
Chapter 1815 Whose fault is it?

? In a confrontation between two top teams, the outcome is often determined by one move.

And this time.

It was extremely rare that Team God lost to this move from Dawn Morning Star.

The moment when the blue side's mid laner Syndra was stunned and frozen in place by a backhand big move from his opponent ADC Ashe, the key team in front of the wave of Baron Fjord was almost announced. The final outcome of the battle.

The purple side's auxiliary bull head flashes into the field and then controls the blue side's double C with Q.

Instantly insert eyes.

Ike teleported immediately.

What a nightmare.

Syndra suddenly burst out with blood in her face like lightning.

Fear was linked to Obama, and a backhand combo hit Syndra's face, directly killing the Dark Head of State who had just fallen back to the ground from mid-air. The next second, the effect of fear was also on the Paladin Ranger. Triggered on the body.

Shen's ultimate move landed, followed by his E skill to taunt, and continued to control Lucian perfectly.

Ike teleported into the field and used his E skill to take away Obama's head.

This wave of combo combinations by the purple side SSK team were completed in a smooth and lightning-like operation. When the nightmare ultimate move turned off the lights and ended the vision to get rid of the darkness again, the double C heroes of the blue side God team had already melted. The cold corpse fell slumped on the water of the river and fjord.

The remaining Olaf, Gnar, and Thresh were blocked in the Great Dragon Fjord. Gnar, the top laner with only one blue word, flashed across the wall and tried his best to activate [Teleport] to escape as soon as possible. The remaining Olaf and Thresh Shidu could only become a piece of meat on the chopping block of the opponent's purple army.

Baron was finally firmly taken over by the SSK team.

A wave of...

0 for 4.

Add another big dragon.

We also have to count the several defensive towers that Shen and Ekko pushed down when they were separated and single-banded earlier.

In just over 1 minute, the purple side SSK team has completely thrown away the opponent's blue side team and lost a team economy of more than 4,000. They have collected almost everything they can get. In the bag.

In contrast, the God team of the blue army experienced an almost avalanche-like complete defeat in the past minute.

In the blink of an eye, the rhythm of the battle completely collapsed.

In fact, from the moment they were preparing to force Baron to force the team 1 minute ago, the opponent SSK team remained unmoved and continued to advance in the top lane, mid lane and two lanes, and we could already see a little bit of this kind of signs——

But at least at that time, the most it could do was baron swapping two lanes of high ground, which was barely acceptable, but not completely without room for a comeback.

But just this group.

When this wave of team battles really started, it actually put the blue side of God's team into an irreversible situation.

Both highlands are almost destroyed.

The team battle was almost wiped out.

I couldn't even get the dragon.

In this situation, there is really no chance of a comeback even if the gods come over.

"Axing has to take the blame this time."

In the front row of the crowd, Lin Feng shook his head.

Nian Shisan frowned and said, "I don't think I can blame him. It's really because Ray's reactions are so abnormal——"


This is not to say that Nian Shisan is defending Dawn Morning Star.

But in the situation just now, Syndra really had to take action forcefully, and it was clear that anyone would think that it was a fatal opportunity and impossible to miss.

Similarly, no one would have expected in advance that Ray's ice shooter could survive in such a dead situation by relying on his pure reaction and hand speed, and even hit it brazenly at the moment of life and death. That big backhand move that sealed the victory.

This is no longer something that can be described by a simple "big heart".

It is no exaggeration to say that Ashe's operation just now was a perfect combination of extreme escape to survive and decisive counterattack. It is estimated that no one among all the professional ADC players in the world's e-sports circle can do it.

In other words——

If this wave of Ashe's operations had not occurred in the current training match, but had occurred in the next S Grand Finals, then the title of the world's No. 1 ADC would have been lost without any doubt. It fell firmly on the head of the SSK team ADC player.

other people.

No matter Huang Xue Ye Ge, he is still a talented rookie player from the North American Division Crown Team.

They can only be reduced to green leaves as a foil.

However, regarding Nian Shisan's statement, Lin Feng still shook his head:

"Of course that's what he said."

"But the blame can only be placed on Asing's head."

On the blue side of the field, sitting in front of the computer screen in the mid lane seat, Dawn Morning Star looked at the game screen on the black and white TV in front of him, watching his opponent steadily get the baron, while his own two lanes The defensive towers were either in ruins or in danger.

After a long silence, he slowly spoke:

"This round is mine."

I'm not talking about "this wave", but this round.

Because at this moment, each of them is actually very clear that losing the team battle just now means that this training competition has also seen the end.

The jungler Shi Jian next to him hurriedly said:

"Captain, how can I blame you?"

"I didn't play well just now. If I had flashed out and followed him, Ashe should have been able to do it in seconds."

And Lan Ci, the top orderer, was also rushing to answer the question:


"I have a problem too. In fact, I should be allowed to find opportunities to get around them first -"

"It's not your fault, Captain."

Several God members were scrambling to take the blame on themselves, but Dawn Morning Star still shook his head:

"There's no need to excuse me."

"We decided on this tactical system in this game. If I didn't play well, that was my main problem."


Different from their previous games, they deliberately came up with such a tactical system in today's game, which is to play the rhythm around the center as the core.

In the early stage, his teammates gave all their support to his midfield.

A lot of effort and resources were spent.

And he, the mid laner Syndra, who has been fattened by his teammates and the team, should naturally take on the carry responsibility in the mid-to-late game.

So if he fails to do this, he actually fails to live up to the trust of his teammates and the effect that this tactical system should have produced.


If you really want to find reasons to excuse and defend the failure of this training match, then you can definitely find a lot of reasons.

For example, the top laner should not be killed alone in the early stage of the laning.

Another example is that Olaf's early roaming should be stronger and he should produce more things.

It can even be said that this is just their first attempt to use this tactical system, and they are not yet proficient enough.

It can also be said that Syndra is not the best choice in this hand. If they did not deliberately keep Ryze as the ace in the bottom of the box and not use it, maybe this game would have a greater chance of winning.

Etc., etc.

But in the final analysis, if you really want to find out the core and most truthful reason, there is only one -

only because……

The opponent's SSK team is really too strong.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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