
Chapter 1806 Not God

? It does not mean that all the games and all the victories won by the SSK team were achieved by Han Shihao alone.

Professional commentators and some coaches in the e-sports circle have expressed this view:

"Han Shihao is not a god."

"He is still just a professional player. He may be better than others, but he still has the limitations or upper limit of a professional player."

"We can't mythologize him too much, and professional e-sports shouldn't advocate the culture of 'mythifying a specific professional player'."

"League of Legends is still a team competitive game. When we evaluate the SSK team, we should also see the strength of others besides Han Shihao. They are also worthy of our admiration and applause."

The words are indeed correct.

It is true that in the past few seasons of competition, in the number of wins SSK has won, in addition to Han Shihao's midfield single who showed off his ability to carry the whole game, others such as Mafa's jungler, Wolf's top laner It is not uncommon for Ray's ADC to step up and lead the team to victory.

In those games where his teammates lead the rhythm and show off their skills, even as the world's number one mid laner, the light of the leader of the Yonko will be overshadowed.

People also know this truth.

I can also understand and understand.

Yes, after all, they talk about "F God" and "F God", but they are not real gods.

It’s too much to ask the world’s number one mid laner to be the MVP in every game and carry crazy carries and explosive harvests in every battle. What’s more, several other SSK players are also good and powerful enough. So sometimes the performance of the former is slightly inferior, which is acceptable.

So just like the training match going on at this moment this morning——

From the start to about 20 minutes ago, Han Shihao's mid laner Ike of the purple side SSK team has no other more commendable operations except for the previous wave of stunning disadvantageous counterattack single kills.

The players and members of various clubs watching the game, including the e-sports media anchors and reporters in the corridor, did not criticize the world's number one mid laner of the SSK team too much.

Instead, he responded with understanding and sympathy.

Not to mention anything else, the God of the blue side in this round was obviously well prepared. This No. 1 seed team in the LPL division is already extremely strong, not to mention it has come up with such a strict strategy for the mid lane. Tactical system.

Even F, the leader of the Four Emperors, was caught off guard and encountered such a level of targeting in the early stage, and it was expected that his development rhythm would be ruined by the impact.

If he were any other top professional mid laner, he probably wouldn't be able to accomplish much.

Therefore, people watching the game no longer have any more expectations for the purple side's mid laner Ekko, and naturally they also pay less attention to Ekko in the subsequent games.

What’s more, I started to hope to see Mafa’s jungle nightmare on the SSK team do something.


You are a nightmare. After level 6 in the early stage, you certainly started a few waves of rhythm and helped your teammates and yourself to get a few kills, but it can’t just be that.

As a top seven-king jungler and another important core of the SSK team, you Mafa should be able to do more things.

At least, in the past four or five minutes, your nightmare ultimate has been in a cool-down state. Why don't you find an opportunity to use it?

Many people who support the SSK team have some minor complaints against Mafa here.

But at this moment, this wave of team battles in front of Xiaolong Gorge——

Everyone has no other ideas.

Because this wave of the blue team’s God team played so well.

Dawnstar's mid laner Syndra flashed QE and the second consecutive control was almost unparalleled. The subsequent joint control combo followed by others was as perfect as a textbook classic.

Then this wave of SSK teams on the purple side really exploded.

This thought came to everyone's mind.


But they suddenly discovered that a sharp warning signal to retreat was clicked in the middle of the battlefield by Dawn Star's mid laner Syndra.

Before people could react.

And then.

They discovered that it was getting dark.

If in the few minutes before this wave of team battles, people were almost anxious waiting for Nightmare's ultimate move, and they were constantly urging Mafa to use his ultimate move once, then when this wave of blue army was almost destroyed After the high-level team battle started, everyone had no intention of thinking about the nightmare ultimate move.

Not to mention——

What's more, no one would have thought that Eternal Nightmare's ultimate move "Ghost Shadow" would be chosen to be used at this moment.

What's the use of zooming in at this time?

Run away?

Covering a teammate's retreat?

People have such speculations in their minds.

And through the OB picture from God's perspective, the next moment, everyone inside and outside the training room saw a shocking scene that they might not be able to forget for a long, long time in the future——

Turn on the nightmare, turn off the lights and draw the curtain.

The vision of several heroes on the blue side was lost in the darkness for an instant. In addition, the captain's hasty warning signal to retreat caused a certain degree of chaos in the formation.

Thresh subconsciously wanted to retreat.

However, Olaf and Lucian still moved forward due to inertia or their own personal judgment, wanting to continue output and complete the harvest.

Gnar was stuck in the crowd because the hero's collision size prevented him from making many effective moves.

It was in such chaotic darkness that when a circular space-time field appeared quietly, it did not attract much attention.

In other words, Huang Xue Ye Ge and Shi Jian both noticed it.

In an instant, the two ADs and junglers of the God team suddenly had chills on their backs and goose bumps.

But then I noticed——

It's too late.

Because when the majestic space-time field suddenly took shape and enveloped all the blue heroes, a brilliant blue space-time circle that almost perfectly overlapped with the space-time field, but was even more violent and terrifying... was already there... Appear out of thin air.

In the center of the array is a vigorous and agile figure.

The flow of time seemed to slow down suddenly at this moment.

Dawn Morning Star's anxious and angry shouts of "be careful" on the blue team's internal voice channel seemed to be elongated and the tone was a bit strange.

In the front row of the crowd, Lin Feng's figure suddenly shook violently.

On the other side of the crowd, Spoon and Phoenix's eyes widened suddenly, and their gazes were fixed on the center of the OB screen at this moment.

next moment.

Purple square mid laner.

Time Assassin Ekko.

The ultimate move "Time and Space Fracture" turns back and enters the field with a bang.

It perfectly overlaps with the time field of W skill "Time Crossing".

Blast into the arena.

AOE terror detonated and injured four people.

The group control instantly immobilized four people.

Autumn sighed:

"It exploded."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 9 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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