
Chapter 1824 His name

? After all, because I am just a student in my early 22s, my exposure to e-sports games only started in the S2 season of League of Legends. Although I can be regarded as an old game player, if it is based on the entire historical timeline of national server e-sports To measure it, it still seems immature.

If there are truly experienced and hard-core old e-sports players present, then when they see No. 1 and others at first glance, there is no chance that they will not be able to recognize them.


It is exactly this kind of mismatch.

It was precisely because he did not recognize these people at first sight that Lu Yang was left with a period of capital that would allow him to brag and show off countless times with everyone around him in the future. This legendary experience also gave him the opportunity to brag about it countless times with everyone around him. It is destined to be something he will never forget for the rest of his life.

And even at this moment—

When No. 1 asked the question casually with a smile on his face, everything that happened after that was enough to make the young Chinese international student completely stunned on the spot.

"By the way, where are the people with special identity tags you mentioned just now?"

Regarding this question, Lu Yang pointed to the direction of the corridor from the lobby to the inner corridor without any doubt, and subconsciously said:

"Oh, it's in the conference lounge over there."

"It's the biggest room at the end of the corridor."

Number 1 nodded, reached out and patted the young compatriot in front of him on the shoulder, and said with a smile:

"Thank you."

"The rest is no trouble, we can just go there ourselves."

Lu Yang nodded subconsciously: "Oh, okay..."

The next moment he saw the people in front of him walking straight past him towards the conference room. He suddenly came back to his senses and hurriedly prepared to reach out to stop them:


"Then, you can't just go over there."

"Need that special identity..."

The last word "brand" has just come to my lips.

But he stopped abruptly with what he saw in the next second.

No. 1 seemed to have inadvertently taken out a tag from his arms, waved it to the young compatriot who was almost stunned in front of him, motioned to it, and smiled:

"That's right."

"Don't worry, there is some."

Then he turned around and headed towards the conference room with the other four people.

Just during the conversation, Lu Yang specifically mentioned the identity tag.

That identity tag is extremely rare and valuable. There are only seven of them in the world.

The status of a person with that identity card in the World Electronics Association is almost equal to that of the vice-chairman, equivalent to the top leader of the association in major e-sports regions, aloof and unique.

Two of them are F-Lee Do-jae, the mythical number one person in the Korean e-sports circle of the previous generation, and the equally legendary M.

And just at that moment——

No. 1 seemed to casually take out the tag that was waved in front of Lu Yang.

The shape, pattern, text, material and specifications are the same as the special identity plate with only seven pieces in total. They also have the red seal personally confirmed by the chairman of the World Electricity Association Headquarters.


The numerical serial number displayed on this ID tag——

it's 1".

Looking at the retreating figures of Number 1, Lu Yang felt that his mind was as blank and chaotic as a paste, and his ears were buzzing and he couldn't think of anything at all.

Only one thought kept coming back.

Those few...

Even so! ?

But the holders of this kind of identity card are at least at the level of Li Dozai and M, who are legends with great names in the world's e-sports circle, but those just now are clearly his compatriots and his countrymen. , and when did a character of this level appear in their national server?


It was like a bright electric light pierced my mind.

After trying hard to recall and think, Lu Yang finally found some fragments of written information deep in his mind that he had just browsed casually on the Internet.

So the next moment, the young greeter in the lobby of the Electrical Association Headquarters suddenly showed an expression of incredible ecstasy and shock. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the backs of those people, and almost exclaimed:

"he is!--"

At this moment, people No. 1 have arrived at the door of the conference lounge that Lu Yang just pointed out.

Number One reached out and grasped the doorknob.


Then, very naturally and casually, he pushed the door open and entered.

The moment they walked into the conference room, everyone in the room suddenly raised their heads and looked at No. 1 in unison.

Number 1 smiled:


"Everyone's here."

It's like an understatement.

It was as simple as saying good morning to the neighbor casually.

On the long table in the conference room, sitting on the sofa chair in the center opposite the door were Li Dozai and M. The former's eyes suddenly turned cold and cold when he saw No. 1 pushing the door and walking in, while the latter looked at No. 1. Nodding slightly to No. 3, No. 5 and others who came in later, he showed an apologetic and helpless smile.

Bullet stood leaning against the wall, looking at him with cold eyes:

"It's you who came late."

Number 1 smiled:

"As long as you can make it."

As he spoke, he turned his eyes to the end of the long table in the conference room. At the end of the long table, there were five figures. Some were tall and majestic and as calm as mountains, while others were hiding in the shadows of the corners with cold eyes. Some people stood behind the chair but still couldn't hide their fierce momentum. Some people put their hands on their backs and stood straight like a javelin——

There are also people who are just sitting quietly in their seats.

The thin body seemed to almost sink into the large and soft sofa chair.

It was also until this moment.

The man slowly raised his head, his deep gaze seemed to be filled with a heart-stopping chill and calmly without any emotion, and he met the gaze of No. 1. The corner of his mouth curled up with a cold arc that looked like a smile:

"haven't seen you for a long time."


No. 1 narrowed his eyes slightly, then laughed:

"No one has called me that for a long time."


Because for those who are familiar with and close friends, they will familiarly call him "No. 1".

If it was a junior like Lin Feng, An Xin, Tian Tian, ​​or Dawn Morning Star, they would respectfully call them "senior."

And even his old rivals at the same time and generation, such as Bullet, basically just use the nickname "you guy" on their lips with a bit of disgust, as if they regard themselves as old enemies. Lee Do Jae, who wanted to be eradicated at all costs, was not even willing to mention his existence.



This is his name, the ID he chose for himself when he first came into contact with e-sports, and the title "No. 1" came from it.

Then everything will be taken for granted.

It's like he is the leader and captain among the several teammates behind him.

Just like when he led that team to reach the top of the entire world of e-sports, they had no rivals in that era where gods were everywhere.

It was also like him being named the highest legendary person by the World Electronics Association that year.

For example, the number one position in the seven-member honorary advisory group naturally belongs to him.

Because he is number one.

Because his ID is called 001.


This is my first time to get all the IDs of No. 1, and the next two chapters will feel particularly strenuous. . Have to think about it carefully.

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