
Chapter 1911 3 consecutive wins

? Han Shihao was brought by the head coach to the young general manager of his club.

Lin Feng followed No. 5 to her and No. 1's room.

Then the two guides left first, leaving separate spaces for themselves.

Park Chanyeol looked at Han Shihao, with his usual harmless smile on his face:

"Are you not sleepy yet?"

Number 1 looked at Lin Feng, raised his eyebrows, and spoke more directly to the topic:

"Is it already the fourth day?"

This question is of course not about how long the finals have been going on.

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, scratched his hair, and finally nodded honestly:


"Tonight is the fifth day."

Park Chanyeol nodded slightly and looked at the core ace midlaner captain of his club in front of him with great interest:

"As I said before, I will not ask or interfere in your affairs, nor will I ask about the specific situation."

"But in the end, there are still a lot of reactions and opinions given to me from below. Everyone in the club is worried... Therefore, as the general supervisor, I still have to give some reassurance to the people below."

Han Shihao frowned: "What do you want to say?"

No. 1 smiled and looked playfully at Lin Feng up and down in front of him. It wasn't until he saw someone that his whole body felt uncomfortable and his scalp was numb that he spoke in a leisurely tone:

"It's nothing."

"Speaking of which, haven't we fought against each other for a long time?"


Lin Feng was stunned again.

Park Chanyeol looked at Han Shihao and gave his own solution with a smile:

"The best way is of course to try to compete with you solo, that is the most direct and intuitive - but this kind of thing is still too difficult for me."


If you don't mind, you can play a solo game and let me have a look. "

So a solo confrontation and a passer-by solo queue started in two rooms on different floors of the hotel.

Two laptops are placed facing each other.

The look on No. 1’s face was relaxed:

"Let go and fight."

"No matter how you fight in the past few days, you have to treat me the same way."

"It's been a while. Let me take a good look at how much progress you have made now."

Park Chanyeol pulled up a chair and sat behind Han Shihao with a notepad. He crossed his legs leisurely and put the notepad on his knees. Then he looked up at Han Shihao and smiled:

"It's been a while, right?"

"The two of us do one-on-one analysis and evaluation alone."

"The last time I did something like this was several years ago."

Han Shihao still answered with an indifferent expression on his face:

"Four years."

Park Chanyeol nodded, as if feeling a little emotional: "Time flies so fast - those days are a bit blurry in my memory, but looking back on those days, they should still be very fulfilling, right?"

All he got in exchange was a cold response from Han Shihao:

"It's just that you don't continue to be an analyst and coach now."

"If you haven't done anything for several years, how much vision and ability do you still have left?"

There was undisguised sarcasm and a hint of provocation in his tone.

At the same time, in the room on another floor, Lin Feng geared up and looked at Senior No. 1 sitting opposite him:

"Senior, then I'm welcome—"

Park Chanyeol laughed:

"Don't worry, it's just that I haven't done it for a few years, so I won't feel rusty with this skill."

No. 1 raised the corner of his mouth slightly:

"Smelly boy——"

"If you don't have anything to satisfy me, just wait and suffer."

Complete a single game in solo queue.

Solo fought three rounds.

Their respective results seemed unsatisfactory.

Han Shihao's expression remained indifferent.

Someone is shameless and does not change his face.

Park Chanyeol looked down at his notepad, which had been filled with a whole page of paper, and No. 1 looked thoughtfully at the picture on the computer screen in front of him.

Then the latter two raised their heads:


"Come again."

Another solo game.

Another three solo rounds.

The response I received remained the same: continue and come again.

After more than an hour, Park Chanyeol finally put away his notepad, and No. 1 also let go of the mouse and keyboard in front of him.

Han Shihao raised his eyes and looked at the general supervisor in front of him:


The young general supervisor thought for a moment, then laughed:


Lin Feng looked longingly at the senior sitting opposite:

"Senior, is it almost done?"

Number 1 waved his hand casually as if to shoo away flies:

"Okay, let's go."

Han Shihao stood up and pushed the door open to leave. Someone came to the door and carefully looked at his senior, then quietly closed the door and left.

In the different rooms on the two floors of the hotel, the atmosphere fell into silence.

After a while, Park Chanyeol flipped through his notepad again, as if he was carefully studying the contents of the analysis records that he had just memorized for several pages, and then took out his mobile phone and dialed a series of numbers.

An indifferent and majestic voice came from the other end of the receiver:

"How about it?"

Park Chanyeol smiled: "I asked Shihao to play three solo queue games for me."

"So, your opinion is-"

Park Chanyeol paused slightly and answered in a relaxed tone:


There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone. After a while, the voice slowly came again:

"If that's your judgment, then let him continue."

No. 1 got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window in the room.

And at some point, the door was gently pushed open again, and No. 5 walked in and looked at his fiancé in front of the floor-to-ceiling window:

"So, what's the result?"

No. 1 looked out the window at the night scene, leisurely and casually:

"Not bad."

No. 5 smiled: "Yesterday when I faced No. 2 and No. 3, I seemed very confident. Now it seems that some people are not completely confident."

A rare joke about his fiancé.

No. 1 turned to look at his beautiful fiancée and also smiled:

"After all, you still have to confirm it in person before you can rest assured."

"If this is the case now... we have a bottom line."

"Let these two little guys play with the rest."

late at night.

The lights in the training room on the sixth floor of the hotel came on again.

It's just that it came a little later than the previous few days.

The two people who arrived at the training room one after another looked at each other, but there was still no more communication, and no one planned to mention the reason for being late. They still ended the conversation with just one word:


The group stage comes to the fifth day.

In the morning, it was still the two games of Group C that kicked off today’s competition.

Hayami finally faced off against MLG.

After a thrilling battle, the game time was locked at the 35th minute. The blue team's Hayami team unfortunately lost, which caused a sigh of relief from the Chinese players in the audience.


As the third seed in the LPL division and participating in the World Finals for the first time this year, Hayami's strength is still inferior to MLG, which is the top seed in the European division this year.

Wait until the second game ends with the Thunder defeating the wild card.

Group D begins the battle.

The first game today is the confrontation between God and Fate.

36 minutes.

competition is over.

The whole place was filled with a roar like a frying pan, with screams, whistles, cheers and applause that almost broke through the ceiling of the stadium.

God - Defeat Fate with the hand of God.

Won the third win in the group stage.

Three consecutive wins!

The update is here, and the next chapter will be around nine o'clock. Go away and continue typing. It's another endless weekend. . .

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