
Chapter 1853 How to play?

? In the audience watching the game, everyone in the Assassin Club was nervous and anxious one second because the opponent's purple jungler Prince's wave of mid-lane ganks once again took down Zed's head. The next second they saw Olaf, his own captain who was reading Thirteen, wandered down the lane to gank, and he was immediately overjoyed and burst into cheers:

"Captain 666!"

"Captain is awesome!"

It's not too early to be happy.

Because almost at the moment Olaf fought his way out of the grass at the bottom of the river crossing, the outcome of the bottom side of the road was already firmly determined.

A dual-axe berserker with a ultimate move and a bloody battle suit, facing two ADCs and supports who have not yet reached level 6, and with the cooperation of his two teammates in the bottom lane, it is easy to get a kill.

It was a direct double kill.

Moreover, the timing of this wave of Nian Shisan was indeed extremely precise.

It was almost the Jungler Prince who was on the front foot of Star who appeared in the middle, and his Olaf immediately started down the lane without any delay or hesitation.

Don't give you any chance to take advantage.

You take a head.

I took two directly.

This wave of lunch really made Olaf, the jungle hero at level 6, the most fierce and powerful wave of gank that is bound to win. It produced extremely beautiful and sufficient results, and with these two heads, Olaf's economic equipment immediately After being raised a little higher, the combat ability will be doubled in the mid-term.

This means that Olaf's choice of jungler has begun to work successfully, and it is even a quite ideal starting rhythm.


But we also cannot ignore the gains made by the opponent's purple jungler Prince in the middle.

If this wave of kills in the bottom lane is due to Olaf's fierce and domineering style, as is Nian Shisan's own jungle style, then the prince's back-circling and towering in the middle is more technical and further reflects the Fate team. The true strength of this jungle star.

This wave also saw opportunities in the middle.

The master of the single shadow flow in the blue square under the control of someone just took two steps back following the line of troops pressing into the tower.

I just stood close to the jungle wall on the left side of the defense tower——

Prince Jiawen, under the control of Star, was so decisive at this moment that he directly shot out two EQs through the wall.

Perfectly pick and control the target.

The ultimate move directly covers the target.

There was no hesitation at all, the operation was extremely fast and fierce, and Moon's trickster enchantress also rushed in to catch up immediately, using a set of combo skills to coordinate, leaving no one with any reaction time or room for operation.

It can be said that in this wave, the middle lane was dead without any temper.


This time, Lin Feng couldn't help but praise him sincerely. It was rare for a jungler to give him such heartfelt praise, but the star from the opposite team, Fate, indeed deserved such praise.

However, compared with someone else, Nian Shisan's reaction seemed a bit dismissive, curling his lips:

"Tch, that's it."

"It's almost the same as Mafa. The junglers in the Korean region are all so tame—"

He had just wanted to attack the bottom lane, but he was afraid of the uncertain whereabouts of the prince on the opposite side of Star, so he held back. He was extremely vigilant and cautious for fear of being caught by the prince's squatting. It was not until the prince showed up in the middle lane that he decided to go down the lane. Take action immediately.

This time it was Lin Feng's turn to roll his eyes:

"You think they're all like you. The hunger-strike jungler never brushes jungle monsters and only focuses on the lane. All he can think about is catching people."

"I guess I've just wiped out the entire upper half of your wild area, okay?"

Nian Shisan looked disapproving: "It's okay, just let him go. Anyway, I made a profit this time, so I won't lose any resources in the jungle if I let him!"

Someone rolled his eyes again:

"Then just hurry up, Olaf doesn't have much time left to do things."

Reciting the Thirteenth vow, I almost beat my chest so loudly:

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

"I'll carry this!"

During the conversation between the two, neither Nian Shisan, who was the jungler, nor Nian Shisan himself mentioned the disadvantage of the middle side from the beginning to the end, and neither seemed to care about it at all.

But there is no doubt that someone cares.

At this moment, in the front row of the crowd, Zeng Rui still couldn't help but feel worried:

"It's not necessarily a profit."

"The pace of Fengzi's mid lane is too suppressed."

"Moreover, Moon's Enchantress got two kills 10 minutes before the start... This is also very dangerous in the mid-term."


Although the junglers of both sides had just fought in the middle and lower lanes, and each had achieved something, and Olaf, the jungler of Nian Shisan, still got a wave of double kills, the blue side only paid Lin Feng's The price of one head for the mid laner Shadow Stream Master is an advantage in terms of head count.

But the problem is that the situation cannot be thought of as simple.

Olaf got two kills. Of course, he was able to find his strong rhythm in the mid-term, but the jungle prince's development rhythm is also not bad at the moment. The two waves of gank also have a 100% success rate. The effect of the battle is not much inferior to that of Olaf - even better in terms of teamwork.

But the rhythm of Lin Feng's mid laner Shadow Stream Master was really sacrificed.

0/2/0 record data.

Opposite Moon's mid laner Enchantress is 2/0/0.

If Trickster has this kind of development in the early stage, the threat she can pose is almost more terrifying than Olaf, especially since this hero will become a big boss as long as the rhythm of the early stage goes smoothly all the way to the mid-to-late stage, let alone Still under the operation of a top Yonko-level mid laner like Moon, the effect may be doubled.

In other words, on the blue side, the only one who is well developed in the early and mid-term and can really play is Olaf, the jungler of Nian Shisan.

But the hero Olaf... his skills and playing style are too simple and crude. Although the damage is high, it is also easy to be targeted and restricted. It will not have much effect if one person rushes forward forcefully.

The purple side army is different. The prince's EQ second combo and ultimate move can play a huge role in the team battle stage. The trickster can be used as an assassin at any time with a set of bursts.

It stands to reason that Lin Feng, the chosen master of Shadow Stream, also belongs to this type of assassin hero.

But judging from the current development of Jie...

It seems that it is already difficult to perform what an assassin should have.

Not only is Zeng Rui worried here, but there are also many players and players in the audience talking and talking, especially many members of the Fate Club, who have a look of joy and pride on their faces——

Take a look.

This is what happens.

When they met their captain Moon's mid laner, Enchantress, they just chose an anti-stress development hero. However, they didn't dare to use the Lord of Shadow Stream to fight head-on. Are you dumbfounded now?

A 0/2/0, a 2/0/0, and in less than 10 minutes the game has already opened up such a big gap.

How can you, the Lord of Shadow Stream, Jie, play next?

Such thoughts continued until a minute later.

Because it's just one minute later.

The proud thoughts of the Fate Club members soon received answers from reality.

"An-ally-has-been-(A friendly hero was killed)."

Game time is 9 minutes and 45 seconds.

Summoner's Rift mid lane.

A system female voice's kill prompt suddenly sounded in the ears of every member of the purple army.

The whole audience was shocked!

In the mid lane seat on the purple side of the field, the game screen on the computer screen in front of Moon turned into a black and white TV, and the mid lane captain of the Fate team suddenly had a solemn look on his face at this moment!

On the opposite side of the blue army, someone in front of the computer screen moved his slightly sore palms and arms, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Middle road.

The Lord of Shadow Stream kills the Enchantress alone.

The update is here. Go to bed. I hope I can get up early tomorrow morning and code a chapter before going to work. Yes, that’s right. I have to work overtime tomorrow.

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