
Chapter 1821 Lu Yang

? Take the elevator all the way up to the 16th floor.

With a ding sound, the elevator door slowly opened to both sides. Number 1 and a group of five people walked out of the elevator. Looking around, they could see an extremely empty and bright sky lobby. There were many people wearing smart suits coming and going. Uniformed staff walked past in a hurry, carrying piles of documents.

Even a branch office under the headquarters can have such a grandeur, so the previous evaluation of No. 4 is indeed correct. With the development of professional e-sports in recent years, the World Electronics Association has risen with its status. It is indeed becoming more and more powerful and comparable to traditional competitive events——

Yes, not to mention anything else, but at least in terms of this momentum, we have caught up.

The corners of No. 3's lips curled up slightly in a teasing and mocking arc:

“I don’t know, I thought this was the London headquarters—”

No. 2 looked around the grand sky lobby with cold eyes: "I don't know how much money was wasted. I think it's enough to build an e-sports stadium."

The two of them sang together like this, but it made No. 4 next to them smile bitterly:

"You two... please stop talking."

"After all, it's the World Electricity Association. At least I can give them some basic respect."

Number 2 snorted coldly:

"What's wrong with me?"

"If you don't give him face, how dare he do anything to me? We still have to do what we need to do."

"Second Brother, what you said is very good! So cool!" Number Three gave a thumbs up to his companion in admiration, while Number Four could only wipe away the sweat with an even more headache, and looked at Number One for help: "Number One? Can you help me? Please give me some advice——"

However, Number 1 just shrugged indifferently:


"There's nothing to advise. I think this is not bad."

"Originally, we are here to fight this time. Showing our prestige in advance can also deter those guys who are sneaky and scheming. Besides... what I said is right, give face but not face... the truth is on our side. , even if the headquarters of the Electrical and Electronics Industry Association refuses to admit it, he still has to hold his nose and admit it to us. "

Speaking of this, No. 1 paused.

Then he laughed:

"It's just right——"

"These old guys at the Electric Power Association Headquarters are not good at anything else, but they are still very admirable when it comes to sticking to the past and accepting death~"

No. 3 nodded and agreed happily:

"What No. 1 said makes sense."

No. 2 nodded slightly, his expression still solemn: "This is how it should be."

No. 5 looked at the people in front of him and shook his head helplessly: "You guys... you look like you are here for a meeting. If you say you are trying to ruin the place, some people will believe you."

No. 3 laughed when he heard this:

"Xiao Wu summarized it very accurately."

"Look, you probably really think we are here to cause trouble -"

Several people looked up, and sure enough, as No. 3 said, they seemed to notice a group of them coming out of the elevator. A staff member wearing a welcome uniform walked over quickly at the front desk of the lobby.

Walking closer, the young male greeter with an Asian face first noticed the only beautiful lady No. 5. He was so shocked that he finally came back to his senses and immediately greeted us with a decent smile. To people No. 1:

"Welcome, this is the branch office of the World Electricity Association headquarters in Manchester, England."

"I'm the welcome guide in the lobby. How can I help you?"

Speaks fluent Cockney English.

The next moment, he quickly changed into fluent Korean and expressed the same greeting again.

This also made No. 1 and No. 3 raise their eyebrows slightly. The former glanced at the young Asian-faced male greeter in front of him, smiled, and spoke in Chinese: "Korean?"

The male greeter was stunned for a moment, then suddenly came to his senses and apologized again and again:

"Sorry sorry-"

"I thought some of them were..."

This time, the language was spoken in Mandarin. It was obvious that there was still some accent from the southern coastal cities in China, but compared to the polite and fluent English and Korean, it was much more cordial and pleasant to the ear.

"It's okay," No. 1 smiled and waved his hand, looked at the compatriot in front of him, and asked smoothly: "Why, are there more Asians who come here usually from Korea?"

The male greeter hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Well, actually it's not that many, but in comparison, there are fewer people in our country who come here to do business and discuss things, so I just thought..."

Before he finished speaking, the young male greeter had an apologetic look on his face again.

Number 1 waved his hand again indifferently, but seemed to be more interested in the young compatriot in front of him:

"So... Lu Yang, right?" Number 1 glanced at the work nameplate on the other person's chest: "Is he British Chinese? Or is he studying abroad?"

This time, the young man named Lu Yang answered quickly:

"Studying abroad."

"This is the last half year of undergraduate and postgraduate studies."

No. 1 smiled and nodded, then asked curiously: "Why did you think of working here? Is the salary better than other places?"

This question made Lu Yang couldn't help but scratch his head:

"That's not true...no."

"If you really want to say it, here in Manchester City, even if you work in a restaurant, serve dishes, be a waiter, or deliver food, the income is pretty good. I mainly think those jobs are too boring. It's not like working on the phone here. The things done at the association headquarters are always more high-end and elegant.”

When he said this, this young man, who was only about 22 or 23 years old, smiled sheepishly twice, showing a bit of childishness, and did not forget to add:

"And the main reason is that I am also an e-sports player myself. I have been playing League of Legends since Season 2. I still feel more at home in a place like the E-sports Association Headquarters——"

Hearing this, Number Three next to him raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Lu Yang with a half-smile:


"Is that just because of this?"

Lu Yang was stunned for a moment by the question, then showed a bit of embarrassment and rubbed his hands:

"Hey... I do have some thoughts."

"Originally, I was thinking about working at the World Electronics Association. Maybe I could often meet some famous professional gamers here, and I could take photos with them and get autographs or something like that -"

No. 5 couldn't help but laugh softly and asked:

"So, is there anything gained?"

Lu Yang made a sad face when he was asked: "Barely not. After I came to work here, I realized that this place basically has a lot of business affairs. Professional players basically don't show up here... The only thing One time, a manager from the Legend Club came over, and I took a photo with him and posted it on my friends circle. People thought it was some foreign relative of mine——"

Those words made No. 1 and No. 5 unable to help but laugh.

No. 3 teased: "Hey, it seems like all your plans have failed. Why don't you think about changing your job to make some money?"

Lu Yang shook his head repeatedly: "That won't work. I still feel that working here is more enjoyable, and at least it is directly linked to the e-sports industry. I can learn more about this aspect. I want to try it when I return to China in the future. I can’t continue to work in this field——”

Speaking of this, as if remembering something, he added mysteriously:

"Besides, it's not like I haven't seen a single great god."

"Just this morning."

"I came here a little earlier than you guys, so I received a few guests——"

"He is definitely a super heavyweight!"

The update is here. The next chapter will be after 12 o'clock. There must be a next chapter today, so go ahead and write.

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