
Chapter 1802 You can keep them all!

? There are two conventional ways to start a team with the lineup of the blue God team.

One is to assist Thresh with his Q skill "Death Sentence" and Sickle Chain on the frontal battlefield, or to flash and connect with the E skill "Pendulum of Doom" to force him to stay.

However, this method of starting a team has just been evaluated and concluded by many people off the court, including Lin Feng Nian Shisan, that it is basically impossible to do. If you open it first, you will only open the front row of the opponent. Those in the front row will probably have to be counterattacked by concentrated fire first.

So it's not feasible.

The other second type is Shannar's cut-in from behind.

But this kind also suffers from the fact that the SSK team of the opponent's purple side army sweeps away the view behind their own formation too cleanly, and there is no suitable eye position for Gnar to use the summoner skill [Teleport].

But even so, from the beginning of the tug-of-war in front of the Xiaolong Gorge on the river to now, when several of his teammates are already in the front row and about to engage in hand-to-hand combat with their opponents, dragging the Tulong back and forth, Lan Ci's top laner Gnar has been He always stands at the back of the formation, even choosing to stand in a position where his opponents cannot find him.

It seems that I have been patiently waiting and looking for some opportunity.

This situation was discovered by the players and players from various clubs on the field, who accidentally glanced at it, but they did not take it seriously——

Because no matter how much you, Nar, try hard to find opportunities, the reality is that there is no suitable eye position to teleport you.

However, many people think that instead of waiting so stupidly at the back, Gnar should go to the front row to help his teammates share the pressure and take some of the damage.


Everything until this moment.

The moment when such a magnificent beam of teleportation light suddenly rose into the sky from the water of the river.

All previous doubts and confusions were swept away.

Gnar teleports!

Go directly behind!

Shocking exclamations suddenly sounded throughout the entire training room, including the corridor outside the training room separated by a wall!

This wave——

No one really expected it!

I originally thought that there would be no chance for Gnar to enter the field from behind.

Everyone is still marveling at the perfect control of the rear view by the purple SSK team, but at this moment, the God team's response and cracking method... has impacted everyone's three-dimensional perception in the simplest and crudest way. Know!


Your SSK did an extremely thorough job in checking the field of view behind your home, and you really didn’t give anyone a chance.

But that doesn't mean...

I can't create opportunities myself!

For a while, there were already many quick-reacting players watching the game, and their eyes instantly glanced at the two-side battle panel in the center of the bottom of the OB screen, and saw the accessories in the last grid of the blue square ADC Obama's equipment column——

That blue insight jewelry has just entered the first second of the CD cooling bar.

This is the insight!

From the beginning to the end, Huang Xue Ye Ge held her tightly in his hands.

Just waiting for this moment.

When the opponent's purple side army began to actively press forward to take down this earth dragon, when the opponent's formation position was successfully lured deeper, one of the Paladin Ranger's insights was lit directly at the rear of the opponent's formation.

Gnar's direct transmission is enabled!

With the help of my ADC teammates, I created this perfect landing position and teleported around the back!


In the training room and off the court at the three clubs in the LPL division, all the players in the national uniforms almost shouted with joy!

The opportunity has come!

Maybe Olaf was deliberately seduced by the bull head just now, or maybe he was accidentally forced to use his ultimate move, but no matter what, at this moment, the purple square formation of the opponent SSK team was already moving forward because it was preparing to take down the earth dragon. When the pressure was deep, the landing point of Gnar's teleportation was simply perfect!

The top order is wrapped around the back.

The other four members of the blue army on the front battlefield then turned around and fought back.

A wave of double-teams before and after...

It's going on right away!

The moment they saw the beam of teleportation light rising behind them, the five members of the SSK team from the purple side of the river fjord made the same decisive decision without hesitation and immediately retreated.

Give up the earth dragon.

When being double-teamed before and after, the only escape route is the entrance direction of the blue buff jungle area.

The ADC Ice Marksman under Ray's control quickly retreated and at the same time opened his bow and drew an arrow with his backhand. He fired a cool-down W skill, and fired a fan-shaped rain of arrows that slowed down the hero in the front row of the opponent's blue army and controlled it for his teammates. Buy time to escape.

The top laner's Eye of Twilight is also under the control of Wolf and Cube's auxiliary bull head. After breaking the formation, a W skill's circular sword array is pulled up and an E skill not far away from the opposite side is rushed up and opened directly "Holy Spear" Baptism" absorbed all Obama's ultimate moves without any damage.

Ike retreats.

Ice retreats.

Nightmare retreats.

This wave of evacuation was done in an extremely timely and decisive manner. The decision-making and tacit understanding of the world's number one team were strongly demonstrated at this time, but that is not what everyone is paying attention to at the moment -

Because when the purple army chooses to retreat.

The God team on the blue side...

He has also directly pursued and pressed forward with a more fierce and fierce momentum!

Huangxue Yege's ADC Obama's movement speed is almost the fastest among everyone. An ADC Holy Lance Ranger actually took the lead and took the lead with his E skill. He raised his two guns and pointed at the opponent in front of the large army, and began to fire with his ultimate move.

Although it was blocked by Shen's W skill sword array from the opposite side.

But the next moment, Olaf, the top laner of Ten Swords, was already holding two axes and was chasing forward again to follow up!

A pile of fine golden light exploded brightly!

Amidst the sudden shock and exclamation in the audience, Olaf, a berserker who had just surrendered his ultimate move, flashed forward to pursue him and charged forward. He used the Q skill "Countercurrent Throw" to throw the flying ax forward with great force. Shoot away!


The thick giant ax whizzed and hit the ground heavily, splashing water.

Hitting the purple top laner Shen, the jungler Nightmare and the auxiliary Tauren!

Slow down and control everyone!

At this time, the eyes of the players and players from the three LPL clubs in the front row of the audience suddenly lit up:


There's a show! !

This wave, you can continue to chase!

You can stay! !

In the corridor outside the training room, Su Xue, who was huddled together with colleagues working in e-sports media from various major competition areas in front of the electronic viewing screen, was once again excited to jump up and down:


“You can keep them all!!”

And at the same moment the words fell.

The situation of the battle suddenly changed again.

When Olaf's flash Q skill perfectly decelerated and controlled the three heroes from the opposite purple side, the large forces of the blue side God team were already catching up quickly, watching as the purple side army fell into the back row of the formation. The hero will inevitably be forced to stay and become the opponent's meal——

But this is the moment.

The figure of the bull-headed chief suddenly turned around.

Accompanied by a burst of bright golden light, Alistar's majestic and burly figure rushed into the center of the blue square formation with a [Flash] without retreating!

A Q skill "Earth Crush" was released with a bang!

The fjord shook.

Water splashes all over the sky!

The bodies of the blue team's front-row ADC Obama, jungler Olaf and auxiliary Thresh were knocked into the air without any control!

The update is here, the third update is done, ah, it’s finally the third update, so shameful.

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