
Chapter 1906 Aiming for the championship

? In the impression of most European and American players, and even some Korean server players, China's LPL competition area and Taiwan server's LMS competition area should be about the same level of strength for them, and they can be considered equally matched.

After all, the LMS region once had its own glorious period.

Even in the past few S Series World Finals, the performance records obtained by teams in the LMS division have often been better than those in the LPL division.

Although the overall trend of the current LMS region seems to be declining, the Assassin team, as the number one seed in the region, is still standing at the top of the e-sports pyramid.

It is still a strong enough team to compete with the top teams in other major competition regions.

Therefore, when the game between God-God's Hand and the Assassin team was about to begin, the European and American players and spectators in the audience gave extremely warm cheers and applause, excitedly looking forward to what was coming next. This is the beginning of a great showdown.

Similarly, when they saw the Purple Assassin team and Nian Shisan selected jungler Olaf to play, the screams and whistles in the audience became even more exciting.

They believe that allowing this seven-king jungler in the LMS region to get a first-hand hero like Berserker will definitely pose a huge threat to the opponent's God team.

Of course, they are also looking forward to God's Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Yege also showing amazing performances, and then the two sides will stage a peak battle comparable to the one between KG and SSK two days ago.

It is precisely because of this——

When the game time came to the 28th minute, in the OB picture of the giant LCD viewing screen on the field, the purple team's base crystal exploded in a distorted light, and the blue team's "Victory" emblem slowly appeared in the center of the screen. When...

The entire Milton Stadium suddenly fell silent.

28 minutes.

The God team on the blue side firmly won this game with a head count of 15 to 7 and a team economic advantage of 9,000.

Generally speaking, when two top teams with similar strengths meet and compete on the field, such a game will often be quite stalemate and long-lasting, at least until 30 or even 35 minutes, or even like The two teams between KG and SSK fought fiercely until the end of 40 minutes before finally deciding the winner.

And if there is an obvious and huge disparity in strength between the two competing teams,

Then maybe you will see the game end quickly in 20 to 25 minutes - just like today's game between MLG and the wild card team.

For the spectators inside and outside the stadium, their expectations for this game were undoubtedly biased towards the former scenario.

But the result...

But it was so unexpected.

28 minutes.

Even strictly speaking, it is the moment when a game has just officially entered the mid-term team battle stage, and the C-position heroes of both sides are about to complete the three-piece output set.

The war was supposed to be about to begin.

But at this moment, it suddenly stopped unexpectedly.

Finally, the audience in the audience gradually came to their senses, and stared at the blue "Victory" emblem printed on the viewing screen with wide eyes, and then the entire stadium exploded with a scream!

What! ?

That's it... it's over! ?

How can it be! ?

Some of the European players in the audience looked in disbelief: "Holy-mother (Oh my god)...Damn it, did I really read it right!? Please, how could it be so fast!?"

Even on the European commentary stage, several European commentators looked dumbfounded and were almost incoherent:

"This, this is-"

"Okay, let's congratulate Team God for winning, but what the hell is going on?"

"Oh my god, I just thought this was a game between God and wild card! This is too scary!"

"It's the powerful showdown we were originally looking forward to! Director, the script shouldn't be like this!"


Originally, in the minds of the commentators on and off the stage and the audience, this was supposed to be a close match, but in the end, the God team quickly settled the match like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves and chopping melons and vegetables. Just take it before 30 minutes.

Naturally, the whole audience was stunned.

Many people even subconsciously have this idea——

Is there something wrong with the status of this assassin?

Just like SSK a few days ago, they were not able to fully unleash 100% of their team's strength.

Otherwise, how could it be defeated so easily?

"Thirteen's performance in this round was flawless."

In the front row of the auditorium, Li Shiyi shook his head and gave his own judgment.

As the former opponent who is most familiar with Nian Shisan and possesses sufficient discernment, Li Shiyi has a quite authoritative right to speak and comment on this matter.

Zeng Rui next to him also nodded in agreement:


"Not only Nian Shisan, but the entire Assassin team also played flawlessly in this game."

Although it seemed that this one ended so quickly that it was unexpected. It seemed that the Assassin team of the purple side was not able to organize much effective resistance, and was taken down by the opponent's God team of the blue side army in one fell swoop.

But in fact, if you watch the video of this game again, you will find that in fact, within 28 minutes of the entire game, all five members of the Purple Assassin team went from the laning stage to the team battle stage. , basically all played at the level of strength they should have, especially Olaf in the jungle position of Nian Shisan, who did a lot of things in the early stage, and indeed relied on his personal ability to lead the way. A certain carry rhythm.

And now this ending...

But it just explains another problem.

"The current God is really terrifyingly powerful——"

On the other side of the front row of the auditorium, a group of players from the KG team club were sitting together. Looking at the players from the God team who had already stood up and left the table and walked backstage, KG's mid laner Yao Gui sighed.

Several other KG players nearby also nodded in agreement with their hearts.

In previous years, although God and Assassin had many battles and the results were mostly wins, the difference in strength between the two teams was still not big. More often than not, they were evenly matched in the early and mid-term and even sometimes got assassins. The Zhe team can still take the advantage and take the initiative by relying on the rhythm brought by Nian Shisan's jungler——

Nothing like now.

Team God immediately secured the victory in 28 minutes.

This really means that the current strength of the two teams has widened a clear gap.

"This year's God, apart from SSK, probably really doesn't have many other opponents."

On the China commentary stage, Lao Mi made an extremely firm conclusion with almost a blush on his face:

"This kind of momentum is just for the championship trophy!"

Some people are excited about the God team's easy victory with full firepower, and there are also some people who are a little worried about the defeated Assassin team——

After losing the first game of the group stage, the other opponents he will encounter are also formidable enemies. If the assassin cannot adjust his mentality, it will be very dangerous...

However, such worries seemed to soon prove to be unfounded.

The last group match of the morning.

Group D.

The Assassin team faces Fate.

The killing lasted for a full thirty-six minutes.


Amidst the thunderous cheers and cheers that once again erupted in the entire stadium, the Assassin team defeated Fate——

Get a win!

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. I just got back from get off work. . . I fell asleep in the car on the road. . .

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