
Chapter 1818 Insincere words

? It originally seemed to be a very simple question, but the answer given by Dawn Morning Star was unexpected.

have no idea?

Everyone was a little stunned when they heard it, but fortunately, Dawn Morning Star soon continued to give his own supplementary explanation;

"It's just that... I don't know how to deal with him."

"After getting kills in the first two waves, it should be my absolute advantage, but I can't seem to hit many things, and I don't feel like I have an advantage at all."

Speaking of this, Dawn Morning Star couldn't help but smile bitterly:

"Anyway, it's really hard to describe."

"Including the wave of solo kills by Ekko, I didn't even have time to react."

“It’s like I’m following his rhythm without even realizing it.”

“I don’t know what it’s like when you’re watching it off the court, but when you actually face him directly, it feels completely different—I almost wonder if I’m not in the right state and can’t play in the lane... "

Such an answer and explanation only made everyone more stunned, and everyone subconsciously opened their mouths:

And...such a thing?

Nian Shisan gasped a little: "Is this... so true or false? What you said is too outrageous, right?"

Regarding Nian Shisan’s doubts, Dawn Morning Star could only smile bitterly:

"What I'm talking about are my most intuitive feelings, but it's normal if you can't tell. If you're not facing F directly, you may not really feel that state."

As he spoke, he looked at Lin Feng:

"What you said...should be somewhat understandable, right?"

So everyone's eyes were all looking at someone.

Lin Feng did not speak, but slowly frowned, as if he was trying to think about something seriously. After a while, he slowly nodded:

"You can probably guess a little bit."

"However, it was true that when I was watching from the sidelines,

There is a limit to what can be seen. "

Dawn Morning Star looked apologetic:

"Feel sorry."

"It's hard for me to describe more things. That's all I can say."

"It's okay." Lin Feng shook his head, stretched out his hand and patted Dawn Morning Star on the shoulder: "It's already good. I finally gained something, thank you very much."

Dawn Morning Star nodded and said "Yeah", turned to look in the direction of his own club, and then said to Lin Feng and the others: "Let's put it this way first, we will discuss it later when we have time. Legend and MLG are both here. I’ve already found him, and we’re about to prepare for the next training match.”

Everyone was stunned.

It seems that what I just said is indeed true. The brand-new tactical system revealed by the God team in the training match against SSK has indeed attracted the attention and peeps of these other veteran teams. It has just ended, so come over immediately. Asking for a fight... I really had no intention of hiding my intention to learn from my master.

Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Yege hurriedly said goodbye and left.

Lin Feng and others were left here, and Nian Shisan glanced at Lin Feng: "Hey, did you really understand what Ah Xing just said? Why do I still feel so evil..."

It really makes people feel puzzled and curious.

It's nothing more than the feeling of the line.

What he said was mysterious and mysterious.

The so-called "feeling that I can't even play in the lane" can be said about others, but today's Dawn Star is almost at the level of strength that is just one step away from the realm of the Four Emperors. Even if There is still a gap between him and SSK's world's number one mid laner, but it's not to this extent.

Lin Feng shook his head again:

"You are a jungler and you don't know enough about mid lane and mid lane."

"And I've never played against that guy F, so there are some things that you don't intuitively feel."

"If you ask your own mid laner later, he will probably know more than you do."

Nian Shisan rolled his eyes:

"The one in our house?"

"Forget it, let him play against F and it's even less likely to say anything. I guess he'll be in trouble for the first few minutes without my help -"

Zeng Rui sighed after hearing this: "This is probably because the gap in strength is too huge..."

If you are just an ordinary first-line professional mid laner, you may not even feel the true terror of the world's number one mid laner.

And the stronger you are, the more terrifying you will feel when facing the leader of the Four Emperors - Dawn Morning Star is the best example.

But it’s true——

Let others help you express your feelings about the laning. No matter how specific or detailed you are, it is impossible to explain everything clearly.

If you really want to understand and feel the strength of the mid lane captain of the SSK team, you still have to play in person once.

"If you have a chance later, go make an appointment with that guy F."

Read Thirteen and start actively encouraging:

"Just play a random round and I'll be your helper in the jungle!"

"A Xing, this guy can't speak clearly. If it were you, you wouldn't be able to clear the door."

These words also made Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao next to them couldn't help but look at Lin Feng with slightly bright eyes. Indeed, the match between God and SSK just now made them still unsatisfied. The only pity was the dawn in the middle. Morningstar's mid laner's performance was slightly inferior and failed to fully achieve the desired effect of this tactical system.

But if it were someone else...

Maybe the intensity and excitement of this battle can be even better.

Lin Feng touched his nose:


"Let's talk about it if we have a chance."

No direct attitude answer was given, but in fact such words have revealed some of someone's mentality and thoughts.

In short, it is inevitable...

Watching such a battle also ignited his fighting spirit.


Your hands will start to feel a little itchy.

After chatting with Lin Feng and others for a while, Nian Shisan also waved goodbye and left. In the morning, all the teams came over to watch the game between SSK and God. After watching, each team still had to continue their training. It seems that the Assassin will face the Fate team for the first battle today, and it is expected to be an exciting battle.

"Which show should we watch next?"

Zeng Rui asked.

Lin Feng shook his head indifferently: "Whatever..."

As he said that, he finally looked at An Xin beside him, and he was a little confused: "Baozi? What's wrong? I haven't seen you talking."


From the end of the game between God and Team SSK to now, Dawn Morning Star and Huang Xue Ye Ge have come and gone. During the conversation, An Xin seemed to have remained surprisingly quiet and did not participate in the topic.

It's hard to avoid making people feel a little strange.

And it seemed that it was only at this moment that An Xin finally withdrew his gaze from somewhere:

"Well, it's okay."

"It seems... I just saw an acquaintance."


Lin Feng was slightly startled: "What acquaintance?"

An Xin's eyes looked again not far away. Over there were the backs of the SSK club players and coaches who had turned around and were about to leave the training room. The girl's eyes were scanning the backs of the crowd as if she was looking for something. Finally he shook his head:


"Maybe... I admitted my mistake."

Even so.

But there was clearly a hint of insincerity in his words.

The update is here. The next chapter is about 12 o'clock. I went away and continued typing. I took a thermometer and found that I seemed to have a slight fever. I was going to take half a day off from the company tomorrow morning!

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