
Chapter 1892 Just don’t lose momentum

? After Group A played two games, it was rotated to Group B.

The first two games in Group B today were basically battles without much suspense.

The first game is Cog vs. Season, a rematch between the No. 1 and No. 2 seeds in the North American division. Although the venue has been changed from their own LCS division to the World Finals, the strength gap between the two teams is still the same. It's there, it exists objectively.

Even though it can be seen that Seven, who is the core top laner of the Cog team, is already working extremely hard, and the single Gnar he used also has a strong laning suppression effect, but because he has never been able to wait for his home jungler The help of teammates could not further expand the advantage. Instead, the opponent's jungler frequently roamed and ganked on the road to target them. In the mid-term, it was not able to exert sufficient effect.

In the end, the Season team won firmly in the 31st minute of the game.

Players and players from various clubs in the spectator seats also shook their heads.

It's not that Seven's performance is not good.

I was really dragged down by several other teammates.

Otherwise, the Cog team in Group B may really have hope of going further, instead of the current situation where it is basically certain that there is no hope of advancing to the group stage.

Of course, when it comes to the fact that there is no hope of advancing to the group, the big brothers of the wild card team who are also members of Group B are even more completely single.

Immediately following the battle between Cog and Season, the wild card team ushered in its opponent, the Legend team.

Another completely one-sided crushing.

Especially when Phoenix, the core ace mid laner and captain of the team, began to adjust and change his playing style and adopt some strong mid lane heroes who were more aggressive and proactive, the wild card team, which was already far inferior in strength, became even more powerless to fight back.

24 minutes.

Legend team easily won their third victory in the group stage almost all the way, and currently ranks first in the group with a record of 3 wins and 0 losses.

The progress in the morning was very efficient. After playing four games of the two groups, the time came to noon. It was time for lunch again, and the players and members of each team and the audience in the stadium began to enjoy themselves. During lunch, there is also a break for recovery and adjustment.

At this time, the official live broadcast rooms of the major domestic live broadcast platforms could not stop being noisy and lively.

Because the first game in the afternoon is the match they have been looking forward to for a long time——

KG vs. SSK!

Although KG has already won two consecutive victories against the Crown and BW teams, these two victories were expected and would not make the players and fans of the Chinese server too excited.

But the next game against SSK was different.

Going into specific details, this battle is directly related to the battle for first place in Group A.

And to put it a little more seriously——

This is their national LPL team's first impact and challenge to the world's strongest Korean team in the world finals after a year.

Especially for the KG team, this match is even more significant, because last year they were defeated by SSK with a record of 0 to 3 and stopped in the quarterfinals. This year they met their old rivals again. Today's KG Now that he has become stronger and more mature, can he take revenge from SSK?

Discussions began to rage in major online forums, with posts on related prediction topics emerging one after another.

The barrages in major live broadcast rooms have also been flooding the screen with intense and excited discussions:

"Hey, if we win this game, KG will be half assured of being first in the group!"

"Speaking of being first in the group, that's not the point, okay?"

"That's right, if we can win, it will bring face to our entire LPL region!"

"I'm really angry! All the scenes from last year are back!"

"Hey, don't be too optimistic. Don't put too much pressure on KG."

"KG is in very good shape this year, but he still has to be calm. After all, the opponent is SSK..."

"Regardless of victory or defeat, qualifying for the group is already guaranteed, so just try your best to play what you should have. It doesn't matter if you lose."

"That's right, this is only the group stage, there's no need to put so much pressure on it."

The discussion trend of the barrage quietly changed like this, and later the players and viewers in the live broadcast room also reached a consensus and were more calmly preparing for the upcoming game.

to be honest……

The reason is actually that the majority of Chinese server players can't help but feel a little unsure.

The opponent is SSK.

Where can you really say that you will win if you win?

Anyway, just relax, as long as you keep up the momentum in the fight, that'll be fine.

Many Chinese players have already begun to do this for psychological construction and self-comfort at this time.

At one o'clock sharp in the afternoon.

A new game from Group A has arrived.

Ten players from the KG and SSK teams have already taken the stage and sat in their respective competition rooms. The tactical coaches of the two clubs also walked back and forth behind their players with either serious or solemn expressions, giving final exchanges and instructions. arrange.

Soon, ban selection interfaces appeared on several giant LCD viewing screens on the stage.

In the audience seats off the field, players from various teams and clubs also subconsciously sat up slightly and looked at the screen intently, getting ready to watch the game seriously.

In the competition room on the field, the ten main players of the two teams also entered their respective preparation states.

Several players on KG's side looked solemn and solemn.

Everyone knows that today's game will be the key to determining their ranking in the group stage.

It is also an opportunity to avenge shame after a year.

Don't let up.

Don't retreat.

Go all out and give it a try!

Tian Tian took a deep breath, and then another deep breath. When his eyes fell on the computer screen in front of him again, the aura of his whole body finally gradually changed and rose, and the pure fighting spirit in his eyes was Begins to burn violently.

In the SSK team's competition room not far away.

The expressions of several SSK team members remained calm, as if they were just preparing for an ordinary match. However, it could be seen from the eyes of each team member that no one was lax and careless, and they also showed the most solemn attitude. A solemn gesture.

Even when a lion fights a rabbit, he must try his best.

What's more, the opponent in this match... deserves their full respect.

In the mid lane seat, Han Shihao, who had closed his eyes until just a moment ago, slowly opened his eyes, but the gaze in his eyes flickered slightly, but there was a somewhat unpredictable and profound meaning in his eyes.

The ban selection begins.

When he saw the top laner on the blue side KG's side confirming the hero's position, the whole stadium was shaken.

The Peerless Swordswoman.


Tian Tian’s top laner Sword Girl!

In the front row of the spectator seats, Huang Xue Ye Ge, Shi Hang, Zeng Rui Shadow Puppets and others could not help but have their eyelids twitching slightly:

"This hand..."

"You really have to fight for your life."

However, Dawn Morning Star's brows furrowed slightly, and his eyes fell on the purple square legion hero selection box on the other side of the viewing screen.

What he saw was the hero that the SSK team had just selected in the mid lane position.

Mechanical pioneer Victor.

It's Victor again.

Han Shihao selected this hero in the last round, and his performance in the game against the BW team was mediocre. Is there any profound meaning in choosing him again in this round?

But speaking of it...

Based on his understanding of Han Shihao, the world's number one mid laner, who is the leader of the Four Emperors, does not usually choose this kind of tepid development and lane-brushing hero.

Among the people watching the game, some were looking forward to it while others were doubtful.

But in the increasingly noisy and heated atmosphere, one person always remained quiet and silent.

Eerily quiet and silent.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 9 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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