
Chapter 1813 2 glances

? With Su Xue’s low exclamation, everyone could see that, as expected, at the critical moment when the blue team had already started to attack the dragon, the purple team’s SSK team still did not step forward. Actions.

In other words, Ashe, Nightmare and Niutou, who were not far away from the Dalong Fjord in the river, still kept their positions and did not get close.

And Wolf’s top laner, Eye of Twilight, and Han Shihao’s mid laner, Ekko——

However, he is still still pushing the tower in both directions, up and down!


The female voice of the system sounded from the top of Summoner's Rift.

The purple side's top laner, Eye of Twilight, also successfully demolished the opponent's blue side's top lane second tower at this time.

And at the same time.

On the bottom lane, Han Shihao's mid laner Ike has even removed more than half a tube of health from God's team's bottom lane high defense tower with the new wave of troops!

The speed at which Ekko can demolish towers with a single belt is simply terrifying!

According to this rhythm, even if the big dragon is really given up to the blue side God team, SSK will focus on pushing the division of the upper and lower lanes to the extreme. In the end, it may be one big dragon for two lanes of high ground. tragic situation.

And in that case——

For the blue army that has obtained the Baron buff, this is definitely not a result that can be easily accepted.

But looking at the current rhythm...

It seems that such an ending is inevitable.

The God team has been forced into a difficult situation. Even if they want to regret it and turn back to defend the high ground, it is too late. Even as soon as they return, the opposite Ekko and Shen directly use their ultimate moves and teleport back to the river Dalongfjord to cooperate with their own team. The other three teammates on the other side of the river are very likely to take advantage of the situation and take advantage of the old nun.

"So cruel!——"

The spectators who reacted gasped.


This is SSK.

This is SSK!

Even if the opponent is desperate, it seems to have no impact on the purple team, which is recognized as the number one team in the world. Their rhythm is still extremely calm and stable. Seriously, even if you win the baron, it will not matter at all. The final balance of victory is still destined to fall to my side.

Time still passed by second by second.

It seems extremely slow and painful.

But in fact, very quickly, in the blink of an eye, you can see that the health bar on the top of the dragon's head is only less than half a tube.


two over five.

one third!

A quarter!

The health bar on the top of the dragon's head has almost fallen to a critical level. During this period, the highland defense tower on the blue side's bottom lane was finally bulldozed and demolished into ruins by the purple side's mid laner Time Assassin, and the top lane troops were also destroyed. The Eye of Twilight reached the high ground.

At this moment, almost everyone in the audience thought that this wave was about an exchange of resources between the blue and purple armies on the field.


It is precisely at this moment.

Suddenly, we can see that three heroes from the purple side not far away on the river in front of Dalong Fjord begin to approach Dalong Fjord.

Everyone was stunned.


I suddenly came back to my senses——

This wave...

Is the SSK team not even going to give in to Baron?

Still want to grab it! ?

Even the last little way to survive... must be completely blocked by the opponent's God team on the blue side! ?

Three purple heroes quickly approached.

At this moment, Cube's auxiliary Tauren Chief quickly took the lead and inserted a true eye directly into the Great Dragon Fjord. His vision suddenly lit up, revealing only the last fifth or so of the health bar of Baron Great Dragon in the fjord. The amount is also reflected...

A cold and formidable scythe chain suddenly flew out of the wall like a poisonous snake, slanting past the body of the Tauren chief and shooting towards the target ADC ice shooter.

Thresh's card sees Q through the wall!

The timing and angle of this "death sentence" are almost extremely precise and tricky.

At the moment when several members of the purple side saw it, the chain had almost swept in front of the ice shooter Ai Xi, and the rotten metal breath exuding death had even hit his face.

It’s almost inevitable!

But at this moment, a thin golden light suddenly exploded!

The ice shooter under Ray's control suddenly flashed, and his body moved diagonally downwards in an instant and retreated!

Directly dodge Thresh's almost unavoidable death hook!

The crowd was shocked!

What a quick response!


Even so, it still seems that Ai Xi has not been able to escape danger.

Because in the next second, the real death threat came suddenly——

The clear and rapid sound of moving and tapping operations on the mouse and keyboard suddenly exploded into a line at this moment. In the mid lane seat of the blue side of the field, Syndra, the leader of darkness under the control of Dawn Star, also made a choice at this moment. Take action.

In a flash of movement, Syndra's figure passed through the wall and rushed out of the Great Dragon Fjord.

Raise your hands.

QE's second skill "Dark Sphere" followed by "The Weak Retreat" shoots directly towards the target ice shooter!

At the same moment, the ultimate move button within the limit of casting distance was tapped and pressed like lightning!

"Energy pouring"!

A whole set of skill combos can be completed in one go in a blink of an eye!

Several black light magic balls connected in a line almost followed the magic ball that was scattered and pushed out by the weak, and they rushed towards the target prey with a terrifying and boiling aura!


This was the thought that came to almost everyone's mind at that moment.

With an uncontrollable feeling of shock.

Perhaps this is the routine prepared by the God team, and this is the tacit understanding of the LPL No. 1 seed. The moment they seize the opportunity, Thresh strikes first, and Syndra has already prepared the second move. follow up--

You Ashe used Flash to avoid Thresh's death sentence.

What's left is a set of instant combos to face the Dark Head of State alone...

What can we rely on to survive?

It's impossible to survive.

The damage of Syndra's second QE chain alone is enough to push down Ashe's health bar by half in an instant. The "energy pour" of the ultimate move can even cause the final total damage value to overflow, causing Ashe to die. Can't die anymore.

Even this is still nothing.

Because the God team's preparations at this moment did not end there, at the same moment Syndra flashed QE's second attack, the Paladin Ranger under the control of Huangxue Yege in the fjord also directly moved through the wall with an E skill. When he came out, the "Baptism of the Holy Spear", which he raised his gun and made a direct ultimate move, had already charged up a torrent of holy light bullets and poured them towards Ashe.

The three people on the blue side instantly cooperated and burst into action.

Just an ice shooter.

What to live for?

But it was at this moment that it was almost possible to determine the outcome of life and death.

Lin Feng's eyelids suddenly twitched slightly in the front row of the spectators.

An Xin, who was beside her, had a similarly condensed expression on her face, and when her peripheral vision casually swept across the distance not far ahead, the girl suddenly seemed to catch a certain figure, causing her to suddenly raise her head and look in that direction.

in that direction.

Among the crowd was a young man wearing SSK club overalls.

Handsome looking.

Has a nice smile.

Just like this moment, which should clearly be the moment when Han Bing, the core ADC of the SSK team, is about to be defeated, this young man, who is probably the assistant coach of the SSK club, still has such a relaxed and beautiful smile on his face.

It was as if he wasn't worried at all.

Then as if he noticed the eyes on him, the young man quickly raised his head and looked back.

Two eyes met in the air.

Just for a moment.

But both the girl and the man had a flash of shock and surprise in their eyes.


have recognized each other.

The update is here. I don’t go home until 9 o’clock from work. The next chapter will be after 12 o’clock, so I will continue typing.

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