
Chapter 1894 Huh?

? In the stadium, the entire scene is still in a feverish atmosphere after watching the exciting and fierce peak showdown. Almost all the players and spectators in the stadium are still extremely excited.

But it is true that a very small number of people gradually began to come to their senses and vaguely felt that something was wrong.


This game was indeed a classic and intense one.

It was truly a pinnacle showdown between two of the world's top teams, full of ups and downs.

We reached the late stage a full forty minutes later.

The performances of the players from both teams almost all amazed the audience, enough to win countless exclamations and applause.

In particular, the KG team, as the blue team, has shown the momentum and enthusiasm that the national server LPL division should have, and has earned a lot of face for all the national server players on the stage of the world finals. .

But the problem lies precisely in that——

This is not how it should be.


The KG team's performance in this game was almost impeccable, and every KG player was even at a 120% super level.

Regardless of Yaogui, Lao C or Konjac, everyone's operations in their respective positions, from laning to team battles, showed tenacity and tenacity when facing terrifying opponents like SSK.

Not to mention that Tian Tian, ​​who picked Sword Lady as top laner in this game, even shocked all the players and audiences around the world with his explosive carry. He truly deserves the title of the world's best seven-king top laner, even just for this game. In terms of performance, Tian Tian already had the demeanor of a Yonko-level powerhouse.

But even so.

In the first place, it would not have been possible for KG to have the strength and qualifications to fight SSK to such an extent.


KG is really strong, impeccably strong.

But SSK should have been stronger.

Even in the face of an opponent who was desperate to fight with all his might, with SSK's own strength,

It should also be able to parry and carry it down steadily.

It wasn't like we had to wait until the late 40 minutes to barely win.

It definitely won't lead to several dangers, or even almost forcing a comeback by Tian Tian's single-handed Sword Girl.

This is not the status and level that SSK should have.

Even though SSK did win this game in the end, they should have won more calmly and steadily.

But when such questions arise in the minds of a few people, other more unexplainable doubts follow - because if you want to say that SSK underestimated the enemy or was careless in this game, or that it was in a relaxed state, that would be wrong.

Whether it was Wolf in the top lane, Mafa in the jungle, or the combination of Ray and Cube in the bottom lane, they still performed almost perfectly in this game.

Even if several other main players on KG's side have already exploded into super-level operational abilities, they still have to be steadily suppressed by a few players on SSK's side in the laning and even team battle stages of this game.

So, in this case, just relying on Tian Tian's sword girl to unleash her full firepower and go wild will never force SSK into that situation.


If you sort out all the factors and logic...

There is only one truth answer left.

"It seems...it's F's Victor. This shot...isn't done well?"

The shadow puppet spoke carefully, almost carefully considering every word, and there was even a hint of uncertainty in his tone.

Everyone else next to them also looked solemn and nodded slowly:


"That's true."


If in this game, Tian Tian’s top laner Jian Ji deserves to be the MVP with the best performance in the game, then at least the other seven or eight players of the two teams, almost all of them, have their own shining points in their performance. It has extremely exciting and even stunning carry-level operations.

But it happened that——

Only Han Shihao, the unsuspecting core ace mid laner of the SSK team, and Victor, the purple side mid laner in this round, seemed to be overshadowed by the performance of the other nine.

Victor didn't play well.

It even showed the profound operational strength that the world's top mid laner should have.

The alignment is impeccable.

The output damage in team battles is also not lacking at all.

From beginning to end, you can't find any mistakes in the operation or positioning of Han Shihao's mid laner Victor.

But it just felt like something was wrong.

"Too stable."

Li Shiyi spoke in a deep voice and gave the answer.

This Victor is really too stable. Although in most cases, the word "stable" should be regarded as a compliment, but in this game, such an adjective fell on Han Shihao's mid lane mechanical pioneer. No matter how you look at it, you can't help but feel extremely stiff and awkward.

Because you are the leader of the four emperors.

You are the best mid laner in the world.

You are Han Shihao.

The above few sentences alone are enough reasons why your mid laner Victor should not be played like this.

Anyone can choose a steady and watertight style of play. Even Moon and Phoenix among the Four Emperors are always known for such a steady style, but you, Han Shihao, are not like that.

The more important point is that even for all other mid laners, such stable performance, no mistakes and reasonable damage output are already an ideal answer, but if it is Han Shihao, If it were the SSK team's world's number one mid laner, he should have played more aggressively, more oppressively and more dominantly. Even if he chose a hero like Mechanical Pioneer Victor, he still shouldn't have hindered you. The explosive carry light shone in the audience.

But Victor's performance in this game was really mediocre.

No bright spots can be seen.

He never even stepped forward to turn the tide and make a key contribution when his teammates were in a critical situation.

"What the hell..."

Huangxue Yege couldn't help but murmured subconsciously with an expression that even he couldn't believe:

"Is it possible that he really didn't get enough rest and is in bad condition?"

Compared with the vast majority of ordinary players and spectators at the scene at this moment, the players and members of various clubs undoubtedly have more keen awareness, so they gradually calmed down after the excitement just now, just like the LPL competition area. Everyone began to realize the problem with the performance of Viktor, the purple side mid laner.

There was gradually a low commotion coming from the front row of players and guest spectator seats.

The sounds of whispering could be heard everywhere.

"F seems..."

"Do you look not in a good condition?"

"The performance of this game...feeling..."

"...It won't be very useful later."

For most of the team players at the scene, they almost never thought that the world's number one mid laner of the SSK team would one day be in such a poor state.

But it seems that reality is already in front of us.


It's really a matter of status.

This game really didn't go well.

Most of the players on the field made this conclusion.


There are still a very small number of people, really a very small number of people, who are vaguely but keenly aware of something deeper from this confusing and confusing fog.

In the corner of the front row of the spectator seats, Moon frowned.

On the Legend team's side, Phoenix's eyes were fixed on the statistics chart on the viewing screen. He looked at the final performance data of the purple side mid laner Victor and did not look away for a moment.

Sitting with the members of his own team, Autumn's eyes flashed rapidly as if he was thinking quickly. Occasionally, a very rare look of confusion flashed through his eyes, and then he seemed to have guessed something, but he still hesitated unconvincingly.

The top four emperors of the new generation each have their own guesses and discoveries to a greater or lesser extent.

And at the same time.

Behind the spectator seats.

Standing low-key among the legends of the previous generation behind the audience.

M, Li Dozai and Crow, all three of them suddenly narrowed their eyes subconsciously at this moment:


Just a simple nasal sound.

But at this moment, there seemed to be a bit of horror and shock at the same time.

The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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