
Chapter 1804 Serial Control!

? It should have been a series of five.

The terrain of the river Xiaolong Gorge is extremely narrow to begin with, especially at the entrance to the Purple Square Blue Buff wild area. There is only one passage that is as narrow as no more than two body spaces. When the Purple Square SSK When several heroes of the team were forced to retreat by Gnar's teleportation, they could only evacuate in a single file along this corridor.

This in itself gives the blue side's mid laner Syndra an extremely ideal and perfect environment for QE's second consecutive push.

What's more important is that in this wave, when his teammates were chasing and following up, Dawnstar's mid laner Dark Leader was not in a hurry to take action immediately.

Syndra's figure under his control fell slightly behind the formation.

When chasing forward, he also did not choose to pursue and follow up in a straight line. Instead, he moved slightly closer to the wall above the river. When the opponent's purple heroes retreated to the blue buff jungle area, Syndra's position It just happened to be stuck in a blind spot of the wall terrain.

This prevents the opponent from catching the Dark Leader's skill-casting action in the first place.

Naturally, it is impossible to react immediately.

QE's second company's "Dark Orb" was followed by "The Weak Retreat". At this moment, it almost realized a wave of dream-level operations that all Syndra players dream of. The energy orbs that were pushed out were almost like a string of beads. It is necessary to string all five purple target heroes in a row to knock back and stun.

But someone on the SSK team still reacted.

Completely relying on the most extreme hand speed, the ADC Ashe controlled by Ray could have escaped the control of Syndra QE's second company when he handed over [Flash], but it was just because the angle of the flash was wrong. Still after flashing to the ground, he was stunned by the energy ball at the extreme distance.

And the other one is Han Shihao's mid laner Ike.

It was really only the Time Assassin controlled by the world's number one mid laner who delivered the most timely and perfect [Flash]. He forcibly broke away from his own formation in the lightning flash and avoided Syndra's skill control.


Even so.

Syndra flashed the second company and directly controlled the four people.

This wave...

It still exploded.

Wow! ! ! ! ! ! ! ——

The entire training room was in complete shock!

The exclamations and screams were so loud that they were going to knock down the ceiling!


"Fuck, it exploded!!"

Off the court, the Chinese players and players from the three clubs in the LPL division were going crazy with ecstasy!

I was so excited that I was about to explode!



Just a second ago, the bull-headed chief of Cube, the auxiliary of the purple side SSK team, flashed his Q and hit the three Gods in the front row of the blue side. Everyone's mood suddenly sank to the bottom and they realized that this wave might become An excellent opportunity for the opponent's purple side to counterattack and make a comeback.

But one second later——

Then I saw the mid laner Syndra, controlled by Dawnstar, come up.

An extremely decisive flash forward!

QE's second company almost brazenly raised its hand and attacked at the moment when several of its teammates were hit and controlled by the bull-headed flash Q.

Counter-accusation in return.

A series of four knockbacks stun and immobilize four people!

It's like relying on your own personal operation in such a moment, you can directly break the opponent's assist Niutou's stunning and lethal counterattack routine. The counterattack time you just bought for your teammates, Niutou, is directly in my "darkness" The "Magic Ball" was smashed into pieces by the operation of "The Weak Retreat"!

Just this.

In an instant, the initiative of the battle was suddenly returned to the hands of his blue army!

During the time when Syndra's QE knocked back and stunned the four opponents in two consecutive rounds, several heroes in the front row of the blue God team had also escaped from the control of the opponent's auxiliary Niutou.


Attack again!


Huang Xue Ye Ge was heard shouting excitedly on the team's voice channel. At the same time, the ADC Obama under his control quickly raised his gun and charged forward again!

The "Penetrating Holy Light" of the Q skill penetrates the bodies of the two purple heroes in the front row in front of the jungle entrance aisle!

Connect with A and shoot!

Directly knocking down the health bar above the opponent's jungler Nightmare's head by one!

Still at the same time, the blue side's auxiliary Thresh finally found the most perfect and suitable opportunity to take action with the help and cooperation of his teammates. Another golden light exploded, and the figure of the Soul Lock Warden accompanied the entire attack. The boiling exclamations in the training room flashed forward and moved forward!

Rush directly into the center of the opponent's formation!

E skills.

"The Pendulum of Doom"!

The cold sickle chain was swung up in the air, and the soul-locked warden was hitting him hard from behind!

For a moment.

The bodies of the four purple heroes were all staggered forward!

Slow down group control!

A piece of damage value floats from the head of each purple hero!

Thresh's ultimate move is activated.

Amidst the heartbreaking sound of metal friction, the "Netherworld Prison" slowly pulled up several walls of energy light centered around the body of the Soul Lock Warden, trapping several purple heroes inside!

In the distance, Lan Ci's top laner Gnar has teleported and landed quickly. The well-controlled anger gauge is filled with rage at this moment as Gnar lightly pole vaults and lands two consecutive boomerangs from the A point to connect with the Q skill. ——

With a roar, Lost Fang's body suddenly expanded and turned into a wild beast and fell down!

Flash forward!

Just slap several purple heroes and knock them out again!

At this moment, the God team on the blue side has almost used all the characteristics and power of their lineup to the fullest extent.

Syndra took the lead and flashed QE to control four people in a row!

Thresh flashes E and then uses his ultimate move to control the situation!

Gnar gets bigger and enters the scene with a slap that knocks people out again!

All controls.

All AOE damage.

In this lightning-fast moment, they all achieved the most perfect and tacit connection at a dizzying speed!


It is a terrifying explosion scene with the most extreme impact and eye-shaking effect!

Everyone in the entire training room went crazy!

Screams and exclamations could be heard in the corridor outside separated by a wall, boiling and boiling like a frying pan!

This is God-the hand of God!

This is the strongest No. 1 seed in the LPL division!

Even facing the SSK team, which is recognized as the strongest in the world, the linkage and cooperation operations performed by the blue team in this wave of team battles almost did not give the opponent any room to breathe and react, and directly pressed them in one wave. Die on the battlefield in front of this river fjord!


This is the most certain and unquestionable thought that arises in the minds of almost everyone in the room at this moment.

Just like this.

Even if the gods come down to earth, there is no possibility of counterattack and comeback!

The black SUV business car was driving on the way to the center of Manchester.

No. 3, who was sitting in the second row of seats in the car, was sitting by the window looking at the scenery quickly going backwards outside, feeling a little regretful:


"The timing is really unlucky. If we set off later, we can still see those little guys from God fighting against SSK."

No. 4, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, was writing something in his notebook. Hearing this, he looked up and turned around and smiled:

"You also have this kind of curiosity."

No. 3 pouted:

"Watching those kids play is more interesting than seeing the stinky faces of those old guys later."

Number 2, who was sitting next to him, also turned to look at his companion:

"I heard that God came up with some new tactics last night?"

"We should be able to produce something."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 12 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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