hand, it is to make up for the fact that as a senior, I have neglected and slackened on my obligations for such a long time.

on the other hand.

He just wanted to rely on tonight to directly and completely stimulate Tian Tian's fighting spirit and consciousness.

And currently it seems——

The effect is good.

In the hotel room, the crisp and rapid sound of mouse and keyboard clicks was still coming from the two laptops.

This is already the sixth solo game between Tian Tian and No. 3.

It’s still a duel between the same heroes.

The ultimate head-on challenge of pure operational ability.

As the only spectator in the room at this moment, even with Lin Feng's current level of strength, he couldn't help but feel dizzy watching such solo battles.

On the one hand, it is because Tian Tian’s operational strength has become more mature now. Compared with last year’s finals, after another whole season of hard work this year, he has become almost proficient in controlling all aspects of details. Impeccable, even far surpassing the veteran top laner Seven in North America. Watching Tian Tian's top lane hero laning operation is almost a visual enjoyment.

But on the other hand, what is more important is that Tian Tian’s sparring opponent tonight is No. 3.

If Tian Tian's operation is a kind of visual enjoyment, then what the top lane hero under the control of No. 3 performs and displays has even surpassed the simple technical level and has truly become an art.

The art of offense.

Perhaps when it comes to the operational style, The-Sword and No. 3 of the Minx team are somewhat similar. They both emphasize an extremely pure offensive aggressiveness. However, if you only look at The-Sword's operational performance alone, People probably can't find anything wrong with it and can only marvel and praise it.

However, I am afraid of comparison shopping.

If we compare The-Sword's previous performance in training matches and group stages with the skills No. 3 is showing in these solo games now, then the operations of the top rookie top laner of the Minx team Countless flaws will be revealed almost instantly.

People will immediately have a feeling that the operation of The-Sword is still too rough.

It seemed like he was just attacking fiercely.

Relying purely on personal reactions and hand speed to suppress the opponent like a storm.

But No. 3 is different.

Any top lane hero, such as Sword Lady, Sword Girl, Riven, or even Kennen, Rambo, Gnar and Jace, in the hands of this one, the extremely outrageous operating hand speed can only be regarded as the best. Basic things are ordinary, but more importantly, under his operation, all the skills of the hero and the casting of level A, including movement, seem to be perfectly integrated with the hand speed to form a whole——

Smooth and smooth.

Calm, freehand and relaxed.

But if you are deceived by this kind of "calmness", if there is a moment of confusion or a moment of omission, the next second you will see that the game screen on the computer screen in front of you has turned into a black and white TV, and in your ears The cold and ruthless killing prompt announcement from the system's female voice will also be heard.

"You-have-been-(you have been killed)."

The system's female voice announced the kill.

The game screen on the laptop screen in front of Tian Tian turned into a black and white TV.

This is the sixth consecutive loss.

In the entire six solo games, he never won a single game from No. 3. The only third game was the Riven battle between the two sides, and the heads were exchanged at the end, but even then, No. 3 still got it first. A blood.

Lin Feng, who was standing nearby watching the battle, couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart:

"Senior...it's true that the sword is still young."

It's not just that the sword is still young.

After just a few solo games, the level of laning skills shown by No. 3 is not only able to open up a significant gap between The-Sword of the Minx team, but also for Lin Feng, who once worked with J in Nightingale. For those who have played against each other in the Champions League and the Champions League of Europe, in terms of laning alone, even the top legend from the previous generation in Europe may be even half a point inferior to his predecessor.

"Stop flattering."

No. 3 was unmoved by someone's praise and just looked over sideways:

"I've been watching it for a long time, why don't you come up and give it a try?"

This sentence directly guessed someone's thoughts, and Lin Feng suddenly smiled:

"Okay, okay, I'll do it, I'll do it - Fatty, take a rest for a while."

Just being a spectator, he couldn't help but feel excited and his hands were itchy. Now that he had the opportunity, of course he couldn't miss it. To fight against a senior No. 3 who showed his real skills, for him It will definitely be a helpful teaching.

"Hey, senior, how about you give me a summoner skill--"


"Maybe a blood bottle will do~"

"Stop talking nonsense and drive!"

The update is here. The next chapter will be after eleven o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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