
Chapter 1833 The so-called fairness

? The calm and indifferent attitude of No. 1 made Martin look at the former one more time, and then nodded slowly:


"Then moving on to the second motion, please turn the materials to page five."

There was once again a rustling sound of materials and papers being turned around on the conference table, and the voice of the old man who was the host of the conference was also heard again:

"Second motion——"

“About the revised proposal for the next season’s League of Legends Esports S Series World Finals.”

As the old man finished speaking, No. 2, No. 3 and others at the conference table saw the text printed on the fifth page of the document, and their faces could not help but feel a bit of haze again.

This time, even Bullet looked like he couldn't stand it. He raised his head and frowned and looked at Crow and others at the end of the long table, and then at Li Dozai sitting opposite:

"Do things this way..."

"It's a little too much."

For Bullet, who has an indifferent personality and cares little about most things, to make such an evaluation, it is indeed clear that the amendments to the second motion are excessive.

Second motion.

The specific modifications are similar to the first proposal.

There are no changes to the specific schedule and regulations, only adjustment suggestions are made at the end of the entries for the venue and organizer.


The originally determined organizer was changed from the China Electronics Association to the Korean Electronics Association.

The venue was changed from Wuhan, Shanghai, Beijing and other major cities in China to Seoul, Busan and other places in South Korea.

Although the nature of the proposed amendments to this motion is basically the same as the first motion, its weight and influence, as well as the degree of malice contained in the motion... are far behind the first motion. I don’t know how many streets there are.

Because the so-called intercontinental competition is, after all, just a newly proposed event.

At best, it is barely on par with the MSI Mid-Season Invitational.


What we are talking about now is the S League.

It’s about the adjustments for next year’s S7 World Finals.

You must know that in the minds of all League of Legends gamers, no competition is as important as the S League. This is the only competition recognized by everyone to represent the top and highest honor.

The host countries and cities of the S League will also rotate every year. No matter which division it is rotated to, this year is destined to be the grand feast that all League of Legends gamers in this division are most eagerly awaiting.

For the teams and players in this division, being able to compete in the S League in their own division and strive to win the world championship trophy is also their biggest pursuit and dream.


The first motion just now was already an extremely provocative and cold temptation.

So the current proposal that directly targets the S League——

That's when the bloody swords and guns were really revealed.

It directly forces people to a dead end.

As soon as this motion came out, Bento was really going to have a non-stop rhythm with people.

So in the Hilton Hotel room, when he heard the news given by Park Chanyeol in a calm and casual tone, even Han Shihao could not suppress a look of incredible shock on his face at this moment:

"The power of the Honorary Advisory Group...is so great?"


He is not completely unfamiliar with the seven-member honorary advisory board of the World Electrical Association. He also knows the status that each honorary adviser represents and the weight he holds at the headquarters of the World Electrical Association.

But the problem is-

This is the S Series World Finals.

It is the only truly supreme competition.

Every year, countless manpower, energy, material and financial resources are spent almost a full year in advance to prepare and raise funds. It is the top priority of all the work of the electrical associations in each competition area and even the headquarters of the World Electrical Association. There is no slight or slight. Possibility of casual banter.

As for the organizer and venue of each S-League, they are basically determined a year in advance after countless meetings and discussions. It is impossible to change them at will. It is not a piece of cake.

Just because of a motion meeting of an honorary advisory panel...

Could it be that it can directly affect the decision-making of event arrangements of this level?

Park Chanyeol laughed when he heard this:

"Of course, it's not as exaggerated as you think."

"The S-League is indeed not a child's play. It will not make random changes easily. The honorary advisory group is not important enough to make a decision at the World Electronics Association headquarters."

"However... it can still be done by exerting some pressure and influence."

"If such a motion is approved by a vote at the meeting, it does not mean that the World Electricity Association headquarters will directly decide on the spot to change or cancel the original organizer and host city, but... in terms of the process, this The proposed changes will be sent to the desk of President Reims at the World Electricity Association Headquarters.”

"All the arrangements that were originally made will need to be discussed at a new round of meetings at the World Electricity Association headquarters."

“In the end, there may be a high probability that no changes will be made, but this will at least delay a lot of time and cause the original organizer and the event hosting city to suffer huge economic and human cost losses. , it’s like suffering an unnecessary disaster in vain.”

Speaking of this, the young general supervisor of SSK paused and showed a beautiful smile again:

"in other words--"

"Actually, the bigger purpose of this motion is to 'disgust people'."

Han Shihao frowned when he heard this:

"But this is still taking the S League too seriously."

"Just because of a motion, so much preparation time has been lost. Can the World Electricity Association accept such a thing?"

As an extremely pure professional e-sports player, Han Shihao puts more emphasis on the competition for honor on the equally simple and pure e-sports arena. Therefore, even if he is standing in the Korean e-sports circle, Han Shihao has no idea about such a situation. The behavior is still unacceptable.

Park Chanyeol shrugged:


"Didn't I already tell you that the person who presided over this meeting today, His Excellency Martin Bode, is the absolute follower and guardian of all rules and regulations. For him, as long as everything complies with the rules, then there is nothing unacceptable."

"in addition……"

Speaking of this, Park Chanyeol paused and laughed again:

"If you really feel that it shouldn't be done and want to object -"

"Then let's vote."

"Voting is always the most 'fair' thing."

The same words were spoken unhurriedly by Crow, who was sitting at the end of the long table, in the conference room of the World Electricity Association Headquarters.

Number 3, Number 4, Bullet and others at the conference table became even more serious when they heard this, but they still couldn't seem to find any reason to refute.

So the voting on the second motion began under the guidance of Martin, the chairperson of the meeting.

There were still three votes against.

As for the approval, it was still four votes.

"Four votes to three."

"This motion is passed."

The old man who made the announcement looked at No. 1 sitting aside again:

"Your Excellency 001. "

"Do you need to exercise your veto power?"

No. 1's eyes were lowered as if in deep thought, and his true expression could not be seen clearly. After a while, he slowly spoke:

"Need not."


His tone still seemed calm, and there seemed to be no emotional fluctuations.

The old man squinted his eyes and nodded:

"Then, moving on to the third motion -"

The update is here, I feel like I can continue coding, go away and work, friends, go to sleep first.

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