
Chapter 1929 Leave the rest to me

? The conversation between the two four emperors did not last long.

It was just such a simple conversation, and the information contained in it was enough for the two of them.

Of course, their goals are not limited to the top eight.

It’s all about continuing to move forward.

For Legend, the results of this quarter-final draw are naturally optimistic and ideal, but it is true that they cannot easily underestimate their opponent's third seed in the LPL region.

Autumn just gave a seemingly casual reminder, while Phoenix gave a clear enough statement.

This is enough as a response.

Because even though this year's Legend is only the second seed in the European LCS division, and its strength seems to be slightly inferior to MLG, one thing that cannot be ignored is that in the group stage just a few days ago, this European real team Season, a veteran and powerful team, has won two games in a row and qualified as the first in Group B.

The so-called poor condition this season may not be easily applicable to this team.

In fact, maybe this is a veil of mist that this team deliberately kept to cover up.

Same thing.

Phoenix also gave Autumn a similar warning.

The true purpose was naturally revealed by the North American auxiliary god, and the first Dharma King in Europe also admitted it frankly and without any concealment.

There is no need for the two of you to make too much fuss over such trivial matters.

Both sides understand each other's true feelings and thoughts.

Because they all saw the problems of the SSK team and even the world's number one mid laner who is the leader of the four emperors.

Because the two of them are originally the second and third seats below the leader of the four emperors, they are more sensitive to certain vague and subtle changes than any other top professional players.

So in fact, Phoenix's warning is also an invisible entrustment.

Since this is Season's first encounter with SSK in the quarter-finals, the task of finding out the truth about the situation of the leader of the four emperors,

Naturally, it was entrusted to Autumn.

And Autumn's answer is a promise——

As long as the top eight start the battle.

When the Season team he led met the strongest team in the world.

So no matter what kind of secrets F, who is still higher than the two of them, is hiding, there will no longer be any room for concealment.

Apart from the brief exchange between the two captains of Legend and Season, the other remaining teams in the quarterfinals are still digesting the results of the quarterfinals draw.

The atmosphere at the MLG team club seemed quite solemn. Even when they got on the bus and returned to the hotel, all the MLG players in the bus seemed a bit silent and solemn.

The club's coach and team leader just came over to have a low-key conversation with Spoon, who was the captain, about the training arrangements for the next two days, and also gave some encouragement, but Spoon just nodded and shook his head with a wry smile. No words were spoken.

This feeling is naturally understandable.

Because if compared, their luck is no better than the Season team that met SSK.

Opponents in the quarterfinals...

It's Team God.

If you take into account SSK's poor performance in the previous group stage, then in fact, the one that has shown the most terrifying strength in this finals so far is the No. 1 seed in the LPL region.

Drawing this kind of opponent in the quarterfinals is almost the worst situation.


Spoon shook his head again, took a deep breath, and the fighting spirit in his eyes began to burn faintly again:

Even if it is God...

Just try to let your horse come over.

Their MLG journey to this year's finals will not stop at the quarterfinals easily.

Compared to MLG, the atmosphere at the Fate team club, which was also on the bus, was slightly stronger, but it was also a bit solemn and depressing because their opponent this time was the KG team.

The LPL second seed also showed strong strength in the previous group stage.

"Don't be careless."

"You have to give it your all."

"Of course, we must also believe in our own strength."

On the bus, Fate’s head coach was giving instructions and encouragement to all the team members:

"Don't forget, we have just fought our way out of the death group."

"We have overcome even that kind of difficulty, and any other difficulties will not be an obstacle to us!"

All the Fate team members solemnly agreed, and their morale was high.

Only Moon, the captain, sat on the seat by the window, looking out the window at the scenery flying back, thoughtfully.

Of course, he will not have any contempt for the KG team that will be their next opponent in the quarterfinals.

Just this time...

He was more focused on the match between SSK and Season subconsciously.


He also has no doubt that the SSK team is definitely hiding the truth of some things, and he will never believe that F, who ranks first among the four emperors, is really simply so-called "out of shape."

But in addition, he does not think that the current state of SSK is normal.

Something must be wrong.

Of course, with the abilities of SSK and the leader of the Four Emperors, even if any problems do arise, they will eventually be properly resolved.

But the crux of the matter is-

At this moment, the mid lane captain of the Fate team, who was ranked at the bottom of the Yonko rankings but whose strength was definitely underestimated by the outside world, lowered his head slightly, with a deep look in his eyes:


(This problem is tricky enough.)

(It’s even... so difficult that neither the SSK team nor F can handle it in time before facing Season?)

This seems to be what the leaders and coaches of the SSK club are worried about right now.

So on the way back, the club's head coach couldn't sit still and had a conversation with his core midlaner captain, but in the end he still couldn't get a satisfactory answer from the other party.

The worried head coach went to his immediate boss, the young general supervisor, and brought up the matter again.

But the young general supervisor's attitude on this matter still seemed calm and indifferent:


"You don't have to worry too much about this."

"Believe in Shihao and the rest of the team, they will not let us down."

At the same time, several main players of SSK were also looking at their mid laner captain.

When they looked at each other, Mafa was still the first to speak:

"How is the situation going on your side?"

Han Shihao was silent for a moment and shook his head.

Cube's brows furrowed slightly, showing a rare look of worry: "In the past few days...were you running out of time?"

Han Shihao nodded:

"Can't make it in time."

Even Wolf took a breath and showed a somewhat solemn expression:

"Then, there's some trouble."

Although he already has enough understanding of the current situation of his captain, and several main players have promised to ensure that they will help share all the pressure until all problems are dealt with in the most perfect way.

But the problem is that their next opponent in the quarterfinals is the Season team.

Facing the strong opponents in last year's finals, if they cannot face them in their most complete form as a team, there will be a lot of risk.

Han Shihao still just shook his head and gave a concise answer without any room for maneuver:

"I can not guarantee. "

Several SSK main players fell silent.

After a while, Mafa nodded:


"Then continue to mind your own business."

Speaking of this, the vice-captain of the SSK team, who is tied with Nian Shisan as the two wild kings in the world, paused and spoke slowly again:


"give it to me."

The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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