
Chapter 1934 Leaving

? It would be a lie to say that I am not envious.

Although for this World Finals, the official side of the Chinese League of Legends sent a large number of staff to Europe, including logistics, external relations personnel, and film crews, as well as dedicated on-site reporters and full-time commentators. , but among these jobs, there is no doubt that the job of on-site commentary is the most glamorous.

Put on makeup, put on a decent and elegant suit or long skirt, sit on the on-site commentary table and face countless camera lenses, explaining each exciting and fierce event for the millions of national server players and netizens in the country. You can exclaim and cheer for the wonderful performance of your own LPL division team on the field, and be happy together with the players and spectators in the national server.

This can almost be said to be Su Xue's biggest career dream.

As for her current job——

On-site host reporter.

Although it sounds equally good, only you know the hard work involved.

You also need to put on makeup and dress beautifully, but the problem is...

It was really hard work.

Before the game starts, I have to follow my colleagues from my own film crew all over the hotel floor to find interview subjects. Even when I get to the game at the stadium, I don't even bother to sit down and enjoy one or two games. , I have to interview before and after the game, and during the game I am even more busy proofreading the interview script with the director. I am really busy with all kinds of things and can't make up for the time.

I couldn't even take two warm bites of rice.

Not to mention that due to visa and funding reasons, the manpower of the logistics and filming crew accompanying this trip is not enough. Many times, only those national service netizens cannot be seen in the interview video, but behind the camera, there are often Even a host reporter like Su Xue had to struggle to carry her long dress that was getting in the way, and at the same time help the cameraman sweating profusely carry the camera equipment around...

There is no trace of elegance and calmness in front of the camera.

It's just half a coolie.

Mo Sheng laughed again when she heard this, and stretched out her hand to pat Su Xue's shoulder in a comforting manner: "The job of interviewing reporters is indeed hard. I have been doing this for a while before, so I know how tiring it is, but -"

Speaking of this, Mo Sheng changed the subject:

"Actually, you guys, Axue, don't know that we, the official commentators on the scene, only look comfortable.

In fact, there are many difficulties and bitterness. "

The nature is actually similar to that of a host reporter.

As the official on-site commentator assigned by the national server, there is also a lot of work that needs to be prepared every day. Before the game starts, you have to arrive an hour or two in advance to prepare scripts, be familiar with various materials, and even memorize a large amount of data to ensure that you are ready for the game. Don’t make any mistakes when you officially start the commentary work on the commentary stage——

And although it seemed comfortable to sit on the commentary desk, in fact, the location of the China commentary desk happened to be blowing cold air from the air conditioner, and because it was impossible to put on a thick coat in front of the camera, the whole day was close to ten hours For a while, the commentators could only sit next to each other in the cold. They were shivering from the cold, but as soon as the camera came over, they had to pretend to be nonchalant and continue their analysis with a smile on their face.

But these are nothing.

"What's more important is that when I commentate on the game live, my mood will always be there."

Mo Sheng said seriously:

"This is completely different from when we commentate on our own domestic LPL league. Everyone plays in the national server's own games, and the outcome is the same."

"But when it comes to the World Finals, we national server commentators must be more focused on the teams in our LPL division. Sometimes we are really nervous and worried, but we still have to remain objective and neutral. Attitude to analyze——”

“Especially if we see our team lose, we will feel so uncomfortable that we don’t want to work at all - just like many Chinese players are not in the mood to continue watching the live broadcast if they see their team lose the game - but we can’t Ah, no matter how uncomfortable or depressed you are, no matter how interested you are in the following competition work, you still have to grit your teeth and keep on pretending that nothing is wrong, and you still can't make any mistakes. "

Zeng Rui, Li Shiyi and others on the side all showed understanding and approval:

"That's right."

"For on-site commentary...the adjustment and maintenance of mentality are probably the most difficult challenges."

An Xin suddenly interrupted with a smile:

"But, is this year actually okay?"

"After all, so far, the three teams in our national LPL division have performed very well. There aren't too many things that will make people worry."

Everyone nodded in agreement again.


Perhaps in previous world finals, for the official commentators in the national server, watching the teams in their own division compete so hard and hard, it would be really stressful.

But this year is really different. This year, the three teams Hayami, God and KG in the LPL division have performed extremely well from the beginning to the present in the group stage. In particular, the God team has won six games and firmly qualified as the first in the group. , now the LPL division occupies three of the top eight spots, allowing millions of domestic players and netizens of the national server to cheer and celebrate again and again, but there is really no trace of the tense and depressing atmosphere of previous years.


Su Xue bumped her head on the dining table again depressedly:

"To be honest, it's really fun being a commentator this year, okay!"

"Besides, if I can be on the live commentary stage, I'm willing to suffer all these hardships..."

Mo Sheng smiled helplessly to comfort and encourage:

"Okay, just keep holding on."

"After all, this kind of on-site commentary job in the finals depends on seniority. As long as you work harder this year, Xue, you may not have no chance in the next finals next year."


For example, there are three official on-site commentators in China this year. Needless to mention Lao Mi, who has been doing the game commentary work since the S2 and S3 seasons. Mo Sheng and Fei Yan also took on the entire team this year. He won this honor after years of LPL commentary.

According to Su Xue, she has just officially entered the field of event commentary this year. She has only been commentating in the LSPL Professional League for less than half a season. She is indeed lacking in qualifications.

"But Sister Xue, you are still just an LSPL commentator now. If you want to be like Sister Mo Sheng, you have to jump from LSPL to LPL, and then jump another level to reach the finals -" Lin Feng touched his chin: "It won't be possible for a year like this. Is that enough?”

Su Xue black face:

"Hey, hey, let me tell you! I also know, okay..."

Mo Sheng quickly changed the subject with a smile:

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this. Now that the group stage is over, we can take a break for a day or two. Otherwise, Ashue, let's go shopping in the city shopping mall in the afternoon? The clothes we liked last time can be returned today. Give it a try.”

When he said these words, he originally wanted to comfort her and help Su Xue divert her attention to find something happy.

But I never thought that Su Xue would be even more frustrated when she heard:

"Hey, stop talking."

"I don't have time in the afternoon, so hurry up and pack your things. I have to leave early tomorrow morning."

Mo Sheng was slightly startled:


"Will we leave tomorrow, or not until the day after tomorrow?"

Su Xue looked depressed: "That's all you commentators. Reporters like me and the crew have to leave a day in advance, and a lot of things need to be prepared quickly."

Lin Feng next to him was confused:


"Where are you going?"

Su Xue looked over angrily: "Little idiot, the group stage is over, do you think the quarterfinals will continue to be played here in Manchester City?"

Updates are here. There are only two updates today. It’s the last day of 2018. Give yourself a little break. I wish you all a happy New Year.

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